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<br /> ., �'°` ` •�• CBNERAL POWBR OF ATTORNBY ��_ .'
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<br /> - -- KNOH ALb E4�N J�Y THBSB Pl3ESENTS� that I, Mi t�► S. �; .':�
<br /> Beckmann of Itapid City. Sottth IIakota, desirfng to execute s
<br /> � � GBNTsRAL. FOtigB OP ATTOBNBY, bave made. coms�itiuted aud ".
<br /> '� �'�. F�,' .` appointed, ead b� 'thes� Presents do make. canaCi�nte aad `.'.
<br /> � Y� • =+� : appoin� Patsy �arn�s. 270T �lympi� Drive. Carls6�d, California
<br /> � . 9Z008. my Attoraey-fn-Fac� for me sad in my name, pLace aad
<br /> , stead �� do and perform all acts. deeds, matters aad tbings �
<br /> � �hetsoever conaePnlnB mY' proparty and p�rsonal af�airs "
<br /> � � necessary aad advis�ble ia the jud8�ent of � eefd '�';�
<br /> �, . .��._.;: Attorney-in-Fact as fully and e�fect�aa118 to aI� intents snd •
<br />- ' purposes a� E could dm if ,perscnally preseat and ac4.ing. � :
<br /> � - •iAaludin8: beat nat lfmf ted to. eacb and evere one m¢ �he _,
<br /> . � � falldwing matter�: , `
<br />-_:..��,.•: G .: �
<br /> ���..s•_:j� ] . SSAL Pl@OPEBTY t ItAIdSACTIONS: •
<br /> � . (A) To buy. coratact_eo buy, s�eivs, le�se or rent for
<br /> , �. . , �,ny term. sccept. or otherwise acquire �eal estate or a�y
<br /> : �•�.�-, ' < � � � optioAS thereon or ineerest therein, inclada�g any aad all -
<br />- . •;:::.,,.....:.. ., � �•�•
<br /> '. � rights for th� davelopment oS oil, Bas os a�ther m:aeral
<br /> a
<br /> . �.� � •- degosn�.s. ++berever situeted, on such terms. condi�forts r�ad �;�':".
<br /> ' . ; . • �,: cons"ac��raxions as ruy Attmrney-an-Fac� �811 deem proper, in my �;�'`.
<br /> ` � name or �oi»tly ia my naan� snd that oY aay other party or =
<br /> . ����� . .� ��� parties iucluding my Attorney-in-Fact; �_
<br /> ',."�;. �;=.•;. tB1 T�a se�1, eoatraet to sell, ma-t8ai�e, enev�ber, _
<br /> � � '+, euchaAge, lease �r ren8 Qos anY terr�Q �ra�at ��semsntsa artd ��
<br /> .� .. . �, optio�ss to pUrebase or other�ise digpose of any or ae�a real �:�I�
<br /> :. ...
<br /> s ._ • .� ; es�ate in �ahieb I nov have or c�sy hea�a�ter acqufre asiy ri�ht, ��`-
<br /> •� - - . T' • title or �aterest, incluair� any � aIl :i�ts :a: tlee � - ;
<br /> � � �= development aP oil, gss or other micac��al dey��i�s, whQt�ee '�_
<br /> � ' sanch real eskate be homest�ad or aos-�i��mestesd, te�nanoy. -
<br /> ,,+.,r, `, tenaney bY the en�.iretie�, teoanalr �as� aomaon,or in anY other . . . .
<br /> �"� .:;� . .: manner ur capa�ity, and in my naa��. ar 3oiat��Y �f� �y other =_ _
<br /> . �. ' psriy or parties, includiag rag attorney-fa-�t�ast, an eucb --_
<br /> [�. . . ' � teras, coeditions and cong"s��sations as a►y Attorney-�a-Fact� � -
<br /> �.�- • . " � ' ; st+ail de�m proper; to �i�n, seel. �x�oute, actcno.rleda� aad �
<br /> �:. dr.i i v.aa• a�►y aad ul 1 �t�rfbi-umait4x Iu vrl Llug uP ony &�4tt� ++���
<br /> . ,l ; natuce, as msq be necessar� os convenient, aontainin��such:. � ==
<br /> � .:. � . �_--
<br /> ;;;;, � terms and aonditfo�s. and su+cA warre►nties aad coveaants, •f�-� � .
<br /> �..�
<br /> .�;�:,;;4�kp; • _ � . any, as my safd ALtarney-iaa-�aat shell deem adviaable, aad
<br /> :�t�,.,�
<br /> ;.,.��;,r7�� : , . . 4urt her to as iva, re lease, re linq ui s h e n d c o�e v e y a n y h o�e s te a c� �=•�
<br /> �-''`����� � eatat��, ri�dts under homesteedl exemp�ion l e�r�, e n d e►1 l. o t h e r � -
<br /> ';;;y`�, . . � . .
<br /> �����1�+ �� `�'� °�t rfgt��s or iAtereats to ahicb I may at an8 tf,me be entitled; � �
<br /> ,�l�;pl; •, ' . .rr �'a::
<br /> :�;.,�;r., '� ,� l C) To maaag�, utf 1 a�e, conserve. �.�fllis6, repair,,
<br /> �; ' • � rebuild. blter or fmpsove any resl estote or struCture
<br /> : ' tB�csreon, owaed or claimed to bo o+�ned by m@ in vhole or i�n
<br /> ,' ��` par�, and to protect the sam� bq actian. proceedina or
<br /> � .� ,� _ �
<br /> „ � ot�►er++ise. includfng, buti not limite� to, the reeovery ot
<br /> � ., . posaessfon tberaof, aad t�e removal of tens�ls or other �
<br /> � � � persono. a�imale or ob3ects thereYrom.
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