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2012/0311 <br />which mortgages, deeds of trust and /or other consensual liens are described as follows: Trust <br />Deed and Assignment of Rents dated December 15, 2000, and recorded in the office of the <br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on December 18, 2000, as Document No. <br />200010915. <br />2. Lienholder has been notified that the owner of the real estate legally described <br />hereinabove desires to file a request with the Central Platte Natural Resources District <br />(hereinafter referred to as "CPNRD ") for a permit to allow the transfer of certified irrigated acres <br />from the real estate described hereinabove to a different parcel of real estate. Lienholder has <br />been requested to consent to such request and to the transfer of the certified acres from the <br />above - described real estate. <br />3. This consent is being obtained to allow the Property Owner to transfer the right to <br />irrigate the following tracts of land: <br />10.8 acres lying within the N' /2SE' /a; 4.8 acres lying within the S %2SE1/4; 1.2 acres <br />lying within the S' /2S' /2S' /zNE' /4 and .4 acres lying within the N'/ZN' /2N'/2NE' /4 all <br />in Section 36, Township 9 North, Range 10 West of the 6 P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />to the following tracts of land: <br />5.0 acres lying within the NW'/4NE1/4; 5.2 acres lying within the NE1/4NE1/4; 3.6 <br />acres lying within the SW'/4NE1/4 and 3.4 acres lying within the SE'/4NE1/4 of <br />Section 36, Township 9 North, Range 10 West of the 6 P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />4. Lienholder hereby consents to said request and to the transfer of certified irrigated <br />acres from the above - described real estate to a different parcel of real estate. <br />5. The undersigned is authorized to execute this Consent on behalf of the <br />Lienholder. <br />Dated this 1 day of <br />, 2012. <br />FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF <br />AMERICA, FLCA, Lienholder <br />1e e V (Print Name) <br />(Title) <br />