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201210300 <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described <br />as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), <br />which point is 495.0 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof, running thence North <br />along the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of said Section, 165.0 feet, running <br />thence West parallel to the South line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of said Section <br />One (1), 264.0 feet, running thence South parallel to the East line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1 /4) of said Section, 165.0 feet, running thence East parallel to the South line <br />of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of said Section One (1), 264.00 feet, to the point of <br />beginning <br />