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<br /> ;,;�.'—' G.l�SY�:I�i�S'I'�LEA�S.E3�on l.ende�'s m;uest.Borrower shall assign to Lender all ieases of the --_
<br /> ::,°t��.. Pi+eperty and all secUrity deposits roade in oannecdon with leases of 4he �PenY. Upon the assignment.i�endes
<br /> . shall 6ave the right to modify.extend or terminate the existing leases and to execute rtew Imses.in l.cnder's sote
<br /> •. ' disc�erion_As used in this paragcaph Ci,the word"lease"shall mcan"snbic�se'if the 5ecurity Instrua�ent is on � ``- -
<br /> C�
<br /> - . .;,k;,-_� . 8 It�CttOZa. . �;=c- ._
<br /> " H. A5�lIGNMEI�iT OF RE�TS: APFOIIQ'�iT OF REC�1YERi LENDEat IRi �ON. �:::,_:.,
<br /> ..``�` Horrower absatutely and uncanditionaily assigns and transfers to Lender al!the rents artd revemies("Renis•,)of �',,._':��
<br /> ;� .- ' �`, the Fcoperty. reSardless of to whom the Rcnts of the Pcoperty are Pa5'able. Borrower authorizes lxnder or = ...
<br /> < '<., `"`• �«'.;:. ' Lender's agenu ro coltect the Reuts.and agrees tLat each cenant of the Property shaU pay the Rents w Leader or ,.;.
<br /> - L�nder's�enss.i�owever,Boriower shall receive the Rents until(i)Lender 1�as given Borrower aotice af dcfaWt `l- -
<br /> � .}.��w.
<br /> � � p�usuant to paragraph 21 of the Sea�i+ty Instcumem and(ii)Lendes has given aofrce to the te�ant(s)that the Rents ,_,.�
<br /> ` _ t �._.�.=°'
<br /> a�to 6e paid to Lender or Lender's ageat.77us assigument of Renss c�nstitutes aa absolutc assignment az�d rtot' r''==^•
<br /> `-}� ` .. , r-___=_:"
<br /> :•- � `,F.' an assignment for additioaal security oniy. � _
<br /> ` , . ' '.., If Lender gives notioe of breacb to Eoriawer:(i)all Rents�eceived by Borrower si�alt 6e hetd by Horrower
<br /> .:_,,...
<br /> ,��: � as uustee for the Isenefit of Lender onty.to be applied tn the sums sewi+ed by the Securiry Instrument:(ii)Le�sder �
<br /> �'. 1 :",•.: ` shall be eraitled to ooltect and rereive all of the Rents of We Progerty:(iii)Borrower agees that r a c h tenaat o f t he
<br /> ` _ p�vperty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lea�s-�s agents upon I..ender s wriuen demand to the � �[ � '
<br /> te n a n t;(i v)u m l e s s a p p l i c a b t e l a w p r o v i d e s o t h e r w i s e,a l l R e n t s collected b y 1.ender or Lender's ageats shall be � .._Y-.
<br /> �;:�.�::
<br /> ' .`:����� applied�irst to the costs of taking control of and�aaaging the Property and collecting the Rents.including.but s-.
<br /> aag�n
<br /> �:�:�::,'..�.�� . , and maintenaace wsts.. �'�'�
<br /> �', �• � c�_ not Gmited to.attomeys fees. rec+eiver s fee.s, premiums on receiver's bonds. repair 6.. .
<br /> �.`��', �. . � insurance premiams,taxes.assessm�nts and other charges on�Properry. and then to the sums securad by the �-___
<br /> � �'-� Secusity Instnunent;(vy Lender.Le�er's agents or aay judiciallY apPointed r�ceivec shall be 1ia61e to acconnt for �,i
<br /> �r`'•.`• '• :••`' onIy those Reats actaaily reoeived: and fvi) l.�er sdall 6e entitied to have a receiver appoimed us talce . F.�:
<br /> ��� .. possession of ar�d.maaage ti�Proge�tY and coilect ttae Rencs and profits derived'from the Prvgerty wc�anY _
<br /> ����•� showing as to the inasfc3luacY oi the Property as serurity. ��--
<br /> `���`�� • � ;� If the Rents of ti�e•Property ac�not sufficient to cover,t�u�sts of taking controt vf xa�+�s'.�g�e = --
<br /> � property and of eollecting the R�any fimds e.xpended by�r for such purposes sha18 beooiue i.�bzedness �;,:`=�
<br /> ,1; . .�.:
<br /> �°, „ of Bomoaet w I.endet�cured by the Securlty�rumament purswa�tt w Uniform Covermnt 7. .� , ..�
<br /> ��,,u�
<br /> ,�,�; . Borrawer repr+�sctnss and warrants that Barcm.?s+zr 6as not executed any prtor assigament of the Rea��and has - -
<br /> il�.%{i; ,�. - _—.
<br /> ,..,.: �. not and will not perform airy act that woutd p�ev�ct bender from eaercising its r�ghts under tbIs garagraph. _ _
<br /> ' t�er, or Lender's agears.or a judicialiy appointed receiver, shall not 6e reqnir�to enter upan,talte . �-- -
<br /> ' • r•ontrol of or maintain the Property before or after giving norice of default to Borrower. However.Lender. or' . =
<br /> '�.,;,`�t:_}.�' � �' ��, �� Leader's agents or aludicially appointed receiver,may do so at airy ame when a default ocaus.My application _�
<br /> ,:w;;��. of 4ents shali not dtn::or waive any default or invaliQate any other right or rem�y of Lereder.This assignment of .
<br /> �: . .; �:: Rents of the Propertjr�i�ll termiaate when a11 the sums secur�by the Security lnstrument are p�id in full. ..
<br /> . '�".' �:r�! � 1,CROSS�)EgAOJLT PYtOVISION.Borrower's default or breach uAder any note or agrEement in wi�ch .
<br /> •.:�y`�� Lender.I�an interest shall be a breach under the 5ecurity Insttument and I.ender may invoke any af the reme�ies _
<br /> � _ t..,, . pemritt(�it 6y the Securiry Instrume�t. _
<br /> .�y�Y.. ' -• � BY SIGNING BBLOVN. Sorrower accspts�artd agrees t�r,ti'*.e terms�and provisions contained ia ttc8s l� _ .
<br /> ' � `' ' Famity Rider. � . � _
<br /> . ::`' 1. . • '
<br /> ,.' � . . �n•� 5ea1 �� --
<br /> . �m . � al) — � � ;,.:_-,_.
<br /> f1. ::` • . DIANA L D�f[FY3 � wer -3orrower . . --
<br /> `r�{�'���• . - (Seal) i.;;=.-_=`
<br />- ' - (�1) �-_�v
<br /> . . ' H�P L 1�QLY� -Bacfower -Satrawer F-=t.::
<br /> ' �. • E�;::,,'
<br /> .. ,��'r�
<br /> � . .. •�.
<br /> • � form 3t70 3/93
<br /> _ � � . . , � � ,
<br /> .. . ., ' ` � • .
<br /> . . .•.
<br />_, '. ' '--�- - : .: ... . „ ..,. ... . . . � � . _ �.. _.�•.: •.. .. - .
<br /> . _ . . _ . ... .. ..
<br /> ---r— ._,._. _ .� __...,._ .;�.-- - . , . •..
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