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<br /> ;tl>'''r. ,q_ _ ,
<br /> �� T_�.1•• r. _ :' y _ �i L L _ �(. _ �.i t ij..} � _
<br /> t .
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<br /> . � ._.'..- � - t `.1 . �1 � �S'. �J . ..�_s...,�
<br /> _ yYl�. _ Y naj� ��. .
<br />. . .. l' .. -- .
<br /> \:
<br /> •" f�,`
<br /> ,;: . . �?� �6��� ..
<br /> - �� ' .� Bormwer aad Lender fiuth+er ouvenani and agree as fauows: ,;:',.
<br /> . � ''�` NON-iJNIFORM OOVIIJAN'i� on Bormwe�'s breach of any oavEnant � '
<br /> ' '; ` � �R�dIps F�ooept as praviaea ia paragrapn 16 nerEO�ap -
<br /> • . �;_�'
<br /> � p by the end of 10 cateadar days "`��
<br /> .`�`<:' �,,<��;;`` or agceement of Boirawea ia ttds IIeed of Tcast,induding Bo�rawe�s fa�tute w aY. , ,
<br /> � a8er ttcey are dae.anY smns s�BY this D�ed of'Tnast,Leader prIor t�acoeteratioa shall�ive noffae to Bormwer '
<br /> � .}��. . as pmvided in parag�aph 12 hereof sped�dn�(i)the bresca:(2)tfle action required to caue sach breacb:(3)a dat� ,
<br /> t.• ;y'-�`�, . uot less tban 20 days from the dat�tIle aoitoe is maiteQ ta Borrawer.by wLich susle biea¢h mnst be cared:aad(4)Wat .
<br /> ays
<br /> , fa�ure to core sach breac�on or before the dste sy�in the notico ffiay resnit in aaoeteratton of the suffis secured .
<br /> � , � ':f<: �y this Deed of Tansc ana s�Ie of the Property. The notioe shall 8uther inform Barmwer of the dght w r�iastate after . :.
<br /> _,- _- - aooeleiatton aad tLe dgQtand sal�e. If t�e b�is nn cared a or D�t�he�date specifited in t6e�ao�ae,�� �E
<br /> -<_.:�- �^.;. Bormwer w aaoeler8t�on dtce 8nQ te
<br /> .""--,;`�_., ' at Lende�'s o t�on.maY de�are all of the snms seeared by ti�Deed of ZYugt to Oe�Y FsY� '�- --::
<br /> � ` . , wtthont further demand and may invoke ths pawerofsaieand aayother remedies permiaed bqapplicable taw Lead�r
<br /> . shall be entitte� w ooliect ail reasonable oosts an8 eapeases inaured in puisuing tBe remedies gm�+ided in th�s .
<br /> .._ _.. .... paragtaph 17,inrlading,bnt aot ltmited to.feasonaDle attormeys'fees.
<br /> . � . It We pawer of sale is imro2s�ed.'Ibistee s�all recotd a notise of defanit in each aQUnry ia wbich��w � � ,,.
<br /> ;:'•...�.
<br /> `' ,` soQte pazt thereof is located aud shaU maS oopies oi sach nottc�e in ti�e manner presctibed�3►8PP _ �
<br /> �� ���� �� Bormwer and m the ather persans presc�ibed bq agpl�nble Iaw ABer the Iapse of such time as may be required bj►
<br /> �. ` apptI�able 1a9v,Trustee shaU g�+e pnblic notioe of sa2e to the gersoas a a d I a t h e mamisr p re s c r i b e d t ry s p p l i c a b 2 e I a w .. .
<br /> _ ;`:�'': Trastee,wIthotst demand on Boiroaer,shall seII the Property at pnbIIc aw�ion to the highest bidder at the time aad .
<br /> � � plaae and�mder the terms designated in the not�Ce of sale in one or more paroeLs aad in sach order as'IYastee may
<br /> n
<br /> . determia� 'IY��2e ma9 Postpone sale of sIt ar atry parael of the Property b9 Pnblic annonac�ement at the tim�e sud
<br /> =` � .. ptaae of a�►p�ionsiy ss�ednted sal� Lender or Leude�s desigaee ma9 P�cci�ase thc Pmgettq at aay sate. .
<br /> �� :r�``,` •��: U pon r e o e i g�t of payment of the prloe bid.'IYostee s�all deliver w the p�ZY+�ste�s deed comreying the
<br /> . . .����� propeny sold. �he rer,itals in the Traste�s cteed shari II�piima fas�e evIdence of t�u n t h o f ffie s t a t e m e N s rz a d e
<br /> , �h a to sII reasanable onsts and�sfs ,
<br /> -::`:: . :� thereia. ZYast�s�all aPP�9�P��oi the sate ig�fnlluwing oider.() ..;-;
<br /> . __�,. . of the sal�indxr�but not limited to.'IY�stee's fees actaallY facaned of not moie than �0 00 0 �lo of `;::�x;�r
<br /> . - tLe gcuss saIe pri�reasonable suomeys'f�ees and aasts of t[tte evtdenu�N)w all sams secaued it�t�is Deed of'IYus� .
<br /> ;� . . .;',.c:�. and(�)the es,c�ss�if au�►.to the pcason or pe�sons legalty�entttled thereta tt�s Deed of -�'
<br /> s,ce
<br /> 18 �Rig�to� Not��Isl�standin$Lender's aooeleratloa of tlte sams secared�9der w enfarae ���-�,�'
<br /> � _ ..- ..�,�� .IYast,Qae w Bonmwer's brea�,Borrower sl�aII have tfle rlgAt w!�a�gmc�eed�ag egan bY - _
<br /> • this Deed of Taast disoontinned at atry time prlor to the earlier w aau�of(i)�e S&h daY before sale of the Progeriy
<br /> • . � . putsuant to the gower of sate watained ia tt�is Deed of Trost or(i�eatry of a judgment e n f o n�ng t b d�D e e d o f'I Y o st • ;;
<br /> _ • �, .. .` ` �ta�gprrowes pays J�eades aEl sams�s�ish woald be then due under th(s Deed of Tiust and the Note had no Vs':;
<br /> �ea of Bortawer oQnraiaed
<br /> . !:`' aca�ssatton ac�orted;(b)B�wer c�all breachcs of auy other oaveaiants or agreements �- .,_
<br /> : . ia►s�is Deed of 1Yus�(c)BnraaWer Fays all reasonab�expenses in�aured byY Leuder aud 1Yastce ia enEo�� '
<br /> � . � � cowe�ants and agteeffi�nts of Borcower aantained in this IIeed of Tiast an0 in enforcdng LrendeYs and Ti�at�s 1
<br /> en
<br /> . . . remedies aspmd►idedln paragraph 17 h�incladinS+but nat llmited to.reasonable attomeys'fee�aad(d)Bona�rer -�.�.._
<br /> • � ' � . ,���...: tates sach aatdn as Lender may reasona6i�reqnire w assure that the liea oi�his Dee�of Trast,Lendei's interest in �_�-
<br /> � the Properip and Bun�owe�'s abl�gation w p�y tt�e sa�secarea gt tLis Dee4 of Tiast shall continue nnimpaired. � �
<br /> . . � � Upfln snsh payment and wre�y Borrower.tbis Deed of Trast and the oblig�tions secared Hereby shall remain in Pall �Y�.��
<br /> . , foroe and effecc as if no sooel,eration Lad occarreQ. i;�;.�.w:
<br /> � � of R�eo�aea;Le�ader in Pms�taa.As additional seauiry hereunder,
<br /> ° � � � I9 Asst�meni ai Rgats;A�g� �.`�;��
<br /> ' � Borrawer here�y assigns to L�eader tiie rents of the Pmperty,Pravided tbat BoAOwer sl�aall.Prior w aooelezstion aader u,.__�
<br /> . Parag�aPh 17 he�eof or abaadon.ment of the Progeny.have the rtght to aollect aad retain sach ieats as they beoome r_�
<br /> d�andpaysb2e. t__ --
<br /> � • , Upon aooeteratton amder garagraph iT hereaf or abaudonmeat of the Ymperq►.I.ender.�n pe�soa.by aF�s vI fi► _
<br /> , �;,;:.; 3r��a]ip apPointeQ reaeivershall be entiued w eater npan,take pos�on ofand mauage the Froperty and to wlIect
<br />- � cI�rents of the Fmgercy iaslading Wose�st dne. All rents ooIIecce��g Lendcr or the receiv�s�aD be appl�ed ffist _
<br /> . . :��.. � -� tm�oyment of the austs of managemeat aftt�e Pmperty anA wllecxioa a�rents►inr3u41ng+bnt ncz�ited w,teceive�s .,
<br /> - ....;,<�.. �,;.:
<br />_ ..t;x�.�. : .:.•,,, fecg�Premiums on reueive='s bonds aud reasonabte atwmeys'fees.an0 e�en w t�e�s seaued bp tLis Deed of Tragt --
<br />` . '< . . . Lender and the reaeiver st�aaU be 1lable w awouat only for those rents actually r�-�r�. �. :
<br /> ., -, u
<br />= „ :� 2Q. R�o� upon payffient of all snms secured by tt�s�ed or'ISras�Lender sliall request TrQStee w ;
<br /> noies evideacin indebieQaess secarea by th�s �3 Y`.
<br /> . . . , r e w m r e y t h e E�u Q e r t y a n d s h a U s n r r e n d e r t t d s D e e d o f'I Y u s�e a a a U S _
<br />_ Deed oi Trast w Ttustee. 'ntagtee svaU reaomey the Propesty wtthout watraaty aa�wlthout cbarge w the geison ar -
<br /> - . � .. . pe�sons tep�lty endtled therew. Sacb petson ot pe�sons shall pay all costs of recordatlon,if auy.
<br /> � 21, S�e�ostee�lcader,at 1�ender's optton,maY from time to dme remove Tiostee and appolnt a s�ooessor
<br />_ . . trastee to suyr Tr�stee appotnted herennder ty an instroment recosQed in the county in wbich Wis Deea oY Trust�S '� ,:
<br />_-, ' � reootQed. Without oomeyanoe of We Properiy.the snacessor uuste�shall suc�eeA to all the litbe,Poa'er aad dntles �: '
<br />- • . . oonferreA upon the Trnstee herein aaa by applicable 1aw :
<br /> �.� . � . ?y gequcgt far I�I�. Borrower reqne�ts Wat aopies of tha notice of defanit anA aottoe of sate be sent w .
<br /> - . � . � Sosowe�Ps address v�tc�is the Propeny Address.
<br /> ,.�,
<br />__ � .. ' � REQUF.STF�OR NOri�t�3�FDBFAULT �
<br />_�.�' �. AND POREt�08URB UNDER�LiPERIOR �
<br /> -- � ' B�SOR1�dAt�E4 OR DF.�S OF TI2U�1' .
<br />'�'• . ; .
<br /> . ° . Bonower and Lender request the BoIder ot a�r mortgag�deeA of trnst or ot�rr enaim4�:anae witD a Iien which
<br /> - �as prtorlty over ttifss Deed of'IYust to gIve Notice w Lendea,at Leader's addresg set forth an page une ot this Deed .
<br /> t
<br /> • . � of Trast,of a�-�defanit nnder the snper�r eacumbranoe and oY any sale or other forecdosune�ioa .
<br />—_ � � nn,�s��c�a�� Page 4 oi S :
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