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201210451 <br /> f411 ivstuance policies required by Leuder smd rencwals of such policies sholl ba subject to Lcnder's riglrt to <br /> disapprovo sucli policies, shall include a st�ndard mnrtgflge clause, aud shall naine Lender es mortgagee <br /> and/or es an additional loss payec;. Lc�ider ehall haue the right to hold Clie policies and renewal certiticeees. If <br /> I,ender requires, Boirower shall protuptly give ho Londor all receipCs of pttid premiiuns anci renowal noNces. <br /> If Borrowcr obtains any form of insucance coverage, not otherwieo rcquired by Lendar, for damage Lo, or <br /> destruotion o� the Proporty, such policy shall include a standard moxtgage clausc and aha11 naine Lender as <br /> morYgagee and/or �s au addilional lose payce. <br /> Iu the event af loss; Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurenoe carrier and i.ender. Lender may <br /> mzke proof of loss if rioL m�de promptly hy k3cirrower. Unless Lender and Borrower olhcrwise agree in <br /> writing, auy insLvauce proceeds, whethe��or not tke underlying iusurance was required by Lender, shal]bo <br /> epplied to reatornCion or rept�ir of tha Propetty, if the restioration or repaix is eoonomically fea�sible and <br /> Lender's securiEy is not lessened. During such repair and re,�toration pariod, Lender shnll have Ilre right to <br /> hold such insurance prooeeds mitIl Lender hae had fln opporumity to ins}�ect such Property to ensuee the <br /> work has been wmpleted to Leudcr's satisfaction, provided that auch inspec[ion sha7]l�e widertaken <br /> promptly. Lender mny disburse prooeeds for thc repaire and restoratiion in a single pflyment or i�r a scries of <br /> pxogcess paymenfs-as the woi•k is completed. Unless an agreemc��t is made in writing or Applicable Law <br /> requires inferest to be�aid on such insurance proceeds, Lencier shall uot be required ta pay Borrower any <br /> intorest or carnings on snch proeeeds. Fees for public adjusters, ar oCher Yhird parties, retaiued by Borrower <br /> shall noC Ue paid out of tl�e insurance proceeds and sha11 be the sole obligation of Borrowor. If the restoralion <br /> or repnir ia uot economioally fearible or Lcndcr's sccurity would Ue lessened, the ineurance p�nceeds shall Uo <br /> applied to the smna secwed by this Securiry Snatrumenf, whechcr or not tUen due, with tlie excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such instiiranc�proceeds shall ba applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrower abandous the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and eeCCle any available inauiance clairn and <br /> reletecl mntters. IF Borrower does not respoiid witl�in 30 days to a notica from Lender thnt the insurance <br /> oarrier has offered Co settle a claim, then Lender may negotinCe and eattle fhe claim. The 30-day period will <br /> begin wheu the notice is given. Hi eitihar event, or if Lendex aequires fhe Property imdor Seotion 22 or <br /> otl�erwisp, Barrower l�creby assigns to I,ender(a) Borrower's rights to atry inst�ranoe proceeds in an amo�mt <br /> not to exc€ed the amomil�unpaid uudcn�the Noto or tl�is Security L�strmnenti, atid(b}atny other of <br /> Borrower's rights (other than the right to nny reFund oP unearneci prcmiwns p<�id Uy Borrower}undar all <br /> ins'�u�nnce�olicies covaring thc Y�nperty, iitisofv�as stiicl�riglrte are t�pplicable to the coverage o�f d2e <br /> Properdy. Lestder may use the'tnsuxance proceeds eilher to rcpair or restore the Property or to ptty amounts <br /> unpaid under the Nota or this Secw•ity Iustrument, whether ar noe then due. <br /> 6. Oecupaney. Borrower ahall occupy, esYablish, and use the Property as Borro�ver's principal residence <br /> wi$�in 60 dttys aftcr fl�o cxccution of N�is Secm'ity Instrwnent uid sliall continue to occupy the Property aie <br /> Borrowex's principal reeideuoe for nk IeasC one year after the daYe of occupancy, uuless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably wilhheld, or imless cxtcr�uafvig circumstances <br /> �iyt which are Ueyond Borrower's conYrol. <br /> 7. PreservaCion, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspeckions. Borrower shaIl not destroy, <br /> dnmage or impair t1ie Property, allow the Proparty to deCeriorate or comnvC was[e on Lhe Property. Whother <br /> or noC Borrower is residing in tho Property, Boreowe��s1�all mainTain the Property in order to prevenC the <br /> Property from deteriorating or decreasing in valne dne Co its condiHon. Un1ess deterinined purauant to <br /> 8ection 5 tl�at repair or restoration is noY economically feaeible, Barrower shall prompCly rcpair the Property <br /> if dan�aged ko aivoid further deticrioration or damage. if insurance or condeumaGon proceeds axe paid in <br /> connecYion witih dmm�ge to, or the takiug of, tlie Proper6y, Borrower sl�all be respoi�sible for repairing or <br /> restoring Gl�e Property only if Lender has released proceeds for suoh puxposes. I,andec may disburac proceeds <br /> 24002fl63 <br /> NEBNASKA-Single Femlly-Fennle M ae/Fretltlie Mac UNIFORA4 WSTRUM ENT Form 3�26 7/07 <br /> V M P(� VM PB(N E)(�10b� <br /> Wollere KluWer Flnenclal Servicos P`tge 7 0(1 <br />