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201210500 <br /> is e�idenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument("Note"),«�hich provides for <br /> monthly paj�ments, with ffie fiill debt, if not paid earlier, duc and payable on DECEimEa Ol, 2042 . This <br /> Seeurity Instrnmenl secures to Lendec (a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with irnerest, and all <br /> renewals, catensions and modifications of the Note; (h)the paymcnt of all othcr sums, with inleresl, advanced <br /> under para�,maph 7 to protcct the security of this Securiri iustmment; and(c)the performance of Borro�ier's <br /> covenauts and agreements nnder this Securih• lnsmiment and the Note. Far this purposc, Borrower irrevocabl} <br /> grants and conveys to the Tmstee, in hust,witU power of sale, the following descnbed property located in <br /> HALL Count}•,Nehrnska: <br /> SEE TITLE <br /> TAX STATEbIENTS SHOULD SE SENT TO: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, P.O. BOX 11758, � <br /> NEWARIC, NJ 071014758 <br /> Parcel ID Number: <br /> which l�as the address of z3a s sxex�oxE sT [,Stree[J <br /> cRrsm xsx.n,xn [Ciry], Nebraskaeggoi /�I.ipCode7 <br /> ('Property Add�ss"); <br /> TOGETHER WITH all the rrnprovements no�r on c�reafter erected on the propem, and all easements, <br /> appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafier a part of the propem-. All replacemems and additions shall also bc <br /> covered by this Secud.ty Instrument, All of the foregoing is referred to in this Secunry Instrument as[he <br /> "Properiy " <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfuily seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br /> gram and convey the Propert,y and tha� the ProperYy is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrower wamants and will defend generally lhe tide to the Proper[y against all claims and dein3nds, subject to <br /> any cncumbrances of record. <br /> TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines nnifonn covenants Tor national use and non-uniform covenants w�th <br /> limiled vaziations by jurisdiction to constimte a uniform securit4 instrument covenng real properts. <br /> Uniform Covenants.Borrower and Lender covendnt and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal,lnterest and Late Charge.Borrower st�l1 pay when dne the principal of, and <br /> interest on, the debt evidenced by thc Note and late charges due mider the No[e. <br /> 2. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Insuranceand Other Charges.Bormwer slull include in each monihly <br /> payment, togeCher with tlic principal and intecest as set forth in the Note and a�ry late ckia bes, a sum for <br /> (a)iaxes and special assessmems levied or to be levied against llie Property, (b)leasehold payments or <br /> ground rents on the Property; and(c)p�miums for insurancc rcquired under paragraph 4. In anv year i�� <br /> which the Lender must pay a mortgage insurance premium to flie Secretary of Housiiig and U�an <br /> Decelopment("Secrehry"), or in an_y year in wlilch such premimn would have been required if Lender still <br /> held the Securig� Instrument, eacii tuontkily payment sl�all also include eitliec (i)a smu for the annual <br /> oroa or r,��r-me a�s <br /> v�P� VMP4RME)(1105)00 <br /> Wokers Kluv,er Financisl Sarvlces Page^_of 10 <br />