. . .t-�-.��.�� .� .:c . s-.,�j�(tz1�!�c ?-� :.�;fg �.�::..� .—: �2::�,..
<br /> ' j� .4. ..L'. ..i:�i.. ..a-m.dYC:T�"'.tiR 45 _ .C'_
<br /> f-.� � 3Q 1'( - - �
<br /> 4.',v.n�bi f� - .� ' {� ' . ".�.�_d�i� � L��.. _ G
<br /> . .� �f`. �'�"' �c'nS c'S _ `4' yR'�� . v _..��� 4'Y v7.�� .
<br /> � ? .il . �� . .y C� . �f.
<br /> � .�. �•' ' ' .�K. . .
<br /> ..,c/ - �` `"t.,_ i,a .
<br /> .`_�' '..'� �� � •.'4:
<br /> F 10�3q°i � ;� �. ,.
<br /> �.. ��`� � 97� � .
<br /> :.�:�.�.-::�S ° F
<br /> � • - 'Pmeeeds'tn oonned[on witD condemnatirn�or other tafdng of the PropeAY o�paK thereat.or ior�r�veyanoe in Geu oi wndemrra4ion. _ .
<br /> � and shaU etso `,.',
<br /> ��;`� � � r� - Lender st�att he e�ed at Ns oPUan to oammenoa,appear in and pmsearte ir�ils awn name any acHon or proceedtn9s.
<br /> pu or damage.tn'the event any poAion ot the Property is x:..:,
<br /> ba er�tit[ed to rt�Ce anY comD���or setttemerrt[n oonneeHon with such ta4d�►9
<br /> . , so taken nr damaged.Lender shaD have t4�e npUcm tn its sote aM aDsotute disaetion.�inde�Otedness secured he[eb�y aaid i�n s�ud� �, h..:'``
<br /> � ' therefmm all oasts and exDenses inacrred tsY it in canne�icn with sud�Prcoeeds�uPon anY � n sus�ook -
<br /> . ' ' arder es Lender maY determine.or tn aPP►Y a9 sud:P�oesds.aftss sueA dedudlons.to th�resWra�tion of the ProPenf► Ro ; ��,• .
<br /> r �
<br /> � � di�ons as Lsnder may detemitna.My aPPUca�on ot Ptiocseds to inQebte�ness afisli not exiend or QostDone the due date af anY P81a- .: [_ ,.t�t(
<br /> � mems undetthe Note.or ane any defautt theretmder or heteimder.My w�aPPited funds st�al!be pafd to Trustar. •�r. �, , '
<br /> � , 8.PeYformanaa by l.endsr uDon��be[est tfte Pmper4f►.end�er u1may in its awn�disexe�on,but witAout ntiII�on�so� _ �
<br /> oommenced whid�materialty affstis Lend
<br /> .. .,'r� r;` and vrithaut notice to or demand uPon 7�r and without teleasiRg Tnistor fram any ab�gatlon,do any act which TrusLor has a •��_': .
<br /> �::,��' dut taite0 tc dn and may atso do any other act it Qeems neoessary tn P��the securriY hereof.trusLOr sAari.immediateN upon
<br /> .{•. :,�=-'•" r demand therefar by Lender.PaY W Lender aU costs and eocPenses incurrad ar�d sums exDended by Lender in oonnection with the exer- - __
<br /> ��`�r.����-`t� cise hSl Lender ot the toregoing rights,Uogether wHh�rRerest the�eon at the defattit rate pravlded in the Note.wl�ich shaA ba added to . `* .
<br /> � tlte indebLedness secured hereby.Lender sl�ll not lncw any llabifdY bec�e°f anYthi°9��y do or omit to do hereuruder.
<br /> � 9. i9ara�dous BRaLerials.Tnistor shall keep the Property in oompfianoe with all appGcable taws.ordir�ances and reguta6ons f .:�`.
<br /> . . ;-'
<br />_ . . �g�i�strtal l►ygtene or ettvitonrt�l FraUet�Ion(ooft�activetY cefened ou here�n as'Environmema►IBV�s7.Tnuiar s�i��i ;
<br /> tRa Property free irom atl substanc�s deem��a�prese�ie�nder U�iat irie�a�re no�a9 Matec�ta{s�o�n�or w�der the �. ���ti
<br /> � � a s�t l a�a r+d o u s M a t e r i a i s'j.f i v s L o r h e r e b Y and hotd harmtess lenaer.d s d i re c b ors.a ff i c e r s.e m p t o y e�s a n d a g e M s.a n d a n y s�c�
<br /> < < ,�.�<.j Ptoperty.Th�J'r hereby a3���d�� kisses and Iiabilities acis.�e9 in oonnecHon�viU�the Pre�noa. 4 ,'_
<br /> 's���#,� sars to Len�'sinEecest�mn and a g a u�er►y and atl�aims.dama8�. �¢gaD R E G O W t 3 WARRANTIES 6'�ID �
<br /> �!�'�'�'�.. Hazardcr�Materiats on,�er.from ar aDout the Propertf►-
<br /> �.t;_} use.�isPasa�ar�anspa�i a�r� , t,-
<br /> ' c!S:
<br /> �, � '10.AsslBnmsnt oi iisata.Trastnr hereby assigns to Lender,and S�ffi LEr�ar a secimllf fiLe�st tn.ell presen�fud��
<br /> ° afffir arising rents,tssues and proflts otthe PcaA�IY:Dro�d�d�at T�usOor shaU.unh7 the oaurc��'�of ar�Everd of Defaulk hereunder. , f,f+,
<br /> �` ' have tha�fght�o cofiect and�etaU such r�.issues end proflts as they 6ecome due and pay�bie.R�Aon the acamence ot an Evem af .. ; �-_;
<br />_:��..��:..',:•.� .."':�`_ :;
<br /> - - QefsuiL LenQer may.etther in pe�son or by ager►t.uu(th or withou!bdrgin9 any adioa o cf the Prape�tyror at►y part ethereof,�n iis baxm ... "T•
<br /> t •
<br /> cou�t and without ceBard ta the adequaaY oi its securKY,et�Cer upon end iake passess�► - -_�
<br /> .:�`V� name or in tlse name of tfua�trustee.and Qf or interest tl�erein.ar tom(gn naeas����srefmmto p�roffict the secvdt5►heceof�and. � ����e�
<br /> _ :" 't��•� se�bmityoi9leProAeRS►•��YDartt�e��o .:
<br /> ': '� wiU�or wIthout taWrtg possession of the RvpeRy.sue tor or othsn�fsc�oa�^.�d the ren�n�u issues and p fits.less�e�ts ana�ns� :.`,''`•'
<br /> ... ;: .: ,-� c.;;, ents to Lender.L�n�r maY ep'fl�y .`,r,----
<br /> :,,`= due and unpatd.bY notitytng tenants 9�.ake paym indebteJness s�d hereby.a!f in sucb order as lender may deter- ,
<br /> � •z�• es oi operaHon and caUectian tndaiiin aftamsy�s feas. to anS► end tha apptica�on �. �
<br /> ` mine.'Phe eMednB upon and taWng passesston of tAe Property.the oot(ec8on af�rents.issues and profifs.
<br /> • �r.-T;:.
<br /> •. � '�4� `: thereof as aforesaid shaii not cure or waive any defa�ilt or noUce of defauit her�mc�ar or imraftdata any act done fn response to suc� . .,�:.,
<br /> = ar
<br /> � . d�aun cr pursvant to sud�natice of d�auft and. nolwithstandtng the can8nuanoe in possession ot tl�e propeRy or the oofiecbon. ��<
<br />_' �i;l;i`.�J.� � recetpt and a�D�cation af rents.issues�s{uatits.Tnistee ar�Lender sAail be er�[tled b exerdsa every�ight prov:ded tor in arry oi the .w.�-:;_
<br /> �oan�nshunrenta or by taw upon occurrance at anY Event of DefaulL Induding wlthout Iimita�an�fl9At to exerdse 8►e Pcwer of sate. �^.,�,4;
<br /> FuAher,i.er►�4sr's rights and remedt�es a d rents B�c.a�de�a9a nst the PropeRf►.�Lender,Y,rustee and tlie�ceceiver sdhall be�liabte ta ��µ=
<br /> • remedies urulsr any assignment o �z�_.
<br /> aamunt oniy.furthose re�ttsactuaity reeeiveQ. �C°`
<br /> - � 11.E�aNs of Osfauit The follawing sha11 cons�itute art Event of Default under this Deed of Tn� t :°�
<br /> � • (a��a'iure to R�S►any instaitrrtent oi pdndpal ar interest or aay othet sum secured hereby wtten dus;
<br />- ... ' (b;'A breacb oi ordefauit.und�rerry provis!on contained in the Nate.thts Deed MTnist.ar�y►�ithe Loan inshume���Y �_-.
<br />- � other Qen ar em�mbrance upon the ProDertY. ``��--��_•
<br /> � (c)A writ oi executlon or etmchrt�e�or any simitar process shail be e�.�.�ed againat Ynistor Whtcb shaD beoome a Qen on �. ---
<br /> -- � `' tne PmDertyt or eny►Portlon thereot or fnterssttherein; -
<br /> _ ,:.,`�f;'�,� (dj There sha116e fited by or against Tnistar or Borrav�er an acdon under any�reseM cr future federsi.state cr offier stetute, C•T�_
<br /> - . . • taw ar�eguta�on refating to bankruptcy.insotveRey or othet reliet for debto�ar there shait b0 appainted arry bUatae•re°a�►er or =
<br /> •• Qqu(Qator of Ttu.star or Bortawer or of all or any 9art cf the PropeRS►.or ifie cents.issues ar profits the�eM.or Ttusbar or Bortou�rer _
<br /> . S}�ap matcs any genera1 asstgnmentior the bene'Fit of aeditcrs: _ -_-°
<br />= • � ".. ... (e)The sate,transter,teass.essignme�o tha exDress written oo�nsaM at Lander!ptovl��ed�that Ttustor s+haU b pemnit �--;.y=.
<br /> � �.�., _..';. :. Propetiyr.either votuntadly or imrohmtariiy.
<br /> that does not wnmin an opUan ta purchase enA the term ot whicfi daes not excead cv►e � .,;���
<br /> - . ted to execute a tease of the ProqsR1► E.'=_° .
<br /> ; year. E -
<br /> (�Abar�donment of t�s PropsAy:c� --
<br /> E , •:• assignmenL oonveyance or enambranoe o!more than('d a
<br /> � (g)li tnistor is not an indivlduai.the issuartce•sate,transfer.
<br />-` . �' on a tota1 of PerceM oi ib Issued and ouLstanding siocic.or('d a partnershof thetmReO Uabiliry oo p� �:_'`�:"
<br /> � . aorooraU )
<br /> '. oent ot paRnershlp[nte��or(Ne tirtdt�d�abUiry oompa�a total af percent -
<br /> .� ,,; � ny interests ar votlng dghts dudng fhe pedod ih�Oeed of Trust remalns a Uen on fhe pro�eRy. _
<br /> - .�' <::'� 12.Remedtes:Aseei�rattan tt�on Deiautf.tn the eveat oi any Event of OeTault LenQ�r�ay.wiwout noflce except as ree�� _-
<br />-T . .. . by Iaw.Qecfare afi lnd�:�dness secuted hereby tn As Qua and payaDte end the same shail thereupon beooma due and D� �::-'-
<br />=_ . out anY Dresentrrten�Qa:�and.Protesf or notic�o�enY Wnd.?hereaRer Lsn dehe�e�in.end Trustee shaU tttereaf�er c3use Tnts4ots tntet �._.:�
<br /> � . ':; (a)Oamana�at T�atee exerdss ttie POUVER OF SA1.E grante ,� __
<br /> est in the Pro9etty bu be sotd and the proc¢eQs to be d�ed.aD In Ute manner provided tn tf�e Nebtaska Tnis4 Oeeds Ac� �, .
<br /> b '
<br /> -- � (b)Exerdse eny a n d a t l dgh t a R�ded tor tn any og t,`s9 Loan InsWments or by law upon aceurrenco oi any Event o1 `
<br />-- ' OeFaulk and � ��
<br /> -' e,a otnt a�eceivor.or speclflcalry er�forao�snY ot the
<br />_3;.. . � Ic)Commenaa an action W toreetose thisQeed of Tnist as a mor�qag PO
<br />� . . oovensnb he�eof.
<br /> . • No reme6y herein c�"��e0 upon or resenre0 to T�w se ar lender is irrtend�tn be exctusfire of any other�emedy herain,in the Lcan
<br />— , ; � fnsbumen�or bY��o now or�existing at law o�r n o��uiry or bY statute,a d�maY f� xe�sed aonaurent y.�ndepen� . .
<br /> ' in the Lo3�6ns�rumeriLS .��':
<br /> - i - ar su�esivety
<br /> • 13.Trustea.The Trustee may cesign at any time withaut cause.anb Lsadsr rtsaY ei any tlme ande thout�eD Q in�y� - -
<br /> cessor ar substitute Truatee.Tnistee shatl not be�abte to eny parly.tnciudin9 withaut��mitatlon Lentter, omOwer.
<br /> ub . :
<br /> = - • rhaser of tt�e Propertf►.tor arry toss or damage uniess due m roddess or wlllfut misoondu�.ar►d shaU not be�equfred tn take any eatcn
<br /> in oannectlan u�ith the er�oroement M Ws Oeed of Tnist unless indemnifled,in wrfUng.for a0 costs.oomRensalion or expensas vfiids .
<br /> . ,� • mey be a5sordated th9rev�i ne the asale o ai!or any�Non o!tlte Properh►�as DtoviQed by law:orseU t�l�e Pcopertq as whot�or in �_-
<br /> . sate granied her+ein);postp
<br /> � � - -� separate Parcels or tots at Trustee's disaeUon. Tnrstee shaQ be entitta0 to appty
<br />-- � � • 14.ieas anA Expsnsos.In the event'irustee se0a the ProAerty bY exer�Sf sate.�inciuding all'Trustea s tees.and Lendefs and �
<br />�_ � ��' . any sale proaeeda flrst to payment o!all oosta and expenses o1 exercising powe „
<br /> Y ' • � Ttustees attomey�s tees. actualh►t Oetaut Lender shalt be eMiUed U�re�v'atfrom T etor all oosts and expenseslach�alN���s �
<br />�`�:�.� • provided by iaw to cure an Event o t
<br /> -",_, .' ' • . a result of Tnisto����Upon re4uestiot 8orro er,Lender may8at its opUon,make add"i ati nal and future adiranoes end read- �
<br /> _ _. ._:..' ,_- =--
<br /> 15.F�.
<br /> . vanoes to Bortawer.Such sAvances and readvances.witD interest tharern►.sP+afi Oe sear��t��°t Tros�At no timme shall tho _
<br /> - . . < <
<br /> . . .
<br /> _ .. . ..
<br /> .....�_-.---------�-----��T---..�,�' �. - _ -- _ -
<br /> .. . , . . . �. . -�-- --- -
<br /> . wrt"'^' ' . ' • . ' •-�n—���.�._ $�—� ..:1JL' _..�w��t�wa..�..�e..��._�.� .�..��--� �. __
<br />