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�::s=�;�?� , E�-'�`::=,:E.`'�- W_:.�-r:""°.�'"" ���K� �.�._.:•:�':__-._; <br /> - _:_ �:,.�-- - <br /> �—a— .r—*-�1 - �- - �-L�� . ..,�,—�,---,a- _ - ..'� - --- _ - — y� - <br /> � ` ' Sf . l. r k .Z . , . . <br /> � •P � � n. -,.��a t - <br /> -- f,. . . ..� cv. lX `t . _ _-t _f.. .� .;. <br /> , 1�r, . 7.s_. y' -c_ ' S.. _ <br /> t}'� S �f-{t. <br /> 1'�� <br /> ;4.1n �G,'. __ _ <br /> � c� � <br /> ` � ��Q /0��3� <br /> �F�' <br /> - r. <br /> '�" <br /> "- .�4�.� }�a.r <br /> Unless othetwise a�need�n w�iting,aU ins�ce F1°��be app�ied to the restoratioa or re�air of the Prc�enY -"'�r�:; <br /> '<�,�� wr�ti � <br /> ^ �;.4.' ' or to the Secuced Debt,�rrhetheror not then due,at Lender's optioa Any application of pmceeds to principal st�il1 not : '�. : <br /> � `' `� e�end oi pastpone the due date of We scheauted Daymeni nos change We amount of any payment.Any exoess anU be . s , <br /> .'..;;` �,�` ' �aid tb ttte Gtautar.If the Property is acquired by Lender.Grantor's right w any nosuraace policies and proceeds . <br /> 1 �'° � ,..`�`� � �efore ttie a uisition shall pass to Leader w the extent of the Secured Debt , <br /> ' ,�� °� resulqag from damage tQ the Propercy a9 <br /> � � ��w, .:_' immediatety betore the aoqaisitian -� <br /> ,. �,,. ,. _ <br /> • ?A. FSCROW EO�t'f�ES�ND INS�PICE.Untess ot6etavge pmvided in a sepuate agrecment.Graator w�i not '`...i <br /> , x me reqt�ted to pay to Lender funds for taxes aad insurance ia escrow. .r <br /> ��.;: 2l. i�i�iClAL RE80Ri'�APID�DIfl�O1V�AL OOtCU�l�RP15.Grantor w�l provide to LeQder upon cequest,any . <br /> "' 'Y�'.,•; 6nanaa!statement or information ixnder may deem reasc►nabiy n�ry.Grantar agrees to siga.deliver.and fite - ,-:_ <br /> - .' amy add'itional dacumenu ar certifcatioas that i.euder may oonsider aecessary to perfed.oontinue,and preserve `;��:_f,, <br /> < ' Granto�s obtiga$ons under Wis Sec�uity Inswment and L.ender s tien stams on the Propeaty. ` . <br /> ' � BOD�'A1�ID UdDIVmUl�1.I3ABID.PPtf:CO-SIGIVEILS;SUCCF.�SORS A1VD AS3IGI�LS BOUND All dttties �...••+;;.� <br /> � ,. "'�`. under this Se�vrity Instnunent are joint aud individuaL If Grantor 9gns this S�uiry Insttume.nt but does not s�gn aa ��W`" <br /> ' evidence of debt,Grantor does so onlgr w mort�age Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the �.:{:_ ,_ <br /> � Seatted Debt and Grantor does not agree w be personally liable an the Secured Deb�If this Secutity Inst�ment �,�__._ <br /> ent I.eader fram •�� -r-,�,. <br />� , seaues a gua:anty between Lender aad Graator.Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may p�rc.w �-i... <br /> . brin�ing af.7►aaron or daim a�inst Grantor or any party indebted nader the obligatsnn.These rig�is may imc[ude,bnt �::.:�:,: <br /> , ;: �`' are not timited to,aaY anti�atefiaeueY or one-adion laws.Giantor ggrees t�at Lender and anY P�Y to this Security � . <br /> a <br /> ' v InsWment ma y eatend,atadif�►or malce any c�aage in the terms of this Secarity lnstntment or any evidence of debt �.-'Y�- <br /> .�� `� 4,� a+ithout Granwr's cansent Such a c�auge wU not retease Crantor fmm tbe teims of this S e a u i ty I n s t�u men t T h e <br /> „• �.:,`��: <br /> __ � .. .''.4,, duties aad bene6ss of Wis SeaunY In�wment shall bind and beae6t the suocessoYS aud as�igns of Gsantor ana Leuder. �:�,,.Y. <br /> , ` � � �PLICABLE LA�i;S�EVERABILY�lf:II�iTERPH�TA1I01�This Sec�}aty Instrume�at is govemed by ttie laws of � �-._ <br /> the jurisdictiion in which Leadet is located,excePt to the extent otheiarise required bY the taws of the jurisdiction � �..i, <br /> ' . :`'�.. . where the Property is toc�ted.'[]ris Seauity Instr�ment is complete and fulIy intep�ated'l�is Secu:ily Instrumeat may � - <br /> • �'� ' ' ��:_.; <br /> �� - not be ameaded nr madified by oral agreemen�Any section in¢�s Security Iastmment,attachments,or aay <br /> � - � �. � ..'� agrt�ement related to the Sesvred Debt that wnfticts arith applicab2e lav wH1 aot 6e effe�tive.�nless Wat!aw ex'PresslY �<;.,:�� <br /> -�,�°� em nt If an sectinn of this Se�ity Inswmeat cannot be enforced <br /> _ ,',� '��`"�- or implieNy germits the variatioas by written agreeme Y <br /> �=�r; <br /> . ;'� :v; aocording W its terms,that sedion will be severed aBd will uot affed the enfoneab�lity of the remaiuder of this ---- <br /> - a <br /> — - '�-• •r•`t B tlOnSffild �---- <br /> � Sec�uity Instrumen�Wheaevar osed,dse s�nSular sha�t r�ude the pI�a}and th�pi�ral the s�ngutar•'I�e �ap �.,,�-, <br /> sa <br /> „.�� heading,c of the sectioas of this S�uritY Instrument are for coave�zc�ce only and are not w be nsed W interpret ar� " — .i. <br /> • ,. define the terms of this Seaaity insu�ent 3"une is of the e�eace im d�Security InswmenL , w <br />� ' '.��,:• �`•,` 1A� SUCCESSOR'PRZTS'Y�E.Lender.�at Lender's opiion,may fr�sa��ne to time remove Trus t ee an d a p p o i n t a , �•;�:. <br /> l f saccessbr Wstee witleout any other formality than the designation in writing.'i�e successor uustee,vvlthout -- <br /> „r5'��' �' shaII succeed to all ttte tiite.power and duties conferred npon Trustee by t6is Secauity . . <br />�;. .�c�;�;�;�,. � coneeyance of the Praperty, �_- <br /> � . <<;`�.�z: instnimentandapplirablelaw. _ , _. <br /> � � .. ZS. PI07YCE.Unle�s otherwise reqaired bg law,any notice s�all be givea by delivermg it or by ma�ing it by fust ctass ;: ;;.-Y._-. <br /> �:.;� `�:, "�� � ma�to the agpropriate paKy's address a��age 1 of th�s Secarity Instrumeut,or to•any ot�address designated ia ___ <br /> �.' __-: `o:�:�-.-�-_«_.., wiiting.Natice w on�gcantor w�!6e deemed tobe nottoe_W all g�anto�s. - <br />��--•—_:�. �. <br /> �: Zla VI1AIf/ERS Except to the extent pmlubiteci by law,Graatarwaives aU appraisemeat atcd homestead esemption n ts _- <br />>��.. �: . , . relating to t6e Pmperty. , ---- <br /> �_.,. ' � x'J. 07�ERT�6MS.Uc6ecked.the foIlowingare applicabte to this�itl►Insaumenx <br /> '�f ,•�.; . � • . � � ldne ot Ccedtt.The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision.Aithoug�the Secured Debt .�• <br /> msy be reduced to a zero balance.this Security Iastniment w�l remain in effect�mtil reteased. ' _ -- <br /> � � '�`"�°'�• � ❑ Co�stradIoa Lo�n.This Security Instraaaeat secures an obligatloa incurred for the construction of an -- <br /> �,�a,��: . ,.;: . __ <br /> ti;4�;?;.� :�'.,.. impravemeatonthePraperty. -- <br /> � :•.: ..., ',, <br /> � ' . � '� . ❑ g�i�m�e�ng,CnanWr graats to Lender a secmity interest in aD goods that C,rantor owas ceow ar i�s the <br /> fat�ue and t�at are or wU 6eceaix 5xtwes related to tlie Property.Tbis Security lnstiument s�ff' a — <br /> ec <br />:� .. :: :..::.. . ....,.: <br />—; ,��,.: . � , finaacing statement and any casbon.photographic or other reproduc.tzon raay be filed of record for parpases — <br /> � • �.. � ` � of Artide 9 of We Un9farm Commeicisl Code. . .� <br /> ,t.��t�+�{� .� �-� � � •, ❑ Ridern.Tke covenants and ageements of each of the riders checked below are inwrporated iato and � — <br /> . , snpptement and amend the terms of this Security I n suumen L[C hec k a l l a p p l�c a b t e b o a e s j _ <br /> '� ' • Rid Pltm ed Umt Deve opment Rcder ❑Other »••••••••••�•��•�-»�- -- <br /> . , ,.. , :. om�um er O n .............................. �.Y4 <br /> �r, .,; . �Cond " 1 _ <br /> ,%i�" �'�" ❑ AdditiaaalTerma <br /> � ;�k,.. e_- <br /> . '.��r���s�' . <br /> _�. ' ��•=-- <br /> �� _ r � _ <br /> �� . � . .. 4~- <br />:I� ;-;a,•�.�:: .� SIGNATURES:By si�ing C��ar,Grantor agcees to the er.r�s aad aovenaats oontained in tivs Seauity Instruazent and in = <br /> =��'���k'�r� �:� . airy attachments.Grantar also�ackuowledges receipt of a copy oi this Security Instrument oa the date stated�Fage 1. <br /> �,� � 10/02/9? <br /> I;��;:;�':r. . ..� Gr!•�+».-� . • (Date) ($;��) »..............................»........................................�Datej . <br /> °:'`=:�.", .:�: '�tiQO) PATRICIA L. IDIC� <br /> �� � • . <br /> - . . `.:� I�,�tO��.E�GMErYI: � � <br /> AALL <br /> . NEBRASKA , ,CptINTY OF......... I � . <br />� . . . . STA'HE OF....»....................................................» ...........� .......... . <br /> '� • tn�m t ckn �tedg�befe me this 2ND .» of».».....�'1'bf��la'»......»..i�x..» � <br /> �a..__.: :T_. :,..;. �rna;.+�,�, Thi�A�CIA 6eDDiCE�Ya Ai��B!l�89t�D PE98$� � " <br /> �. ' • My oommiss�Ion expires:�.........».........»...».............�....... .......................`.���21e,�4N.:....».»....»......... . . <br /> _ � : ��� ...........L:��:..�wDlic) .......................... <br /> � : . <br /> , �Gf�EB�!laOTAAt,Sf�hWHc�ute <br /> ��� °. ' , SCOiT�!{1SS7.ER <br /> ,., . <br /> �i��i.: .. . . 6ytcmaE�p,t�ls�r71,199a <br />_- -� ---�-- --- - ` <br /> �.. <br /> #° ' ' O+wes,r.�sys�,m��w n�an�zee»e�a�r�erass (pageoara) - <br /> i�_:t.'. :, <br /> n� . . <br /> �k� _ . . � Q _,_ <br />