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201210454 <br /> 23. ReCOnVeyanCe. Upon paytnent of all sums seoured by this Sccurity]nst�wnent, Lendar shall request <br /> TrusCee Co reconvey the Property and shell surreuder this Seourily Ine6rimicnt and all notes evidencing deUt <br /> eccurcd by this Sccurity]nst�u�nent to Trtiistee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property wiChottl�varranty ko thc <br /> person or persovs leg�lly enCikled to iC. Suoh��cnson ox persons shall pay airy recordakion costs. Lender n��y <br /> charge such person or persone a fee for reconveyiug the Property, hnt cmly if the fea is paid to a thiid l�arty <br /> (sudi as the Trustee) foc servlces rendered 2nd the eharging of the fee is perinitted imder ApplicaUle Law. <br /> 24. Substitute Trustee. Leuder, at iYs option, m2y from time to time remove TrusYe�and appoint a successor <br /> h ustee to airy'l'tustee appointed hereundex by an inst�ument recorded in fhe coutity in wLioh this Securily <br /> Inatrurnent ie recorded. Without couvcyanoc af tl�e FroperCy, tlie successor tiustee shall succeed to all the <br /> LiCle, power and duCies conferred upnn T'rust�,�o Mcrcin and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. RequeSC for Notices. Borxower requesfs LhaC copies oP the naticc of defaL�lt and Sale Ue yenY Eo Borrower's <br /> xddress which is the Property Address. <br /> znoo�ss� <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e family-Fannic M17ae7Fre0tlio Idac 11NIFORbI INSTRUfdfNT Form 9026 1101 <br /> 'A7P �O � VMP6�NE1(�1061 <br /> Wollers Kluwer financial Services Papn 16 n517 <br />