�� ._�� �:,,•_,�,,.,,..�-=':w" � ..z��
<br /> x:��'-
<br /> ,.� _ . ` , _ _ . . i . - _ t S. .',F,.\ ••'c y,.�_ .{
<br /> , .----� ,r :'�, k .�.. � � ° _r , e -i« ' `s �i`�'�t --r—s�-� �.C.
<br /> v ti : .-` `^' _ S G 4 ' 4 P- . • `l. t � � t r-F�
<br /> t. 4. 4• �4, _ .21tV � .,� .f.� t .T'' S �,C���, _ .
<br /> --r�i�v c.Y1 . ' .�..��a�,S Z
<br /> t. ..�'•:��� � � _—_�
<br /> } 7. RfOt@C4IOfl Of L@i1a@t'8 E�l9P1Ll3 IR tl!@ PfOa@fly. U 8ortotvm foits to O�orm tho COVOt►Sni9 On0 C$t60menlS �,�'�l <.
<br /> �, '.4"� _ �# � confa6�ad tn th�s Seeuru7►�nstrume�st,os tnere is e tegat proaaed�+e tna��y s�gnuwanuy attect�enaer's r�hta tn tn4 Property(suen ea .. •:
<br /> .:, ,� e prpceedmg tn 0&nWuDteY.P�a�•for condertmatlor or torteRwe er to entprco t�+�s or regutatlonsl.l��h�nQ�����d Q�y�Of •�.'t
<br /> whatever 1s necessery to Drotect the vaNe of the Property and Lender's rignts m ttce Propertr. len�fs aettons may�ncads payin0 •
<br /> .� � anr sums seauea cy e ren wh(ch hes Priortty over this SeCurity InaUUment.appearing in Caurt.OaYNg rBCSOrt�bb attomey'8 te0s 8n0 :,, �
<br /> ` ��� entermg on Ne Property to matce repa'as. �4ltnough Lender may take ection under tnis paragrap�9.Lender daes�ot RavO to da sa �,
<br /> ' Any amounts d�sbur58d by LertQer under t�is para6raph T shaU hecome additional debt of Borrower securad Dy t4fb SBGUtBy �
<br /> � �� �`� � �'�.�� tnsOumeM. Unlsss Bortower and Lender agcea to ather terms nf payment, these emoants shau bea► inter85t nom the dafe of �
<br /> 1 . ,-; . � _ d�sDursement at the Note rate and shail 0e payabte.rvah tnterest.upon notice kom Lender ta Borrower�equestin9 Oallmen4 , ^
<br /> �� '' �,c� $. MorQgage insuraece. it LenQer reRulred martga88�suranee as a condiUon ot making tlie toan secured by tnLs SsourdY
<br /> `°• � Instrument, Harrower shan pay the premiwns requked to maintain the mortgage insuranes tn eNect• �+.tor any reasOn,the moRgage��"
<br /> �y�.� ����v����d by t,ender Igpsss er ceases to be a�eBect. Bortower shaH pay the pcemiums required to ob�cov�a9s o� ,
<br /> .r }��• substanttaitY��to the mor�qage�surance previousy in eftecl,a!a cost substanbalN e9�ivatant to the cast te Ba�roYier o!the �
<br /> _�;�_�s:` . martgaSe c�rs�:-...^3 Pr6viaiisry in eHect.from an attemate martBaSe nsurer apDroved by Lertder. It substantialtft e4ulvaienl art9�9e
<br />,w:;,.: : • °•� ms�e[�eg e�a--�t3s 6 nOt avu7abie. BOrtower shall pay to Lender eaeh month e Sum equ8i to onedweifth of the yearty ,
<br /> ��; ���g��(�gtitg��bg Horrower when the bisuranCe coverd98 taPsed or ceased to be ht effeC4 le�der will flCCeP�.u5a enA`� ,
<br /> `- . :1 � tnesa�:�sts as a 2ass resenre 'u► Geu ot mart9aSe a�suraec9. loss reserve payments may �o tonger be required._at the ,� '
<br /> S �•-
<br /> ,"`','°:�• �±�I ept+oa ot t.�� +� mortgage insuratece caterage (in the amount and for the period tflat Lender reQvtres) Provided by an insurer _..
<br /> "� 'o� �syrpvg0 by ta�der 8ge'vt becomes avai�fl� a�d Is obtained. Borrower shail pay the ptemiums requit80 to tnefnt8fn martgagA 3�
<br /> s msurance in eRecf. or to provide a toss �e.unU7 the�equirement tcs martyage tr►suranee ends in accofdence wRh anY W�te9.
<br /> :� , .;,t r�raem8r�t between Sortower end Lendet or appricabie tatiw. - __
<br /> °�' � .::�' 9. inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable eMriss upan and inspecttons o1 the Pmperhl. le�de�s�6� :
<br /> � •'� ��•'F:-::;. 3crrower notke at tne Ume ot or prior to an a�spection specfijing reasanabte cause for the mspection. � �nnecttor� wd1►84�Y
<br /> ' .Y.. . _ i '�`.
<br /> �' • -'° �L ��:�t� 10. Condemnatton. The pracez�of any awar0 or chaim fot damages. dirsct ot cons e Q u e n t i a b < iY_-
<br /> �� .�-.",.:.:;;� ��'�,,;.' �cattdemnattOn ar other tak(ng ot any part of the PmpeAy.or far comrayance in Iieu of cooQemnaUcn:are he�ebY asstgned end shal►tra -'�, ,, ,
<br /> 'r.' �_i'�•8id to L�iQet- � ��` � .
<br /> �: •. (n the event ot 8 tot�;�4l�g of the Pcoperly. th9 proceeds ShBil be apPr�ed to the sums SeCti r B d by t h i S�+�1 1 m��� : ��4 ':
<br /> ' �. t,i.*rether or not then due,�T.*any excess D�� Borto'�ffi �^ t�e e�ent ot a P���8 ot the Property in whfc����� : a ;"
<br />- .:'L . +�ra Of the�4DertY �mrr�ed�ateN before tfle takfng is eG��at to ar gneater than the amount ot MB Surtts seCUS�d Ly this Sea�6tyt `. �,
<br />...,.�r;.�`N . .:::i� . �.
<br /> :.r:. ;,"'.} ' .i.�s"vmertt aei��3tey before tAe takin8, �n�ss eorrn«er a�a Eenaer ottie�wise agree tn writing.tRe siur►S SeCUrBd by this SBCwt�y . .:{"�.,`�,.",`-_
<br /> -g .;s�,anas:t s�a4 pa reduCed by the amount ot the pro�Qs mult�p�ie� by'tRS folWw(ng irBCt'on: (8) the total 8�ount ot the S,� '
<br /> , . a: My b81�8
<br /> •.. �. e/�'�t@d"c1�..e�'�£3:'1 it0.`zrt3 tt'.8 t8king.divided by(b)tts aaQ madcet vah:e ot Me Prop9rtsr immedmtely betore the�� iRlt�ediaKel�F- � tr .•r•
<br /> . ~�; S`tafi tre paf0��orros+�r.� aa the event ot e pattiai L:�kCi��f the propeAY m wAich the fa� marke!va4�e of the��Y - ,, ...
<br /> I �5tora 4he t�:�Is tess t`a�s tne amouet o1 the su�rs sacured 'unme0iatetY betare t�e taktng.untess 8oc►ower and tender otrte�a¢lsa . �.�`
<br /> � '+ ,t�;. �.` .
<br /> � �,f ���e � �� flr untess 8ppttcabte law 4�avrise prwides. the pracesas shall be e�DAred to the sums securetl by thb Sac�7 ff{ 4.L
<br /> � :� � r, a;.;
<br /> s,: '. .;•% {';����tY,�< ' insriv;neas�tra;�,sf.or not the sums ere than C:�e. . Y.
<br /> (T tita pca��.-ty is 8bandas�ed by Bortower,or N.after notiCe by Lender to Bartov�et that the CondB�unor oNers to make an aweta ot ��' � t
<br /> . `.. �: �:i LBndet IS fluth0ri�s0 � _
<br /> gg,q7�e c�ss�ar Qam&g�.8orrower (sits to respond to Lender w,�hin 30 Qays efter the:48te the notke IS g�vee. .�_,
<br /> io colfect aea appy the proceeds.at its option,eitner to restoration or reDair o1 the Prqaerty or to the sums Secured 6y thts Securft!► ►r� -_
<br /> :�r,,-•:. •.� ',�, Instrument,whether or not then�due.
<br /> . ... ,,,..�s .
<br /> � Untess Lender an4 Bortpwer otherwise agree in writmg,anY eDP���tion of proceeds to princtpal shall not extend or postaone the �•.°A:`.
<br /> du9 Qate ot tAe monthN paymenls referred t0�para9raDhg 1 a�d 2 or changs tfie amount ot such payments. _____
<br /> � - 11. 8onower Not Released: Fo�bearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension o� �ne ume ror payrmenc or _
<br /> �-.--� �rod�icatton o�9mortirdtion ol the sums Securea Oy this 5ecu�itY t�SWase�t S�S��Y�-e^dAr to eny SuccflSSOt U1 intBtest Ot BOrrOwer ----
<br /> � sha11 not aperat9 to re:B3S9 tfi9 I'idbil�y 01�he Odgin3l 80I►OwBt 0�BOrtOwefS SUCC855ors in ad9re5[• 1.6��d"�SAaR r.a!�°�-�4 M _
<br /> eommence proceedings agains!any successor in interest or refuse to extenA t�me for payment or ot�envise modiy emordmUon ot the c-
<br /> ' " � sums SeCUred by this SecurRy Instcument by reason ot any damand made by the origi�al Borrower or BoROwefB SucCessor8 tn , �.,. ,'„y
<br /> ,. .'.} __
<br /> � �•�. (nter8st. My fOrbea►ance by l.ender in exerci9inB eny rigfit or remedy ShaD not be 9 waNOr ot or preelu 08 t he 8xero i s 9 ot en y A gAt Ot
<br />� , remBQY• � � -
<br /> .., �: 12.Successors and Asst9ns Bound; Joie�t and Several Liabitity; Co-sigaers. Tne �avenar+�s e"d ___
<br /> 8greemBniS of tt►iS SBCUrily Inst�ument shaU bind 8nQ benefit the sucC855aB end assigns of Lenae�8nd BorrOwBf. Lubj�Ct to t�e E'
<br /> ptOvisiotis Ot peregr8ph t7• 8orrowers Covenanis end.agreements shall be joint and severa►• MY BorrOwer who C09�s thLg SecufitY F ., __
<br /> " .. �` InsUument but Qoes nat e�ceCute tha Note: (a) Ia cas��nalg this Security InsWment oniy to mortgage. 9�ant.end cortvey tl1a1 �_
<br /> � � ' '���•�, Bortower's tnrafest in tAe Property unQer the terms of this SeCUtity InsuumenT; (b)is not D�onaUy Obt188t9d to pay th9 sums SeCUred ---.-
<br /> •�r-- -
<br /> . � by this SeCUrity insuument: anC (c) agrees t�at LenQer end eny ot�er Boaower may agre9 to exten0, modity, to�bxar or make eny � _ ,
<br /> - . ' �.i� .flcCOmmodations wRb regard to terms oi this SeCurity Instrument or the Note w;thoul that BottOwerS COnsen4 ____
<br />.._ �� ' 13.i.oan Chargea U the toan secure0 by this Securrty Instrument is subject to a taw whfch sets maxtmum{oen charges. '
<br /> ..� ,
<br /> . 4 and that lare � fmaity interpreted so lhat t�e i�teresl or other toan ct►arges eo�lectad or to be co0ected in conrteCtien.wBh.the (oan . �:`_
<br /> .':_�f exceed the perm�ted I'unks,then: (a)eny such ioan c�arges shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to�educe the chargo to!he �
<br /> permitted IUnd;end(b)any sums atready colleete0 trom 8orrower we�h exeeedeC pertnitted thrMa will bB refunQed to Bortowgt. 6snQer �
<br />- � � °.�� may Chao59 to make this retunA by reduCmg lhe principal owed under the Note or by makin9 a d Ue o t paym e r e t t 0 8 orrower. If e —
<br /> � � " �•�� refitnd re44:oos pMCiD31,the reduCtion will DB treatea fls e Denial prepayment wrtAOUt any ptepayment ChSrge unQES ti0 Note.
<br /> 14.Cd�4icea MY notke to Bonower provided for in this Security Instrument sha0 be given by delNerinB i1 or by matG�s$i�by �_,',-4"'
<br /> � • fUSt Cmss mail untess app�iCable taw requues use ol another metAOd. The notice shau be Oirected to the Pro�erty AQdress or 8ny _
<br /> • ' �� other address BoROwer designates by noC�e to Lender. Any eoUce to Lender s�2U be giveo by first ctass matf to Lendera aCdres9
<br /> = .�t stated heroln ar eny othar address Len6er Cesignatas by nottce to Bon'ower. My n0iice provided fOr�n thls Secufiry tnstrument s�ati
<br /> � =, # be Q�ed to h8v0 bsen glven W Bortower or lender when ghren as proviQed in this pategrapb• �
<br /> ,_ . � _ 1S.Goveratng law. Severabitiry. ThtS SBCUtity Instrument Sh811 08 gov8m80 by (Bderal ISw afld tf18 �d� 01 the
<br /> • � jurlsdiction in wAtoh the Property is loeated. In the eveM that any provision ar ctause of this SecurAy Instrument or the Nofe conificte .
<br /> � '�:` , .. � with appticabt9 13w, such conffict Shati not eifect olher prov;sions o1 this SeaurRy tnsuumeM or the Note rvhlCh ean be gi�ren ef(ect
<br /> � � w4hout the ConfliCting provision. To IhiS ena the provisions ot t�is Security Instrument and the Note erA deeiered to be severe6�e.
<br /> " � � 1s. Bor�ower's Copy. Bonower St►aU be given one conformed Copy ol the Note an0 01 this SBCUtityr InSWment.
<br /> � ' 17.Y�ans4e�09 the Property or a Beneficial Interesi in Borrower. H a�t or eny pan of t�e Property ar eny
<br /> � . . ; „` interest n R ia sotd or transterted (or H a beneficial interest in Borccx�ls soid or transterred and Boaower Is nol a naMat paa'sOn) '
<br /> • • �wRhout Lenders prlor written consent,Lender may,at its option, requiro�mmedate paymen!a� full ot eil sums secured by this�CUrdy
<br /> - - Instrument. Nowe+rer,this opNon sh811 not be exeroised by LenCer if exer�ise is pr0l�ibited by tederal�2w eS ot the d8te of tAL4 SsCUfRy __
<br /> .. . InsWment.
<br /> ;r,,.� It L�lnder exercises th�s option,LenQer shall gere Bortower notice of acCeleretlon. The natiCe sha0 provida a period of nat OBSS .
<br /> �.S.r..�.�. -.
<br /> _ � •;;;���tl��� than 30 u.ay3 from the date tAe notice is defivered or mai►etl vrdhin which the Borrower must pa� all sums SecurBd by this ��acurity .
<br /> ' � Instrumen4 0 Borrower taiis to pay these sums prior to the exp'vation o�this period.Lender may invoke any remedies permitt80 ify ttds
<br /> � , •� Secu�ty Instrument withOut turther notice ot demand on 8orrower. Farm soze e�90 :
<br /> _:•._=— -'-'---- hago J ol 5
<br /> - - -. F4086t7�1it:,,'4Ty . -�
<br /> . ' O71
<br />