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<br /> . .
<br /> .. . .. _ , : ..._ ,.a _
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<br /> '�` �h ..;:� . , A` t ` __.t _i�' .
<br /> -+� . �r ,. y t 4 � i
<br /> � _ :� , tc . t y : ,� i - . .�A"_ _ . �
<br />. �.
<br /> .V�• C' ` :Y � ¢� t rn �3... ,i ���' .�•+} � Y -\..* 0 _ ':\ '-4`0
<br /> r1 _.! . , • �������/O� �L�`'`�.
<br /> , a • • �.• � �� ���f IIWIII�(!f/ � � •
<br /> . .. .F�..e` ~ �'��'JII�R3l1� hUSlO!IN8f18A 8l7 tA!!f u�altl sre n , r, PAe best of Trramrs knowled$e eRei teasana0/e -
<br /> ' lnvesUg��ton heve tltere svsr 6sen mrd,wlthout the Tiustor oMslr.ing Beneffdary's eonsent snd aArequtsJte Permlts and ePWovafs�Mere w10
<br /> Ug
<br /> � notl�Me futtoe 6e Cmtundnisnte stai+sd,Amimed,or d�pos�af an the Trust Fr+operly w�►Ich wrou/d ra4�e deanup,removel or otAaf romsdiel _
<br /> " acCan under eny envimamentaJlsws Carrtem�i��nts aRaU me�n materi�rls,arrbsteneec9 and comparmrls praluDlted ar ieprdstsd rmdfn sny ` � . .
<br /> tem
<br /> �vironmanmlla►v�Tnestar witl lmmedtntery aotifY Me BeneBciery.In wri�rg,of miy,U7 bnresLlgsBon.+oQulrY•dulm a vctton by onY �t. �
<br /> _
<br />- govemmentsl errNtorft y a�other part�2 s6e/nsr the Tiustor ragaR5rr8 enY envlranmental lews, nl ContaminsnLs on the Trust RapartY wAfd+ ,
<br /> wardd repuhr+cleanup.removal or o�remedfal ectfon rmdar sny emimnmenmllaws 1/pon the BeneNeiary's reQuasL 7�tar wi!lPado�coW ;`,E ..
<br /> � ` � pmvlde anvlranmental assassments or complisnce auC'iLS:end egiaas to Permft envtmnmentaJ LuPsctlans and tasNn!/of the�iust Aapmiy bY � .
<br /> . ```,'�`� the BerteTid�y►or fts eSenm,et the Tiustoi's exPense.N the 7irst RaDertY fs used for wsTdentis!pvrpcsa�the A►eeed'in�aha0 nat aDPN to Me •�.•' e
<br /> presen�a,rcacL arsfamBa aa Ns Tncst Pmpertyof ama11 qrraS�ies af Contsminar+ts tRarere gena�alN serngnized ta Ae ePpr»Prisie to aarma! _ - .
<br />, ,�` ,`•: resTdenA�d usavsnd ro malntanance of Ms Titaf Ftope�y. � �
<br /> ` t�TttqLoi Pdat Rc�:aaod Extenston of Ne time fa�psymer+t oi moddreaL'on of any amorUzatlan of tAe frtdebtednass grsntasby 8en�dsry[o
<br /> any sucaassor/n/nterast af Tir�mr shatinot operate to rete�e,fr�sreY m�nar tl�e k2brTtY of Trustor end Tiusmr's succassas Li lnterest --
<br /> a
<br /> � @eneTrc�y sRall aot Ee reqtwed to commance praceeG'mgs sgauut srrtA successar oriefuse ta e�ctend dme lfor ptryment o�oMernise modilY
<br /> _ trmorUmflon olthe Indebtedness by iesson of anY demand made0y Tiusior snd Trusmr's strccasscis I»1nte�esL
<br /> f,�ihrnefi!(�darm�oa f/Qon reQuest of Benef'iciary.Trrator wi7l pravlde ta EeneAciary,wfdri»nrhety 1901�of Ne closs of eaeA flsce! .
<br /> � yaarof Tiusta tAe consolfdated AatanaesAeetandatemment of eamtng�af Tirrsta�ead e�ryend a0gusranmrs of the b�debte?rtesssecrQad -_
<br /> - - hmsLy,Jtany,artd wD/pravlda end deGvr�to Benef'rderyswch ather fmanrlall�fo�madon Bnd/n auch manner ss Banel'rcie�Y meY iasmnabN • .
<br /> . . , requaat fiom tlme to tlme. _
<br /> . �.-:��"� 4B i6nmla/lbvmav� !n eddrtlan to anY aiAer finmzda7 r.ovenants of Trtestor made in eny other agreemen4lnsVmnent or doa�ment,Tiusto�
<br /> ",'�. . � sRe/I�mPN widi and 8hal1 csuse eny and s!I gu�tars xfr�'fe Indebtedness secraed herebY to camply wfth,o�be In comF�+ce with,the .
<br /> follasafng fuimida!coverra,�t�Rhts P�&+�Rh aha//aot�'il eovensnLS end►eqrurements e�a not set fanli hereLa.l
<br /> , - f�Sr.da�atLeises Wrth/n ten/f01 Qal�efte►demend.Tiustorsh�ffrmish to Beneftclaryaschadrde,cerD7led tobyTtust�settlnytartl► i �
<br /> :,,�,� ' �' �� aAh�as of tha Tiust RrapmrtY,or any pm��Nereof,Jncludfng In eacA c�se,Me nsmo of the tenants cra,ecrrAants,a descrlPBon of tha apsce rv '�',
<br /> vccr�pled hY arrcb ienant or oeeupan�ths ee�re!psys4/e far such space,and aueh otherinfamatlon snd�n.�un►ants with mspect to sucA lesses
<br /> , .�i.. and tensndess�BeneTtcla�ymsY�e�ar�.",►�eQuast '
<br /> r"t�.;'. ;'' � 1T.CovattanEr o!firamr e�f�'SrDa�t�B�s YVItlmut Me pdor wrftteo consent of BsneTrdary,Tnrstoraha0not,d�7ectN or/ndrrecCY wiM ,
<br /> ..• • respec7 to miy/ease af apate cr dte TiusSl�erN.ar sny portlon tlrereof,wAetlrer srrch/eRSe tr navi a�hetesfts�ln eristenca . ,...�,
<br /> ' faJ Accept ar perimlt enYP�P�Ymep%4���+t aradVance peymentol�ent herermder/n excess of�e month. �4�,`�,
<br /> ��•..�;.�; (D)Cencal or iemdnate thB ssme,ora'v�t any csncelladan,terrniaation oi srmender thersof,a perrn�t ens�event ro occra wNch , .
<br /> .. � �• wovld occw thereur�r to terminate or eancei�ha a3me,aH�er than term/naLion for aonpeyment of�en� �
<br /> . .,-.:�..:. . .,..�:* (cl Rmend or modrh t�semesa sv to�mduce ths�rhereof,the rental paysDle therevnder o�ro change snY r�zwv�1 orovtslons -•,.'r'...
<br /> thereln eor+tslned. �c
<br /> � ' fd)Walva enY deferdt thereunder w b�each thereof. . � kfi
<br /> . ; .fel GfvB enY consent,.wa3verar eppmva!t�iere�tav x eake anY other acLron Jn connection lherewitA,ar w1t1�a/essea B►erermder arhlch _
<br /> w
<br /> wautChava Ne efteet ot/mpaTiing d90 v�.re cf tt�Iasro�'s intwesrtherermder o�Ne praperly su�;aet tharett4 or of ImpeuiGiB��� �::i`.��
<br /> ` . of inte�t of Ban�Y�erein,o� • �I-�:
<br /> '" • ' (fl Sell,ess18�.Pledgrt.ma�rtgsB9 orotheswlae�aaf,oi encrrmberits fiterast In anysaidCase orariyrent�,fssr�Pm1hs Zatdng oi �,-„
<br /> - e�isliig Meretaidsr. "� �
<br /> ���
<br /> . . � !� WiM�olb7+tuta of LUnl�rt� Thne Js af tfle esserrce In ef!of Tnlstar's obligaLtans end drrdes harmw�er una to LFie oatent�tted Ay � :..'=
<br /> :•�::i;�:'...-•'�' .-� layv.�iustat watvaq a0 pr�ent or tuPUre sfetutes a1 frmftetTons wfth respect to any debL demartd or obGgation aecursd hereDy end enY+�on or �.
<br /> ` >.F':!:_'i.'. pmceodmg for theF�npo..�of enforcing thLs Deed of 7nrst w eny rigAra or remed'ias contslned heraln.
<br /> �,._� `
<br /> '�,':';: - !9./tsrlgr�nurt ofOaptrsfta /n the event cansGruefion o!lmpmveme�sls cnntemptated by the/asn evldoneed by the Kete sectned AereDy es
<br /> �±_ .::
<br /> aCdA'ortal secimiry Naiefore,Tiustor BareDy Lanslem snd ass/gn.s t�8eneflcisry.e/l dght.Bda sna/nterest to any and sJ/mon/as doposfted by o� �;.
<br /> . �',;.�` ` i�! on beheN of Tntstar wl8i anY a1ry,carmN.PubOc baQy or sgency,aenhrvS��cf,�ry company,and any oNsr Qody or egancy,foi Me ' �'.;'_:_;
<br /> ' €:: Instaf/s01on oi to aec�ue the mstefleLton of eny ub/ity by TirBta/penaining to tAa Tiust PmAenY• r.�.�^,
<br /> � ��'� --
<br /> � �:. ZD Cory�oretJyn aPirfi.valrlP E� K Trtrsmr/s a oorPo�etJon,generel peib�eiahlp.or/!r»ftod perurersA/p,lt wlDdo sAtl�Ings necessmY io �... -
<br /> � ``; �` presenre its corporete ar p�G�ersh/p existonce,es the casa may be,snd e!ldDhts andpiiW/egas ander tAe/aws of tho atets of hs b�carporetlon �.`
<br /> ,, .�. ; orar�anha�on �-°;
<br /> ',,�..,. , _
<br /> • '•;�"?] � �. � S1.RrnDaoc�AY�+ry Not a LFl�mv.My lo�bearm�ce by S�'�1mY la oxenctsing arry dght�r remady her�ormder.a athe�wlse
<br /> ::,,
<br /> �forded by�Dlfcable tsw.sAa11 not ee e�x�Jver ofar precluda ths exe�e af sny sach dOht oriema�TAe pmcurement o1lnsrovnce or the ��-=
<br /> �_�_
<br /> � � ' psyment ot tases or oso cfschargo of�ia:�,ai cha�gas ka Beneflclary shell not 6e a waNer of Benef/clar�'s dght to eccelsrata the maAUiry of Ne __
<br /> � � InOobtodnass. � �
<br /> ` . �.. ?�Otpn�L7antdaOTv�. A/1 remadlos provlCed!n tAs aeod of 7nut are�sdnct end cumWeb've m any otherd�if or remady under thJs Daed
<br /> � • of Tiust or eflo�dedby/aw ai eqrdty,end may be a�rerclsed croncunantly ladependently o�auccessively.
<br /> • . � y8 g����t gQrmd-,/o&t err�gnrard L/�p�y;Captxr.w Tha wvsnents end egreemenm heretn contell�ed shaJ/Mnd,mid the
<br /> . r/glib here�mdvr sho0irrm�to,the raspectfve auccassas and�slgns olBanef/dery,T�lstae,and TiusMr.A/l covenanls ttnd ogroaments ol
<br /> - TiuqtoraAeD6a joJnt m:dsevettil.The cepa�ons end hoad'inF/s of Me pategrephs al Uccs L�ed of Tiust s�e fai convttnlence ortly end srs aot ta Do
<br /> �'.,�,; . used m Intevprot or deflne the pmvlsJons Aeieof. �..
<br /> •��;�'"� � Z0.11lotl�. ExceptforenynaUceieQu/red�m0erapp!lcabJe/awtobe&ivanlnenothe�msnner,(elenYnoticaMTiusta�pravldodfarintAls �`
<br /> • �'r � ` Osed oJ�ius!sAsDba given by msflla�ss�fi not/ce Ay ce�Gflod msf/,rc�un iecelpt repuested addre�r�d ta Tiustor at its rnallln9 addmss sei ��`.c';•:
<br /> � ' � foith ebova a�at aueh atharaddro.x�t�Frr�ror may deslgnate by notica ro Banoficlery es prov/de0 Awein,end(b!tfny aot/ce to Benef/c18ry a
<br /> 0
<br /> ' .- Tiustoo ahsD ba givan Cy c�eit/f/ed msil,ieram rocei,t ro7uested,to Benet/clsry'e end Tiustee's mar/ing add�ess atutsd herein or m susA other .
<br /> � ' ' adGiass es Berrefldmy cr Tiustse may doslgnate by n�tire to Tiustor es proWded her�h Any noUee pmvlded/or irr Cia Oesd ot Tiust ahal/be •
<br /> - dcamod tolrave been gJven m Tiu�sta�,8enafielary or Tivstoe when g/ven!n the manne�deslp�+nted Aeietn.
<br /> p�Qorrsr.bt�t,�w;Sevr�y. 7Ais Oasd of Tiust ahafibo govemad by the/aws o!Me State of Olabraske�In dte event any pmvlslon or ,
<br /> � � clause af thls Oeed of Tiust confUcb wlth eppUcable lew,such cronfllct ehn!/not aflect othe�pmvisions of HUs Dao�a!7rust whlcA cen be givsn
<br /> T� � • eHect witAout the canfUcdnB provJslans and ro this end Ne provlslons of th/s Deod of Trust are declamd M be sevara6le.
<br /> �.�_�,._ .� .�•
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