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201210454 <br /> All instvanoe polioies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shell be subject co Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such policies, shall Inolude a atiandard mortgage clause, aud shal] name I,ender as mortgagee <br /> and/or as az1 additional loss paycc. Lcnder ehall havc the righC Co hold t4ie policie.s and ronewal cerfifieai�es. IP <br /> Lcnidcr requires, Borrower shall pro�nptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiuma nnd renewnl notices. <br /> If Borrower obtt�ins azty Eonn of'insuranca coverage, not otl�erwise required Uy Lender, tor damage to, or <br /> dastructiion ot; Uie Property, such policy shall inchtdc�a standard mortgago clause and sl�all namo Lendcr as <br /> inortgagee and/or as an additional los�payee. <br /> In tiha evant of loss, Borrower shall bive pron�t notioo to thc insurancc carricr ai�d Lcndcr. Lcndor may <br /> m�1ce proof of lo�s if not madc promptly by Borrower. Unless Lencier and Bormwer oCl�ierwise agree in <br /> writing, any instrranee proceeda, whether or uot the underlying insurence was required by Lender, ehall be <br /> applied to restoration or repair of fhe Property, if thc restoration or ee��air is eeononvcttlly feaeible uid <br /> I,ender's security in nof lesscixcd. Ut�ring sueh repair and restoration period, Lender shall hnve the right to <br /> hold such insurance pxoeeeds until Lencler has had tm opportwiity to inspect suoh Property fo ensure fhe <br /> work has been coinpleted to Lender's sutisfaction, provided that such inspccfion eh�ll bo undcrtalccn <br /> �rompYly. Lcndor may dinUuree proceeds foi the repairs�nd restoration iu n xingle payment or in[�series ot' <br /> progress pnyments ae tlie work is completed. Uiiless an agreeinent is inade iu wriYing or ApplicaUle I,aw <br /> requires interest to be j3aid on such insurance proceeds, Lender sl�rall not be required to pay Borrowcr any <br /> interest or eamings on�such proceeds. Fees for public adjuntcrs, c�r oftier Lhird par6ie�, retained by Borrower <br /> shall not be paid out of tho insLnance��rocccde azid ehall Ue Aie aole obligatiou of IIorrower. If the restoraPion <br /> or repair is not econonucally feasible or Lender's aecurity would be lesaened, Yhe insur�nce proceeds shall Ue <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Sectu�ity Ilistrtuneut, whether or not Uien due, with the excess, ifi any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insucance}n�ooeedy shall be applicd in thc nrder providcd For in Scction 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons Uie Property, Tsnder may fi7e, neg�atiate and scttic airy av�.ilable ivsuranco ol�in2 and <br /> related mattera If Borrowcr does not respond wilhin 30 days to a notice fi�om Lender Hiat the insiirance <br /> oarriex has offered to settle a claini, then Leuder mny negotiake and settle the claun. The 30-day period will <br /> bogiu v4ien Yhe noCiee is given. In either event, or if Le�ider acqnires the Property undcr Scc6on 22 or <br /> o�lierwise, T4orrower hereby assigns to Lcndcr (a)Borrower's rights to auy insurance proceecls in an amount <br /> not to excccd tl�o amounCs un�aid imcier Ihe Note or this SecuiiLy Inetrnment, anft(b)any othex of <br /> Borrower's righta(other Cheui the right to any refimd of tinearned premiums paid by Borrower) under a11 <br /> insuraaice policiea covering the Property, insofar as such righte are applicablo to t]Te coverage�nf the <br /> Yroperty. Lcnder may i�se khe insurance proceeds eithex to repnir or restore the Property or to pny amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Secwity Instrument, whether or noC Uien due. <br /> 6� OccuparlCy. Borrower shall occupy, estaUlish, and use the Property as Borrower's priixcipal residence <br /> within b0 days aftet the execution of this Security instr'wnent and shal] continuo to occiy�y the Yroperty as <br /> Borro�ver'a principal residenoe £or at leasE one year afler the date of occupancy, unless L�nder oCherwise <br /> agrees in writing, wluch consent sl�all not Ue wueasonaUly witlilield, or miless extenuaking circmnstances <br /> axisC which are Ueyond I3orrowei's cm�hol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection oF the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not desUoy, <br /> dainage or impair t7ie Property, �d1ow the Vroperty to dcteriorato or commit wasto oir fl�c Property. Whctl�er <br /> or i�ot 13orrowcr is residing in lhe Properly, Borrower shall m�intain the Properly in order to prevenC Cl��e <br /> Propexty from deterioreting or decrensing in value due to its condition. Unless it ia deteirnined pursuant to <br /> Section 5 tha�t repair or restoration is not ecouomically feasible, I3orrower sl�all promptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged to avoid f�u�tl�er detorioraCion or damage. Pf instiu'nnce or wndemnaLion proceeds z��c paid in <br /> coimecHon wi�li damage to, or the Ynking of, the Properry, Borrower shall be resparialUle for repairing ar <br /> restoring the ProperCy onty if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> saoosgos <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Pemlly-Fannle A7ae/Freddls Mac UNIFORA7 INSTRUidENI' Form 3026 1f01 <br /> VId P� V IJ�P6�(N[)(1105) <br /> Wolters ICluwer Flnanclal Services Page'!oi 17 <br />