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<br /> ; . � � _. f� 9?° 10��I�
<br /> ` ` � � ��`.� _ , of the Property or any interest in it
<br /> 17.Ta�ansfer of tQe Property or��eaeficial Int�st is Bor�o�ver.If all or any pazt `.
<br /> " ��� �, is so l d or t r a a s fe m e d la r i f a b e n e fi c l a l a n t e r e s t i n B o r r a w e r i s s o l d o r u a n s f e r r e d and Aoitower is not a nattual person)witt►oat ;
<br /> ;.�,.�.. �� ;.. . l.ender's prior written consent. Lender may. at its option. require immediaze paymem in fiill of atl sums secu r e d by t t u s � ':.:�•
<br /> .•.�F ,' Security lnstnrment.Hrnvever.this option shaU aot be eaenised by Lender if exersise is prohibited 6y federal taw as of the dace s• �„•
<br /> �` ,;_` af this Security Insnument. •
<br /> ''' • y:_.� If Leader exercises this option.Lender shali give Borrower notice of acceleradon. The andoe shafl provide a period of not -, .. .
<br /> - �-�-_`� less tban 30 days from the date the n�tice is delivered or maited within which Borrower must pay a11 swnc serured by this
<br /> . ,r.Y r-`_--`+
<br /> •;.. , ;,__ Security[nstcument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this periad,i.ender mdy irnrolce anY rem�ies —
<br /> . . 4,� pemriued by this 5ecurity Insuument without fiudier aotioe or demand on Borrower. . .:
<br /> �: ����.' .."
<br /> ., i$. Eormw�'s Rtght to ReSostat� If Bwrower cn�ets cerrain cnndidons. Borrower shall have tiie right to have
<br />� >'.�, ' enforcement of this Security Iastnunent discontinueti at any time grior w the earlier of (a)Sower of sate co�ntainepd this < 's : .
<br /> applicable law ivay specif�► fQr reinstatemeut) befoce sate of the PmpertY puisuanE to any p ..'..i,:
<br /> . . . Seauity,IustTUmerrt:or(b)enuY of a judgmeat enforcing this Security Instrument-Those condidoas ara tLat Bmrower:(a)PaYs
<br /> � ',.'• .�� i�ndei al3 ,ums which thm would be due under this Seauity lnstrument and the Note as if no accetererion had occumed;(b)
<br /> ' • .�. u cares any default of any otteer ooveaants or agreecnents;tc) pays aU exp�ses incurred in enfareing this Sesurity Instnimen�
<br /> " ' inctuding. but not t9mited to,reasonabte attomeys' fces•and (d)takes such acaon as i�nder maY�0�13'�4�re�O��
<br /> �� that tftp lien of this Sea�rity Instnsment.Lender's rights in the Ptoperty and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured bY .
<br /> ;..' 1, this Securiry Inst�ument shall continue unchanged. Upoa re�++��m by Borro•wer. this SecuritY Insuument and the .
<br /> ` :'.,`�,� ' obli�atious s�d here6y s6a11 remaia fuUy effedive as if no asceteratioa had aavmed.However.this right to cea�tate sha11
<br /> ' � • twt app►y in the case af acceleration under paragraph 1T. �-
<br /> �''.`:> .:� . 19. Sale of Nole: Cbaage of I.oan S�tec 'I9ie Note or a partial interest in the Note (wgether with this Security - --
<br /> � It�stnimeni)maY be sold one or more times withoat prior notice to�oTSOwer. A sate may resutt irn a c�ange in the en6ty(known —� ...��
<br />.f ,�. ` as the"Loan Senricer')that collects mant6ly payments due under af.�A��te aad t6is Secunty Insasnaceat.There also may be¢�
<br /> `` 'c' `�,` _ „� ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatad ta a sale af the Na��t'�ese is a d�aaSe of the IIa�am Ssrvicer,Borrower wi41�re
<br /> �. . � w.7 4�e r.o t i ce ws7.�s�te tDe name and ��
<br /> given.writteu notice of the change in accordance witb P�S�P�14 above and applu�le la `;,'
<br />-�,' `. � . ,;;.� address of the new Loan Servicer and the addmss m whic6 payments shoutd Ge�e.The nadce will aL�n o�tain anY other ..
<br /> • inforimation�equired by applicable law. � p �, �o e or release of :4
<br />-�• 20. �rdotts Sn�stances. Borrower shail not cause or rmit the reseaice, use.dispo rag . �Y � _i
<br /> - _ _ �.,:;�•. Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property Basrower shall not do, nor aliotiv atryone else to do, anything affeding the �' •,
<br />' ,: :� 4:. _ p�operty that is in violation of any Envimnmental I.aw.T[ie preceding two seatErrces s�a1! nat apply to the presence,use, or
<br /> ., a1
<br />`3=.� �� , storage on the PropertY of small quanhties af Ha�cdous Substances that are g�.�aily recognized to be appropriate to nom�al �'''•-_
<br /> _ residential nses and to mamtenance of the Property.
<br /> " � Borrower shall prouqnlY give Leader written aeroe of any investigation.ciaim. danand. lawsuit or othec action by any �_�_:'
<br /> .` `' '' ''` .' goveminental or regulatory agency or private pacry in�olving the P�s�eercy and any Hazardons 5ubstance or Environmental Law � -
<br /> rty
<br /> _=.. •J. ..�, � _ of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Bormwer le�ns.or i�.natified bY an}r govemmentaf or regalatory authority.r�azt --
<br /> �-- r�
<br />--. • any removal or other nmediation of any Hazardoas Substance affer�g 8►e Pmperty is necessary,B omnwe r s h a l l p ro m p�C�3 c e � -,;
<br /> - • ap necessaiY remedsal acdons in accordance with Envaonmeatal Law.
<br />= . ps�sed in this�paragaph 20. °Har.a�ous Substtmces" are those substances defined as toxic or hazar+ious substauoes by �,;,:"r
<br />-- ' � Environmental Law and the foltowing substances: gasoline. keroseae. other ftananable or toxic petraleum products,toxic ��_:
<br />- . . � .., � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solverats.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and�adioaaive materia1s.As used in ��
<br /> . . ' this paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law'means federal laws and laws of We jurisdicdon where the Property is tacate�that �_ _
<br /> •. - reiate to heaIth.safety or enviromneatal�rotection. ��_
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further coveuant and agree as follows:
<br /> � � 2 1. A c o e i e r a t to n;Remedies.Lender sLall g�ve notice to Bormwer prEor to aweteralion fo¢owing Borrower's 6reac6
<br /> � of any cave�►t or agreenent in thtv Security I�ent (but aot prior to acceierstlan ander paragrRpS 17 nnless �,�•;."':
<br /> re �
<br />— �� • � . . appScabl�taw psovidesr olherwlse).'l�e nottce shaIl specif9n (a)the defaWt.(b) 4I�e adion reqWred to cm+e the detault; . —
<br /> •• . (c)a date,not iess tLsin 3fl Qays fmm the date the notice is given to Boscower,bry�ch the detautt most be curedt�sed �
<br /> . Ln
<br /> • (�that feitare to cnre the defaW3 an or betose the date specit�ed in the notice may r�salt in aoceteration of the�
<br /> t re
<br />—�- secared by t61s Sccority Inst�eat aad sate af ttrz Property.'i4ie nottce st�aall farthee in8orm Barn�oi the rt�iu �: .
<br /> — . . retnstate affter ascet¢rallon and the right to brYa�r�oonat adton W asse¢��c: non�existrnce of a deEwIt ot any other .�n-,'._
<br />� � '" ' detease oY Borrower to aoceteration and sate. IS n�defaalt is n�t cured cr�.+z� 6e�ure the date speeff�in the nottce, �:__
<br /> Leader, at its optioa,may r+e�lWrn immedlate�pcnent in fult of all sams�by tfits Sewriti'�ent without ;-
<br />=,r.'':��� � farther deman8 and may invoke the power o8 sate and any other remedtes�v-�,r"L.xtt�1 Ccp a�ilcabie Iaw.I.ender shaU 6e �_:�
<br /> -- ent[tied to wllect sill expeases incare+ed ia pmsuin$the cemedies pro v t d e d i n d�yra r a��2i,iacla d i n g,bat not timited �_,�
<br /> — � . to,r�sona6Ie attoraeys'fees and casts ot tltte evi�xace. �"'
<br /> �°' ' ' If thep�ver o f s a re i s i nvo k e d,T r u s tee s B a 9 l r e c o s d a n o t i ce o f d e f a n:t I n e a s h c o a n t y i n a fi l c h a n y p a rt o f th e
<br />== � : • pnupPrty is tecat�d and stra�mall oopi�s of such notice tn the manner prescrl6ed by apptica6te taw to Bormwer aad to
<br /> -- ,. ' the other persoss prescrlbed by applicabie taw.After the time�ired 6y appficabie faw,�n�stee s6ail give pub![c¢oitce _ -
<br /> _- � � . o!sate to the p�sons and in ti�e mannee prescri6ed 6y appltcaL�:e taw.Trostee. wiWont demaad on Baee�w�,�sell '�
<br /> �=�' � the Property at pa6lic aaction to the tilghat bidder at the time ead place aad under the term4 detitgnated i n t t�e�atic�e of �+,�
<br /> - � �� sale in one or moi+e parcels and in any order Trastce detemiines•7Yustee maY Pa�Wne sale of all mr auy p�roel ot the
<br /> — �' property.6y Dnbllc announcement at the time and place oP any prevtoasly ss'�d�led sate. 1.ender�r its designee may .
<br /> � . �. purt�ase the Prope�ty at any sale. ��'`'
<br /> �;': .
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