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t :.-_:: , _. :,,-. .: :�� _ __.;:� <br /> �� :. . _ : . : : . . �.::.,">.�.��:-, _,�,..,- - - <br /> _ . _, .. <br /> �� � _-._• .. -- � —°-��4 ...! J� .4 - .{ 5 � .` h��i'}� <br /> - �. y. .': s `tY \r . - � . . .,. . Jis�i l�1� i;.. `�t� . �y'�r�s <br /> F , � _ 5", a .�Y� �? 'T'Y. ..k `., ,i1- -w— .,�* .a.� .. .�_;�p . <br /> ti;'?k t t i. - <br /> � �d`,. y. <br /> � '.t'-,� - <br /> °,`� d: .f n ifsu oi oondsmnatton. ,��7.`'°� <br />-�:��• �` ' 'Prateads�tn oannadton with canQemnauon or othsr tak[ng of ttFa Property ar part thereot,a�c�ooeJb��e't <br /> �'' ,t �� Let�Qr nhalt be enPiti�d at(ts optinn ta ccmmerwe.�FAsar in and prossarte tn its awn neme a�►y ecdan or preoesdings.end shaff a�so <br /> p0 e��m�e any ppmpramise or sst�ensent(n oonnecUcn with su�taktng or damage.fn the event arry poRIon of the Pmpetty is - <br /> 8en <br /> . , eo teken or damage�..Leeder sflali have ttis optfon tn tts sota and ebsolute aAPN a0 sud�prooeeds. after dedueUng <br /> ' � thesetrom atl eosts and expsnses ine�u[ed by it ln connas�lon vrttfi sud�Pro�eds.upon alry indebtedness sec�tred haceby and In su� <br /> �, ordat as Lendar may tn ePAty all8uch P�oseeEs.6Rer sueh the restoratton of the ProFerl�l�Pon such aon- , ;,, .�. <br /> �` ,'� � .��._ Qit[�as as Lend�r may dsiermtne.My a�pllcatlon af Pcaee�ds to indeQtedrtss�s8sf1 nat extend or poatpone the due date uf any D�f►- <br /> �.. t,. menta undet the cure enY default ther�s�mder or heaeunder.Any unapAIIed hmds shall ba Patd tb Trustor. <br /> � 8.Pc��rlo�tto by Lett6t3r.llpan tt�e cocurreace of at�Event ol0efautt Aereunder.or it any 8d[s faken ot tctgai Prooeedin9 ,�.`.: <br /> . P <br /> • aommen�d�yfstcA materiaSly aftects lender's Interest In tlt�Proparty.Lsnder may in fts ovm discceflon.but wlthaut obligaSan to do s� ":�F ; <br /> ' �`���•` �;` and�yitAout natice�ar demartd upcn T�ustar and wltho�at relsasing Tn�sta►fram any any act�vhlcb Ttustca has egreed • � <br /> �_...�-~�_�� Dut fa(tad to do and may also Qo any other aa(i degms neoessary Lo protect fha securiiy Rereot Trustflr sS�aU.immediately upon 5 � <br /> :': ;�€�`` '� demand tAsrelor by Lender.DaY to Lecider aU costa snd e�e�ses inwr[ed and sums expertded by tender in wnnec�s udM t1�s exe� <br /> ���,: ��- <br /> �� • �se by LenQer ot th$�taregoing rfghb.together wIth Interest thereon at t�e�sTautt raLa provtded to tha I�ate.�vhE�shaU Qe a�9ad to ..�:. ;,. <br /> . � tA0 ind8htedness sewred hereby.LenSer shaD not tnau any Itobillry becauso ol anyrthU�g tt may do ar amft 0�dn here�mder. . <br /> .° .._L. :,� 9.ff�r+dot�s Waterlata Tastor shall keep tlte ProOertf►in aompRan�with al!eppltcabte laws6.ordinate�s and reg�d�fions ;;�,`.. . <br /> ° retaNng to irtdustrtal hygiane ot er►vtranmenta{proUectian(aoitectively refemed to hecein es"Environmsrrtal Laws').Tcustor s4raU ksep v <br /> the PropeRy free irom ell substsnoes deemed to be hazar�dous or tcxlc undsr any Enviconmerttal Laws(co4ec�Ivety�efaRed L�h�rein � ,:; <br /> as'Hexardous Matedats7.Tntstor her�ehy watrants and cepresents to lender that thece ar+e no Haraidous Matertais an ar un4er the :. <br /> � • Property.TnisU�r hereby sgmes La indemnity and h�td ham�tess Lender.ILa directors.officers,em�y�ees asid agerns.and arry&uc�es► ��,..=_:",; <br /> ' . sars to Le�er's interest.from and agalnst any and aA ctaims.damages,losses and�abtGUas arising in cros�nec.tton�rith the presenoa. Y <br /> ` ' use,d'�sposel cr trar�sport at arty Nazartous Materiais an.under,trom or abaut the P�opetty.TIiE FOREGQING WARRAIdT1ES AND <br /> {�� � _. tOP1S PURSUMIT TO THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY.SHALL SURVIVE _ <br /> AT �� <br /> <,,. � :°,;;� RfPRESENTATICI�4S,ANO YRUSTOR'S OBUG - <br /> . �tECONVEYANS�OF THtS OEED OF TRtJST. �*--.'� <br /> y.���,, -+:'i' �' � ,*-t, <br /> � = 40.Assignaeent og Rea�.Tnister hereby assi�s lo Lender.and grants L.e�nder a security inUerest in,aIl Presen�fi�hcre and i-; <br /> .. - '``'�; " afEer ertsing rertb,issues and prafits of the PropeRy:Oravided tAat 3n�stor sha11.�ti!the occurrence ot an Event of Oefaut�hece�der. <br /> � have�e dghi to collect and retain such renis.tssues artd pmfUs es thay b�come dua and payabte.Upon tha aaai1rrertce ot an Event af '-'-- <br /> aa — <br /> _� _ ___ : ;, Qetault,lender may,e�lher in petson er by ageM,w�h or wIthout bringtng esry action or pmcezd'�ng,or by a reoeiver appoi�te0 by a �`-'V <br /> � oouR and w�hout�egard to tAe adequacy W its securiQy.enter upan and tatce pessession oi tl1e ProOeRY.or anit� its ovm � �`.:- <br /> �� .�.�,".,�. �:_��=.<- <br /> ' n�ns or in the name oi tha Tmstes,end do any acts wht�lt deems neeessary or desErabte to preseive the vatue.marketabilit�ar - - <br /> � ceniabDRy of the Prcperry.or any part thereof or tnterest tharein.or to tnaease tlis incame therefram or protect tha seauiry heceof arb. , <br /> . wttl�or w�out taking possession oi tl1e PtoAsrry,su+a fot or otherwise wilect the �ts.issues and profits thereo�tndu�ng trios�past =-,-_ <br /> • , . . ���� dua and ootitying tenants to make paymenfs to Lender.Leader maY ePDi1►renta.issues and pmfib,te�ss oasts and s�ensr �`.;�� <br /> . .�`�-� es af operatlon and ooltection including ataomey's te�.to any Indeb�dness secured hereby,aD tn sucfi order as t.ender maY detar _-_ <br /> ` '� anina The enterfig upon and�cfng pmssesston ot the Properly,the wltec�Ion of such renb,issues and prafits.and tt�aypIIt�on :,a=�r <br /> � t�ereot as aforesatd sha0 aot�aue or waNe any default or nottae o!defautt hereunder cr invattdate etry ed dane fi respcnse to suds �:�:,;:,;, <br /> � � �.:�4+� � defeuit or pursaant to such noUoe of default and.aotw[thstanding the�eon�nuance in possession of the property or the oolt�tion. _ <br /> L�r�, :. <br /> �, �#j.f, reoeipt and��licatton ot rents,issaes or pt�ofits.Trustee and LenQer shaU 6e en�tIed to exen�ise every dgt�t proV[ded tor in ar�af the y i� <br /> °t's.�,�'cr� `: loan fnsUumants or by taw upon oavmence oi any Event ot Oefaui�Indudtng w(thout limitatlon ttie 8ght to exerdse fhe power cf sats• ----- <br />- � �` �. Further.Lender's dgAb and remedtes under this paragraph shall be cumutative with.and fn no way a Qmdattan on,LenAers rights and _.,_. <br />•°�ts :�•' wmedtes underarry assignment of Ieases and rents recoNed against the Properly.Lender.Tnistee and ths��er sha4 be liabte to �y � <br /> .. accourtt anry forthose renb actualty rec�eived. ____ <br /> � � . -� 14.Events og Qe4aut0 TAe fottawing shall constl�Os an Event ot DefauB under Nis Desd of Tn�sC <br /> �'_�`. ;'. (a)Faiture fu pay asty h►staflment of pdn�pal or in5etast or any otftgr sum secured hereDy when tfu0; __ <br /> � {b)A hreach af or defauR under a�ry provision contalned in the NoOa.this Oeed of Tius�anyt of Ute Loan I�finnents.or etry __ <br /> � � other Qen or encumbrance upon the Property; - <br /> . •'....'•;� ., (c)A writ of exeCWan or attarfirr�ent or any similar process shall ba er".�i agaiast Trustor whicA shaU beoome a.lIas�on ____ <br /> • the Property or ar►y Dortfon thereof or interest therein; � - <br /> - (�There s1iaU be fited by or agafist Tnistor or Bomawer an ac4lon under any present crfuriue federal.s�te or other statute. <br /> � � -�'�� , taw or tegufation retating to baniwptry.InsoJvency or other reitef for debWrs:or there sfiall he appolnted any trustee.�oeiver or <br /> �� �•';'`�•''r'%��� liquidator of Tnistor or Borr�vrer or of aQ or arry paR oi Me Property.or the�arts.tssues or profita thereoi.ur TnisWr or Bomswer . <br /> �• - '����`f�`�"`��'�� sha(imakearrygenerafassignmertitforthaOenetitotcx�Jrtar� • --- <br /> '•.'.:�.'�' .: <br /> .:;:�:.:.:` (ej Ttie Sate.ts�nster.{ease.asstgnmen�a¢cLeeyance or fuN�er encumtrtanca of all ar arry part a��any intersst!n the . .�:-. <br /> � �'• ' Pricyta�ei�eer votur�adty or imroiunterily.withouA.t"ze expres�wrttten oonsent of lender.��ided that 4sustor sflail bs permit � <br /> ��.� ��f�`� ��. ted aw�cute a�easa of the Preperty that does•nai corRZ•ri�rc op�on to pu�ase and the f�c:n of whict�Qoss not exoeed one F •-- <br /> . . r :-- <br /> �'� I�� � .. �j Abandonme�t ot the Prope�ty:or , - <br /> ' "� +' (gj 1i Tnrstor is not an(ndlviduab the issuance,sats,transfer,asslgnmen�comayance or enct�mbr�af mote fhan('d e <br /> . . .,:.� : corporaUon)a talal of Oercent of tts issued artd outstanding stodc,or(i9 a DaRnershiP)a c�]�o! per- �,�-= <br /> , �.; .. • cent ei paRrterst�ip interests,or(if a limited BabAtty compart}c�,r�totai o! peroent ot the limited liab�ity aompa- �_�__: <br /> : �:'�; � <br /> �, �'�� ny irt�sts or voting�ights during the peded tlils Deed ot Ter�camaina a Qen on the prope�ty. ;-�_- <br />= 12.RemeQlos;Acceleratton Upon Oelault tn the event cf arzy Event oi Default lender m,�,wltAout notIce exoept as requtr�e0 <br />'_ � • .�," ; by Iaw,declare all tndabteQRess secured hereby te ba�:�and payabie and the same shall thereupon heoome due and payaDte tvitta ���„• <br />--� � . ;� aut any presertCment,demand.protest cr notice ot any 8cuvd.Thereafte►Lender may. , E-: _- <br /> • (a)Oemand that Trustee exer�clse the POL'SL-!I��F SALE gtanLed herein.an0 Tnistee shaU thereafter cause TnisWr's inter- - _ <br /> - � � '`�. est in the Property to be sofd and the procsg�s b 6e listr�afl at!in the manner pro�deG tn th0 Nebraska Ttusl Deeds Ac� E'�--` <br /> � ��°' (b��x e r c i s e a n y a n d a fl N g h t s p r o v i d e d f��n�n y o€t�9 i aan tnstruments or b y Iaw u pon oocamance at aay fivant of -- <br /> ��•t:.�,�;:: Or�.�and <br /> �.,,, ,. ,. <br />- , � . •� (c)Commenrs an actlon to forectose Ws��a1 Trust as a moRgage.�ppomt a rea�rer.or speafflcal'.y enbr�any ai the <br />_- � covananis he�of. <br /> ���'��.:. � .._; No�emedy herein confemed upon or resenre0 to Trustes or LenQer ts Intended tn he exctusive of arry other remedy tho Loan ' _-._ <br /> •;;, . UstrUmenis or by taw provided or permttted.but each shall be cumu?a9ve.shall be in adQiUon to evary other remedy glven hereunder. <br /> = . �•• in Ihe Loan Instruments or now ar hereafter existing at taw or in equ.itq�or by statute,and may be exarcised ooncurrenUy,Independentty . <br />_ � � or sucoesivery. <br />-- ' 13.Trustea.Ttre Trostee may resign af any time wlthout cause,and Lender may at any Ume and without�use ap0olr►t a suo- <br /> • cessor or eubsUtute Tnrstee.T�ustee sha1�not be tiabte to any party.inctuding without Qmi�tion lender.Bomcwer.Trustor or any►pur- . <br /> � . . chaser of the Property,for any toss or damage urtess due ta recidess or vulh:ut misoondue�and shal!na!be required tn take�rry at�ion <br /> ' in oonnectlon wiw the ernor�ment oT this OeeO ot Trust unless wriUng,far ail ocsta.oomp�nsation or expenses wtiicfi � <br />= � may be aESaciated�addiUon,Trustee may beoome a purchaser at erry s�ale o1 the PropeRy(jud)ctal ar unQer the gawer ai <br /> - � • ' � sate grented heretn};postpone the sats af atl or arry portion of the provided by law:or ssf!the Praperty as a whota,or in _ <br /> ' `:'�--; : '. . separate p�reets ar lots et Trustee's discreflon. � <br /> � � 14.Fees and the event Trustee seUa the PropeAy by exer�se ot pcwer ot sate.Tnistee shall be emitle0 tb appty <br /> - � ' � • eny sate pmoeeds flrst to pay�nent M ail oosts and expensas oi exerGsing power o!safe.inrduding all Tnistee's fees,and Lende�s an0 " <br /> - �`. Trustee's attomeys feas. actually incurted to extent peanittad by apptlrahie the event Bonower or Trustor enercisas aay d9M . .�. <br />= proviQed by taw to eure an Evem a!Detauit,f_ender sha11 be entiUed to recover from Trostor aU costs and expenses aceralty incurted as <br /> ..,_. <br /> _ . .: <br />:_w', � ;•. e resutt oi Trustofs Eetault,induding without limitatton all Trustee's and attameys teea,to the extent pemutted by ayplica6le taw. �. ' <br /> - 15.�a=Wts Ad�t�as�..Upon rsqetss!ni Bomovyar,Let�er its optton,make addiUenaf and fufiue advanoes anA tead- <br /> � . . vanoes tn Borrower.Such advances an0 readvances,with intarest thereon,shall bs secured by this OeeA af Trust.At no tlme shaii 1f�e <br /> "� . . , . , . <br />,..,: • .. <br /> , . . .. ..� .. <br />