<br /> f�ny applicntion of paymente, insurance proceeds, or Miecellnneous Prooeeds Co prinoipal due under the Note
<br /> sha11 not axtend or posCpone the due date, or ohange tha a�noLwt, of Yhe Periociic Payments.
<br /> 3. Finids for Escrow Itoms. Bor�•ower shall pay to Leixder on the day Periodic Peyinents tue due under the
<br /> Notc, unti] U�c NoCe is paid in fi�11, a sum(thc "Wur�da") to}�rovidc for paymenE of amowits due foi^ (a)taxes
<br /> nnd assessments and other items which ean attain pxiority over flus Seci�riLy InstrmnenC as a lieii or
<br /> ancumUrance on tlieProperty; (b) leasehold payinenCs or ground rents on the Property, if nny; (o)premiums
<br /> for any and all insur�aice reqLiited Uy].ender under Sectiov 5; avd(d)Mortgage Iusurance premimns, if any,
<br /> or ai�y sums payahlc by Borrower lo Lender in lie�l of{l�e palmiont of Mortgage insurance prcmiums ii1
<br /> �oeordnnoe wifh fhe provisions of Seelion 10. These ifeme are oalled "�scraw ICeme.° AC origina�ron or at
<br /> any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Commuuity Aseoci�tion Dues, rees, and
<br /> Asscssinents, if any, be csm•owed by Borrowm�, and sucl� ducs, fccs and assessments shall be�n Rscrow
<br /> Item. Borxo�er ahnll protnpHy fiu�nish to Lender a11 notiees of tunounts Co be paid under thie Section,
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender tha Funds f'or Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's oUligatiou to pny
<br /> thc Funds for any or all Hscrow.ftoms. Lcndcr may waivc Borrower's o�iligatiou to pay to Lender Fwids �For.
<br /> any or all �sorow Itenis at nny 6ime. Any such waiver may only be in wriCing. H� the event of sLich waivcr,
<br /> Borrower sl�all pay c&rectly, when and where payaUle, the a�nouuts due for any Eeerow Items for whioh
<br /> payment of Funds l�as Ueen waived Uy l�ender and, if l,ender reqnires, shall furnish to Lender reoeipts
<br /> cvidcncing such��ayn�cnt witl�in sttch timc period as Lendot may rcqnirc. Rorrower's obligation to�t�alce
<br /> suo12 pnytnents and Co provicie xeceipCa shall for all�urpoaes be cleeined Co bo a a�venant anci agrce���ent
<br /> contained in this Security Inetruinent, Ae the pt�rnse"coven�nt and Agreement" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrower is oUligated to pa}�Eacrow Itams directly, pwsnaait to a waiver, end Borrower fails to pny the
<br /> amount dtte for an }?scrow Item, I,ender may exercise its ri�ts wide�� Seetion 9 and pny suoh vnouuti vid
<br /> Borrower shall then be obliga6ed under Seotiun 9 Io repay fo Lender any eLicli amount. Lendor ntiay ravolce
<br /> the waiver as to auy or �ll Escrow IYenis at nny time by� notice given in nccordance wifl�Section I S and,
<br /> upon such revocatioir, I�on�ower sl�all pay to f,ender all Fmids, and in such ainouiiYs, Yhat are then recjuired
<br /> undex fhis Section 3.
<br /> Lencier may, aC any time, collecf and hold Fimds in an aniounC(a) suffici�ryit to permit l.e�idar to a}�ply the
<br /> Funds ati tl7e time apeoified imder RESPA, and (b)not to exc�ed Ehe inaxiirnatn amoLm�n lender can roquirc
<br /> wider RLSPA. Lender sha11 estiniate the amount of Funcls dtiie on the basia of current data nnd reasonable
<br /> esti2naCes of expendituees oP fuCtu•e L+sarow Itome or otihcrwise in acsordance wiUz Applicablo Law.
<br /> 1'hn Fuiids shall bc I�cld in an institution whcsse deposits arc ins�ved tiy a federal agency, iush�nment�alily, or
<br /> entity(including Lei�ider, i£Lendex is an institntion whose deposits are so iivsured) or in any Fedei<�1 Homc
<br /> Loua Bank, Lender shall apply tlie Ftimds to pay Wia L�scrow Iteins no later than the time specified under
<br /> Rl?5PA. Lcndcr shall not�hargo Borrowor for holciing and applying tho[^w�ds, simually aualyzing the
<br /> escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender paya Borrower interesk on the Funde and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender Yo malce such a charga. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law rcquires inticrest to be paid on thc N'w�ds, L ondor shall ilot be reqnired ta pa�y Borrowei airy
<br /> inlerest or eanungs on the Funcla. Borrower nnci Lender can ngree in writing, l�owcvcr, that 'rntorest shall be
<br /> p�id on the Punds. Lender ahall give ko Borrower, without chnrge, an annual aocounting oP the Funds ns
<br /> required Uy I2E+SPA.
<br /> If thare ie z smplus of'Funds held in e.9crow, As de�inecl under R&SPA, Lender shnll necount to Borrower Por
<br /> the excess funds in accordauce with RFSPA. lf there is a shortage o�FFunda held in e9crow, as defined tmder
<br /> IZL'SPA, Lender sha.11 noCify Borrower as required by RLSPA, and Borrower shall pazy to Lei�der the amomiY.
<br /> necessary to make up the short�ge in lccordanee with RESPA, Uut in no more ll�aii 12 nionthly paymente. If
<br /> there rs a deficiency c�f Funcls held 'ui escrow, as defiued uuder RESPA, Lender s1�a11 notify Borrower As
<br /> eaooa9�s
<br /> NEBRASKA•Sin91e Fnmlly-Fannie M ae7Freddle M ac UNIFOk67 INSTRUM ENT Forni 3026 tfo1
<br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)(11061
<br /> Wollers Kluwe�Financiel Sorvlces Peqe 5 of 17
<br />