<br /> xn the Property and rights under this Security Ins�rument; and (d}takes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasc�nably requ�re to assure that Lender's interest xn the Property and r�ghts und�r�his Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrawer's obligation ta pay the sums secured by thxs Security Instrument, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrovcrer pay such rei.n,statement sums and�xpenses�n one or mare of�he fox�owing
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a}cash; �b}mnney order; �c}certif�ed check,bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any such che�k is drawn upon an institution whase dep�s�ts are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentality or entity; ar(d}Ele,�tronic Funds Transfer. Upvn reinstatemenx by Barrower,
<br /> �his Security Instrument and abI igations secured hereby shalx rema�n fu�xy effecti�e as if no acceleration had
<br /> oc.curred. Hawe�er, this ri.ght to reinsta�e sha11 not apply in�he case of acc��erat�on under S�ction 18.
<br /> �0. Sale of Note; Change of Laan Serrr�cer: Notice of Gr�e��nce. T`he Note or a partial, interest in the
<br /> Note�together wi�h th�s Se.curity Instrument}can be sold one or mare t�i�mes without prior no�ice tv
<br /> Barrower. A�aie migh�result in a change in the en�ity(knawn as�he ".Loc�n SQ�cer"}that cnl�ects P�riodic
<br /> Pa�ments due under the No�e and�his Security�nstrument and performs other martgage�oan serWicing
<br /> oblYgations under�he Note, i:his Security Instrum�nt, and Applicable La�r. There aiso might be vne or more
<br /> changes of�he Loan 5�r�icer unre�ated to a sale af the Note. �f there xs a change nf the L.oan S�rvxcer,
<br /> B�rrower wi11�e g��en wri�ten notice flf the change which v�iii state the n�me and address af the new Loan
<br /> 5ervicer, �he address ta vvhich payments should be made and any ather informatxon RESFA requires in
<br /> cann�ction wi�h a not�ce of transf�r of ser�icing. If the Nate is sa�d and thereafter the I.oan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Serv�icer�ther than the purchaser of the Note, �he morCgage i�an ser�icing obligations to Borrower wil�
<br /> r�mai.n with the Loan S�rvic�r or b�transferred to a su�essar Loan S�rvicer and ar�nat assumed by�he
<br /> Note purchaser unless athervvise prv�ided by the Nate purchaser.
<br /> Neitiher Borrower nor Lend�r may c.ommenc.e,jain, or be jo�ned ta any judicial action(as eith�r an
<br /> xndi��dua1 �itigant or the m�mber of a class}that ari.ses fram the other party's actions pursuant to this
<br /> Security�nstrument or thax alleges�h.at the o�her party has breached any pro�is�on of, �r any duty owed by
<br /> reasan of, th�s Securxty Ins�rument, until such B�rrower ar L.�nder has notified the ot�kier party(wi�h such
<br /> noxice gi�en in comp�iance with tlie requ�r�ments of Sec�xon 1 S}of such a�leged breach and afford�i the
<br /> other garty h�reto a reasnnabl�period after the gi�ing of such notice to take cnrrectiWe ac�ian. If Applica.b�e
<br /> Lavv pra�ides a�ime period which mus�elapse before certain action can be taken, that time periad wixx be
<br /> deemed�a be reasan,able for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of accelera�ion and opporturuty to cure
<br /> gi�en ta Borrawer pursuant�0 5e�tian 22 an�the notxce of acce�erat�on gi�en to Barrower pursuant ta
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the n��Yce and appflrtuni�y ta take corre�t�We action pro�isior�s af thzs
<br /> Sec�ion��.
<br /> 2"�. Hazardous SubstanGes. As used zn t�is S�ct�an 21: �a� "I�cr��rdous Sr�s�ances"are�1ios�substances
<br /> defined as t�x�c ar hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes hy En�irvnmental Law and the fo��awing
<br /> substances: gas�line, kerasene, other flammabie or toxic petroleum prvducts, �axic pesticides and h�rbicides,
<br /> valatile soivents, mater�als c,�ntauung asb�stos or f�rmaldehyde, and ra.d.ioac�i�e ma�eria�s; tb}
<br /> "Environme�ttal Law"means federal la�v�rs and lav�s af the jurisdYc�ion wh�re the ProperCy is lacated tha�
<br /> reiate�o hea�th, safety or en�ironmentai protec�ion; [e} "Env�ranmental Clec�nup"includes any response
<br /> actian, remedial activn, or remo�al.actian, as defined in Fr»ironmental L�aw; and td}an "Er�viror�menxc�l
<br /> �'ondition"means a cond�tion that can c.ause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an En��ronmen�al Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall no�cause or permit the pres�;nce, use, d�sposal, s�orage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substanr�s, or#hreat�n to r��ease any Haza,rdous Substances, on ar in the Progert}�. Barrower shall no�do,
<br /> nar al�ow anyone�lse to dv, anything aff�cting the Property(a}that is in�iolation of any En�ir�nmental
<br /> Law, (b}�vhich cr�ates an En�ironmental Candi�ion, or(c}whi�h, due to the presence, use, ar release of a
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstanc�, creates a condition�hat ad�ersely affec�s the�a1ue of the Proger�y. The precedxng two
<br /> N��RASKA-Single Family-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VNtPFiNE�t7105f.D0
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer F:nanctal Ssr�ices Pag�7 3 of'�7
<br />