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201210372 <br /> setisfnotion, provided that suoh inspection shall be widertnlcen pro�nptly. Lc��der inay pay f'or the repairs <br /> and restorakion in a eingle dishursement or in a series of progress p�yments �s Che worlc is completed. <br /> Unlcss�u� agreement is made in writing or Applioa6le Law rer�uires iirteresti to Ue paid ou suoh <br /> Misoellaneoua Procecds, Lcnder shall noti be required to pny Borrower auy interest or earninge on suoh <br /> Miacelleneoue Proceeds. IP11ie restoration or repair is not econonvonlly feaFiblc or Leuder's security would <br /> Ue lessened, the Miscellaneous Prooeecls shall Ue applied to Uie sutns secured by this Security Instru�nenti, <br /> w1iether or not then due, with tlie exceas, if�riy, p�id to Borrower. Such Miscellaneoua Proceecls nl�al] Ue <br /> npplied in lhe ordcr}n�ovided for In Section 2. <br /> Iri ihe cvcnt nf a total T�alcing, destruction, or loss in vnlue oP Cho Vroperty, the Miscellaneous Pt�oceecis shall <br /> be applieci to the sums secured hy this Security TnsY�tunenY, whether or not flicn due, wifh the excess, if any, <br /> plid to Borrower. <br /> Ln the evevt of a partial talting, destetiction, or loss in valuc of the Proparty in which the feir n�arket valuc of <br /> the Property immcdiately before tha pa��Yial taking, deah�ucCion, or loss in value ia equal to or greater than fha <br /> amoimt of[he sums sccarcd by this Security Instrwnent immediately beforc tl�e partial taking, dest�ucNon, or <br /> loss in value, unless Borrower and Lendor otherwise agree in writing the suu�s secured Uy fhis Seomity <br /> Tnstrtunenti sh.�tll be reduced Uy the amotmC of the Miseella�ieous Proceeds multiplied by lhe Pollowing <br /> fraction: (a) the total amount of'the eums secured iimnediltcly befo,ra the paz'tittl taking, deshliction, or loes <br /> in vahie dividcd by(l�) the fair inarket value of'the Praperty invnediatcly before tl�e partial taking, <br /> dastruetion, ar loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a parfial taking, dcntniction, or loss in value of the Property ii�which Uzc fair marlcet value of <br /> the Property mm�ediately before the pnrlial'l�ldng, dcstruction, or loss in value is less than the an�onnt of tho <br /> sums sccw�eci immedi�fely before the partitil taking, deslnicCion, or loss in value, tuiless Borro�aer and <br /> Lender oCherwise agrcc in writing, the MIscellaiieous Proceecls eh�ll be applieci to thc sums secw ed by this <br /> Security Inshnment whe[her or not the suma arc then dne. <br /> If the Property ia aUandoned Uy Bon ower, or if, affer notice by Lender to Borrower Chat fhe Opposing Pazty <br /> (as defined in the next sentence) offers ¢o maka an awerd to set�tle a cla�im for d�nages, Borrower fails to <br /> respond to Lendex v,�itl�in 30 days after Yh�date the noCice is giveiz, Lendcr ih atirthoriaed t�o collecti and apply <br /> Uae Miecellauu�us Procecds either to reetoration or repair of the Property ox to the suins securcd by this <br /> Secm�ity Insi�-umenti, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" nic;�nn the El�ird party tl�at owes Boxrower <br /> Miaccllaa�eoun Proceeds or tlie pru�ty againsC whom Borrower hes a right o£netion iu xega�d to Misccl7aneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in def�idt if any action or proceeding, whether civil or ciimin�l, is begun that, ui Leilder's <br /> jtizdgment, could resnit in forfeiture oP the ProperCy or ofhe����iatcrial3�npairme�rt of Lender's interest in the <br /> Property or riglrts mider this Security Inetrwnent. Boirowex can cure such a dofau1t aud, if accelerafion l�as <br /> occLnred, reinsCate as provided in Seotion 19, Uy causiug the acEion or proceeding to be dismissad with a <br /> ruling Chat, in Lendcr's jud�rreut, precludes�forfeiture of the Property or oYher nulterial nnpairment of <br /> Leuder'a interest iu the ProperUy or righCs tuider this Sccuriry instrument. The prooeeds of any award or <br /> claim for daivages Uiat are att�'iUutable to the impairment of Leucier's inheresY in thc Properry�re hereUy <br /> assigncd aud shall bo paid to I.ender. <br /> All Misocllancou�Vroceecis Yhat are not applied to restoration or repair of the Pxoperty shtill be applied in tiho <br /> order provided for in Section 2. <br /> 2A002955 <br /> NFRRASKA�-Sin91c Famlly-Fannie F�aelFreAdie tdac 11NIFORfd INSTRUA4 ENT Forin 3�20 1/01 <br /> VM P� VMP6(NEI(1108Y <br /> W ol[ers Kluw er f-inanclal 5ervlces Paqe 40 of 1 j <br />