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201210372 <br /> 23. ReconVeyanCe. Upon payment ofall ymns secured by this Security Instruincnt, l.ender shall requesY <br /> 'Prnstee to�reConvey the Property flnd shall sun�ondcr khis Secw�ity Instrument nnd all notca ovidencing debt <br /> seoured by Ehis Sccurity 7nstrwnent to�Truetee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wnxranly to tlie <br /> peraon or persons legally en6ticd to it. Such person or pereons shall pay avy rccordatIon costia. Lender may <br /> chv�ge suclx person or pereons a fee far reconveying tlie Property, but only if ihe fee is pttid to a tl�ird partiy <br /> (such es tho'frustee) for seivices rendered and Nhe ch�rging cif the fee is perinitYed undex ApplicaUle Law. <br /> 24. Subsfitute Trustee. Lender, �t its option, inay from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> trustco to any"I'rustee appointied hereunder Uy an insCi�mnent rccorded in the county in whioh fhie Securrty <br /> InstrmnenC ia recordod, Without conveyance of the Property, Che succossor hustee shall succeecl to all the <br /> title, power and duties conPerred upon Trusfee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Requcst 4or Not7Ce8. Boirower requests thaT oopies of the notice of defnult and sale bc�sent to Rorrower's <br /> nddrees which is tUe Properiy Address. <br /> -- zaoox�sv <br /> NEORA 51(A-Single Fam Ily-Fannis M ae7Fred�lia M uo UNIFOFM INSTRUM f:NT Form 3026 1/01 <br /> VMPp VMPBNf_)(7105 <br /> Woltera Hluv�er Flnenclal 9ervlaes Puge 45 of 1� <br />