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<br /> •t • �. bseact� of �h1s agreement. and Beneficiasy may. at BeaeYiciasy s optiaa declare
<br /> �__`_�'�,,,�; a,i1 snms secured by this Deed of Trust to be i�ediately due and papable, or _
<br /> _ sause tbe Tsustee xo �ile a notice af default. _ _
<br /> '`� 11. Eorbearanae by Heneficiary attd tlaives. Aay £osbeasance by Beneficiary -
<br /> . . :��` �o Txustee, Trustos or anyoae. in eserr.isfag any riqht or semedy hereunder, or
<br /> • ' •�, cthesHise affarded by applicable lao�, shall abt 6e a waiver of or preclude the :
<br /> • '� '` � esercise of any auch riqht or reiaedy herounder. Likewise, the waiver by .
<br /> '����' ' ��•` � Seaeficiary to Trustee o£ aay default of Tsustor undez thia Deed of Tsust shall
<br /> , „�3. .
<br /> � � ' :�i tsot b� deemed to be a waive�r cr anY other or similar defaults subseqnently . ,
<br /> . :� occurring. No aaiver sbaii be constnied against the Beneficiary ualesa snch :;_ .
<br /> . . ", �aiver shall Be expzess aad ia writing sfqaed by the �eneficia�ry. .' ,';-`:
<br /> � `�t 12. Benefidary's Powers. The Beaeficfary wi7.1 cause to be released, the
<br /> ` ' � '� entize amount secured by tAis Deed of Trnat, after ttae 10 year tesm has exPire�• ,l
<br /> � '�"'` beginniutq fmm the date of the Deed. Psovided all othes terms and coaditiaas of F�.;
<br /> << � :
<br /> .{ :%-.'� ; .'2= this B�ed have_been fvlfilled. Heneficia=y maY, in its sole diseretion ti) ,�,
<br /> . _ '•.:.•�` iaspect tha pxemises at any reasonahle time Iii) seqnire sucD additfaaal -' '_4_:
<br /> , , . � .:, �° security as may be seasoaable: and Iiii) snbstftute the Trnstee hesein Hf.tR aay
<br /> '. _._��:�,"`-�• persoA, enti.ty. or co=Poration qualified so to act. The attosaeys of the __
<br /> , :.��. Benefic�ary or one of them may naw or subsequently be desiqnated the Tsustee '�`�
<br /> � • •>3.' -herein and may perfoffi for the Beneficiary duties as counse2 and Trustee. A11 '
<br /> '° " � •��� Trustors shal� be jointly aad severallp o3�ligated and bouad by the actians of - ,.ti••_
<br /> � � ' ��`�- :he Benefieiary or the Trustor-as hesein stated. � _-
<br /> =• �•"•��-;; • 13. ALtorneys fees. Costsr as;d ExPenses. Tsustor aqrees to pay alI fees, ': �.
<br />. � �. `F . coats. ar►d expeases includi.ng attozaey's fee expended bp the Seneficiasy or the E;--�.--
<br /> � Tsustee to callect aay sums dne hereun8er or enforce tbi.a agreemeat• Sncb sums ��
<br /> • sltail be deemed aa advaacemeAt to pratect the security whea paid by the (?.:;`:=�-:
<br /> . . :.��,� on does not ly to tne i�.:
<br /> 'f: 8eneficiary. Provided further. hcwever, that this sectf �P �__�.
<br /> • . ��' .�.� Trastce fee sefened to ia paragraph B.1.H. �
<br /> ..' '4 ``, 14. Reconveyance by Trustee. Opon written request of the BeaefidasX
<br /> . �. �.
<br /> �•��I. �. �,� .'�"; stati�ag that all coaditions of this note hav� beea met, aad upon aurrender of � + __
<br /> � _ � ,.:.�:t; thi,s Deed af Tsust and the notes to the Tsustee for �aacellatioa a�d retention �.
<br /> '..`�, ti:� and upon payment by the Trustor of the Tsu.stee's fees, the Trustee sl�al.l , ;�.•
<br />- , �"..•.�:: secana�y to the �rustos, or the person or persons legally eatit2ed theseto, _ ._.
<br /> - • ..;•', wiehaiat wassaatY. �Y Portion of the pzoperty then held hereundes. T he se c i t a l s �
<br /> ••i�� and such reconveyance of aay mattess or facts shall be cc�aclusive proof of the r�--
<br />- � '..�, •� • ' ' trutbfulaess tE.exeef. The Graatee in aay reconveyance may be described as °the �"-
<br /> �� • � -, persoa os persens legally eatitled thereto.° ° _
<br /> ',, - ' : . 15. tsotices.
<br /> , .' ,�'..:°�;: ..,: 15.1 NoticB as sequired by the Nebraska Tsust Deeds Act sha11 be qiven. _
<br /> �:'�� �"':�'•:���`�:.: •� ' Egcept �s psovided hereia aad whesever pezmisaible by law Tsustors waive notice. _-�
<br /> ' :. �1,: Notica may be seat to the parties at theis address as listed irt thi.s a9reement `._
<br /> ; or as.otheswise changed. All not�ces sequired herein shall be in writinq. Aay �;�
<br /> � •�',�:+, , �� ? party may, at aisy tim� cha�ge it's address.£or such notices by delivesing or _
<br /> ''c.:.`.i�•r,�:� 1: �
<br /> 4 mail�aig to the ot,her pa��.es hereto, a Aotfce of aueh change. Any aotice
<br />_ ;�`!..�;(�t��iw�y ;� ' _-_
<br /> heseu�der shall be dae:ue� to have been given ��hen placed yithin the D.S. Mai1s,
<br /> _ u
<br /> � � • .� � � postage psepaid, addreased to the address of the party as listed herein or as _
<br /> . ,• ' ; properly c.�a�d• —_-
<br /> - ' • , i 15,.2 Tsus�az. Beaeficiary, aad Tsustee sequest that a copy of any aotice . „r.y_
<br /> •:;��:}, •,: '` � provid�d tiereunder� Provided according to applicable la� or provided by the _tl
<br /> - ;' ;�;�{�:. � tesm� of any other secur�ty agreeiaent eoveriaq the security heseia, be mailed to ���;_
<br /> -- � • '�, i.,.,..•� i th�m at the addresa pzcTSfled above.
<br /> �.:,-:
<br /> ;�.I, � •• �6. This Deed o£ Trust ahall be governed by the laws of the State of 6 „_
<br /> � :.
<br /> .•,, . • Nebraska. �,'�
<br /> :�,�i7?�,tir,,'�;, � � 1T. Acceptance by the Trustee. The Truatee accepta this �sust 9rZs� tbis f�;_
<br /> '',''"�`s•� � Oeec� of Trast, duly esecuted and aclmawbedg'e�, is made a pu9gi:� recozd, as _
<br /> .::,,',`:;,:�
<br /> , . provided by law.
<br /> : . '�;_„. . �
<br /> `. ,'.,�', •
<br /> _ • . ', ,, . . . . ,. : . . . • • • � .. . . . ... . �. . . . � �. .. . . .
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