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201210454 <br /> contiiiue to pay Co Lender the amount of the separa�tely desibn�ated paymcnts ffiak wcre due when Ihe <br /> insurance coverage ceased to Ue in effecw l.onder wil] accept, use and relain these payments es a <br /> nou-refundable]oss reservc in liou of n�orhglge Hisurance. Such loss reserve shall be nou-rehuidaUle, <br /> notwiEhstanding the faoC thnt Che Lofui is ultiinately paicl in fiill, and Lenfter sl�all not bc roquired to pay� <br /> Borrower any interest or etu•nings on such loss reserve. Lc��der can no longer rcquu�e loss reaerve payments <br /> if Mortgage Iusm'ance covei*age(in fhc amo�mt and�Por fhe period that Lencler cec�uires)provided by an <br /> insurer selecteci Uy Lcnder again beootnes availaL�le, is obtained, and Iender reqtnres separately designated <br /> payti�cnE� Coward the premiume for Mortgage Lisuaance. [f l.ender rcquired Mortgage Insi�rance as n <br /> oondidnn of making the Loaai and Bomower was rcc�uired to make separttlely designated payments towa�•d the <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insuran�e, Borrowcr shall pay the preminms tequired to meintaiu MorCgage <br /> Tnsur�i�ce:in efCect, or to provide a non-rafundable lose reyerve, until Lendcr's requirement'fox Mortg�ge <br /> Iilsur�uice ends in accordance wiUi nny written agrccmcnt beeweeu Borrower aud Lender providing for such <br /> termination or until termination is rcquired by Applicabla Law. Nothin�in khis Section 10 affeoCs <br /> Borrower's obligatiov to pay in4erest at the rnte provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Ilism-ance reiniburscs Lender(or any entity Uiat purohases the Note) Eor certain losses it may inc�u� <br /> if Borrowcn'cloes uot repay the Loen as agcaed. Borrower is not a party to tho Moctgage Insuranee. <br /> Ivlortgage 'rnsurcrs cvahiate lheir Lot�11 riek on all euch insurance in force from time to rimn, and may enCer <br /> into ageements with other parties tiha�t share or modify thcir rislc, or rcduce losaes. Thes�ngreements nre on <br /> terms and conditions chaC are satisfactory to thc morCgage insurer �nd the other perty(or parties) tio these <br /> agreements. These agvecmc��ts may requira fhe mortg�ge insurer to melce payments using aaiy sonrce of fande <br /> t6at thc mortgage insiu�er may have nunilable(which ina�y inchxda fimds alatained fi�om Mortgago I�2suruioe <br /> �PC11llL1YR3�. <br /> As a tesul[o£these agreemeuYs, Lender, uiy purchaser cif the Notc, anoChcr in�nrer, tuiy reiusurer, any other <br /> enfity, or any a�ftiliate of any of the forcgoing, may receive�(direofly or indirecHy) emounts t1�at darive fi�om <br /> (or inig6t be charactcrized as) a porCion o£Boxxower's pa}nnents for MorCgage Insurauce, in excl�ange for <br /> sharing or modifying themortgage insurar's risk, or reducing lossos. if�ucli agrccmentprovides that an <br /> affiliate of Lender talces a el�are of the insurcr's risl<in exchauge Por fl shfrre of the premiums paid to the <br /> insurer, tl�e arrangemcnt is oftcn termed"cnptive reinsurance." Ftutiher: <br /> {a) Any sucL ngreemente will not affact tho amonnts that Borrower lia� xgreed to pa}�for MorUgage <br /> L�ism�ance, or nn,y otl�ar terms of tl�c�Loan. Such Agreemenfs will not increase Che amoimt <br /> Borrower will owe for Mm�tqc�ge[nsnr�nce, and CLey will not enfltle Bor�rower to any refnnd. <br /> (b) Any sach agrecinents will not affect the righl�Borrower La8 -if any-witlt respeck to tlte <br /> Murtgage [nsnrance m7der Cl�e Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or nny otl�er lnw. Thcsc rights <br /> n�ay inclade Clie riglit to receive certai�i disclosares, to rcryae�t n�ul obtnin eaiacellatiuu uf flie <br /> 1�Ioctgage Insurnnea, to have tl�e Mortgage fnsurance terminated anComnlicall}�, and/or to receive <br /> n refund o1'�uy Ma�tgage [nsin�ance premiiuns that were iuiem•ned at the Hme�of snch <br /> cancellaliou or Cerminahtm�. <br /> 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are heieby assigned to <br /> and shall bo paid in Lender. <br /> lf 1;he Yroporty is damaged, such Miscellnneous Pr•oceeds shflll be npplied to restiorekion or repair of the <br /> Pro�erty, if the restoretion or repair is economically �feaeible and Lendei's secwity is not lcssc��cci. Diu'ing <br /> such repair t�nd restioretiou period, Lendcr sl�all Uavn 11io rigJ�t to hold snch Miscelleneons Yrooeeds until <br /> I.ender l�as had ai� opporLvuiCy 4o uispeot such Property fo ensure the worle has been comi>leCed ta Lender's <br /> 24002fl�JG <br /> NEBft4SKA-Sinple Famlly-Fannle Adae/Freddie Mac UNIFORivI INSTROtd FNT Form 3026 1107 <br /> VW�P O VW PG(NE)(1 f061 <br /> Walters�Kluvvar Flnnnnlal finrvine.s Pege 9 of 17 <br />