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201210372 <br /> in fhe Property nnd rights undcr this Secwitiy Instrument; aud(d) Pakes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonabiy require to asenre thfll Lender's intcrest in the Property And righta under this Security Inst��tainent, <br /> and Bprrowc�•'s oUligation to pay the sums securecl by lhis SccLuity Iusumnent, shall oonlinuc uncl�anged. <br /> Leuder mey require that Borrower pay such reinstatemeut suuis and cxpenses in one or more of the Pollowing <br /> fbrms, as selected by Lender: (a) casl�; (U)monay order; (c) certified check, bank checic, treasw•er's cheok or <br /> casl�ier's ohecic, pLovided auy suoh oheck is drawn npon an institution whoee depusits are 'viyured by a <br /> Pedo�'al agenoy, inst��mnentality or enrity; or(d)L+lecu'onic Nunds Trans�Fer. Upon reinslaCement Uy]3arrower�, <br /> this SeouriLy Ineh'nment and obligations aeoured hereby shall rernain fu11y effectivo as if no �oceleraCion l�ad <br /> occurred. IZowever, Clus righE to reinstate shall not apply in the cnae of acccicrafion under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; NoYice of Grievance. T'l�o Note or a partial intereat iu fhe <br /> Noto (togcthor with tlus Security Instrument) oan be sold�nc or more tiunes without prior noticc to <br /> Boxxower. A sale inigl�t result in a cliange in Yhe entidy(Irnown as tl�c 'Zoan Servteer")Yhat collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Noee and tUis Sccnrity Listrmnent and performs other anortbage loa�i seivicing <br /> obligations titnder the Note, tihis Security&�strunwn�t, and Applicable Lt�w. There also migl�t be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Sexvicer muelated to a s11e o4 Uie Notc, if Yhere is a change of the Loan Scroicer, <br /> Borrower �vill be give�i wriCten notica of the�change which wIll fitatc the naine and address of the new Lot�n <br /> Servioer, tlie address to wl�icl� payinents should ba made nud fmy otl�er information RESPA requires in <br /> comiection with a notice oP Lranafer of ec�vicing. If the Note is solcl and thereaPCer the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loai� Servicer other Uian Y1ie purchaser of the Notc, tho morEg�ge loan seivicing oblig�kions to Borrower wi11 <br /> remain with tlio Loan Servicer or Ue trzusferrecl to a successor I,oan Sc�vicer aud are noY assumed by the <br /> Note purchaser unlees olheitivisc pr��vided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may coinmence, join, or be joined to nny judicial acLicm (as either an <br /> individual liiigurt or the memher of a class) Chati ariscs fi•oin Nie other party's actions pivsuant ¢o tl�is <br /> Sc ctivity Tnstrmnent or thaY alleges thati the other party has breachod any provision of', or eny dtaty owed bg <br /> reason o'f thi� Sectiirity Inst�'utnent, until such Borrower ar Lender hae notiflod tl�e otl�er party(with such <br /> notice given in con�pliancc wi8� the requii�ements of Section 15) of such nllegad l�reach and afforded the <br /> other pnrty hereto a rensonable period aftor tl�c giviug of such notice Yo taka corrective�ntion. IP ApplicaUle <br /> Law provides a tuns period which must elapse bel'ore oerCain acCion can be talcen, tl�at fune period will Ue <br /> dccni�cd to bc reasouaUle for purposas of this�aragraph. The notice of aocelera6ion and opprn�tunity to ctue <br /> given to Borirower pureuant to Section 22 uid Clie nokice of uccoleration given fo Borrower pw�susuit to <br /> Section 18 s1��11 be deeined to satisf'y the noYice atnd opportunity tio Cake correcGvo ttction Urovisions of'11iis <br /> SecGon 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous S2sbstaftces° are Chose substanec;s <br /> defined ns toxio or hazardous substanece, pollutants, or wastes by Enviromnential Law end the follownig <br /> substances: gasoline, karoaeue, other flamn7nble or Coxic pelrolcum produots, toxic pestiicides and herbicides, <br /> volatile solvenfs, inaCerials contaiiung asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioacCive mater'ra1s, (U) <br /> °Is'nvirc�n�mental I aw"�neans federal laws and la�ws of the jucisdiction where the Prop�rCy ie (ocatcd that <br /> � relnke to henllh, safe6y or enviromnental protcction; (c) "8nvironrnenta!Cleanttp" inelndes any responae <br /> acCion, remadial action, or removal action, as deffned in L+nvironmcnta1 Lu�v, and(d) an "Fnvironrnental <br /> Condition" means 2 condition fhati can cause, contribute Co, ox oHierwise txiggex an L'�iavi�omncutal Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sh�l1 not cause o,r pennit the presenee, use, disposal, stiorage, or releAse oP any Hazardc�us <br /> Subsfpnoes, or [hteaCen lo release any Haz�rdous Su1�stances, on ar in tlie Property. Bw•rower ahall not do, <br /> nor e11ow anyone�lsa to do, anything affecCing lhe Proper[y(a) �'hat iF iv violaHon of any Enviromneutal <br /> Law, (U)which creates an�nviromnental Condition, or (o) which, due to thapresence, Lieo, or release of a <br /> Hazau�dous Subst¢ncc, oreakes a co�idition tha�t adversely atfectis the value oP the Property. The prececling tiwo <br /> xnoozasa <br /> NfPRASKA-Sinc�lc Family-F�nnie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFDRh1 INSTRUWENI' Form 30?.0 7/01 <br /> VM P� VNI PB(NEI(11�6) <br /> Waliers Kluwer GinanclalSarvices Page 13 uf 1] <br />