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201104793 201210159 <br />20120.6668 200 505807 200907125 <br />(h) Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, sloops, porches, <br />balconies, patios and all exterior doors and windows or other fixtures <br />designed to servo a single unit, btil located outside that unit's boundaries, <br />are limited common elements allocated to that unit. <br />ARTICLE DECLA ANDi GN ' 7_AND DEVELO ME 1T RICN1 <br />Declarant shall reserve and have the following development rights: <br />(c) <br />(e) <br />(a) <br />Declarant shall control the Association and may appoint and remove the <br />officers and members of ilea Execrative Board fof Directors until the earlier of: <br />(1) Sixty (66) days after conveyance of ninety percent (90%) of <br />the units which may he created lo unit owners other than the <br />Declarant; or <br />(2) Two (2). years after Declarant has ceased lo offer units for <br />sale in the ordinary course of business, <br />Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of Twenty -five percent (25 %) <br />of the units which may he created to unit owners other than the Declarant, <br />at least one (1) member and nol Tess than twenty five percent (25 %) of the <br />members of the Executive Board of Directors shall be tiler :tact exclusively by <br />unit owners other than the, Declarant. Not later than sixty (60) days after <br />conveyance of fifty percent (50 %,) of the units which may he created to unit <br />owners other than the Declarant, not less than thirty three and one third <br />percent (33 1 /3 %) of the members of the Executive Board of Directors shall <br />be elected exclusively by unit owners other than the Declarant. <br />Not later than the termination of the period( of the Declarant's control, the <br />unit owners shall elect an Executive hoard of et least three (3) members, at • <br />least the majority of whom must be unit owners. The Executive Board shall <br />elect the officers. The Executive Board members and officers shall take <br />office upon election. <br />(h) Declarant reserves, without assent of owners of units, the right to establish <br />easements, reservations, exceptions and exclrrsloos consistent with the <br />condominium ownership and for the best interests of all the owners in the <br />condominium, and to supplement or amend this Master Deed and <br />Declaration, or as amended, or the attached By -Laws or as amended, until <br />Declarant releases control of the Association as set forth In (a) of this <br />Article. <br />Declarant further reserves Ilia right to add to tfte condominium up to <br />seventy -seven (77) more tinils and a cictbhouse to the CondominiuM. <br />Declarant further reserves the right to acid additional lands or tots, being <br />Lols Two (2) through Twenty (29), Inclusive, Village Third Subdivision <br />to the Cily of Grand Island, Hall Cor ty, Nebraska. In the event that <br />Declarant exercises 11ais right, the realloca(ion of common elements and <br />expenses shall be accomplished by using the formuta sel forth in Article VII <br />herein. <br />(d) Declarant reserves the right to rise any units ownecl by it as models., sales <br />offices, and management offices. Until completion of sales by Declarant of <br />all ur 1iIcipalect units•in the condominium, the reservation of rights in this <br />paragraph shall be applicable to arty units added to the concominium. <br />Declarant reserves the right to have'sIgns of any size and whatever nature <br />advertising the condominium and easements through the common elements <br />for the purpose of constructing additional units. <br />