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201210500 <br /> monthly payments H-hicli are referred to in paragraph 2, or c}��nge the amount of such pa}anents. Any excess <br /> insurance proceeds over an amounC required to pay all outstanding indebtedncss under the A'Vote and tlus <br /> SecunTy ineWment shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. <br /> [n the eti�ent of foreclosurc of this Security Insuument or otl�er transfer of titic lo the Properiy that <br /> extinguishes the indebtedness, all righy title and interest of Borrower in and to insurnnce policies in force <br /> shall pass to the purchaser. <br /> 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's loan <br /> Application;LeaseholdsBorrower sliall occupy, esrablish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence witlun sixty daps after the execzation of this Secunt� Instrument(or withiu sis[y days of a latec sale <br /> or transfer of the Property)and shall continue to ocaipy the Pmperty as Bo�rower's principal roside��ce for <br /> at least one year after t6e date of occupancy, wfless Lender determines that cequirment�cill canse undue <br /> h�rdship for eoiro�r•er, or unless ehtenuating circumstances exist�vhich are bevond Borrower's control. <br /> Bormwer st�ll uotifv Lender of any extemiating crrcumstances. Borrower shall not commit�aste or destroy, <br /> damage or substantially change the Properh or allow the Propem- to de[eriorate, reasonahle wear and tcar <br /> excepled. Lender may inspect the Property if the Property is cacant or abandoned or the loan is in default. <br /> Lender may take reasonable ac[ion to pmtect and preserve such�acant or abandoned Propert}. Borm�icr <br /> shall also be in default if Bonower, during the loan application process, gare materially false or inaccnr�te <br /> information or statements�.o Lender(or failed to pro�ide Lender with azry material infomiation) in <br /> connection«�ith thc loan evidenced by ttie'Vote, including,but not limited ro, represen4�tions conceming <br /> Borro«�er's occup�ncy of tUe Property as a pri�cipal residence. If thrs Sccurity lnstmment is on a Ieasehold, <br /> Bormwer shall comply �ith the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrorcer acquires fee ritle to the Property,the <br /> lzasehold a�id fee title sl��ll not be merged unless Lender agrees to ttie merger in��nting. <br /> 6. Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection <br /> with�np condemnatim�or other taking of any part of the Properh-, or for comeyance in place of <br /> condemnation,are hereby assigned and shall be paid lo Lender to the e�-tent of the full amount of thc <br /> indebtedness that remains unpaid nnder ffie Note Tnd this Security lnsuument. Lender shall apply such <br /> proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security lnstmment, fiist to anj <br /> delinquent amonnts�pplied in the order pmvided in paragraph 3, and then to prepa�ment of principal. 9ny <br /> application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthl�� <br /> payments, which�re referred to in paragraph 2, or cliange the amount of such payments. An} excess <br /> proceeds over an amount reqnired to pay all outslanding indebtedness under the Note and this Securitp <br /> Inshument shall be paid to the entity legally en[itled Y6eretn. <br /> 7. Chargesto Borrowerand Protectionof LendePsRightsin the Property.Bormwer shall pav all <br /> governmental or municipal charges, fines and impositions that are not included in paragraph 2. Borrower <br /> shall pay ihese obligations on time direcUp to the enrity which is owed the payment. If failure[o pay would <br /> adversely affect L,ender's interest in the Property, upon Lender's request Bono��er shall promptly fiimish to <br /> Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> Lf Bormwer Cails to make thesc p�yments or thc papments required by pangraph 2, or fails to perform any <br /> other covenants and agreements contained in this Security [nstrument, or there is a legal proceeding that mav <br /> significa�rtly affect Lender's dghts in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankmptcy, for wndemnation or <br /> to enforce la�;s or regulauons), then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessarv to protect the value of the <br /> Propeny and Lender's rights in the Pmpeny, including payment of taxes, har.ard insurancc and othcr itcros <br /> mentioned in parag�apL 2. <br /> FHA�eed of TmsFNE <br /> 4/B'u <br /> VMP 9 VMP4R(N6�(1105]00 <br /> Wolters Kluwe�Flnanclal Sarvlces Page 4 of 10 <br />
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