d� _..,c� ___� . 3_. ` ��..��. . . ' i.�.
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<br /> . , . .. -.,-.. _ _
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<br /> ",-'�?i . . . . .. ..� . — . .. _ —_- ' _' -
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<br /> � .�. �. . 14� �A �,. � ; —`1, � -i�t f4T� 4 - ' . . Y. � f Y'_.;"' L ..�6.+.+ TE .��[` `S
<br /> - � _ ..14 i'' - u�+.a..�-� -�..�.d._ _ . ..�...r�.�,.r�����...�.+[...._.��..u...�.._.`.:.L.—.Y._.��..� - - �
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<br /> _.•t.. .� ..
<br /> cit�h.
<br /> 10 Bomcr�sr No4 Released;�orb8ae�.nce�y L�nder�to4 a Wstvo�Extenslon af the time for paymarrt or madiffcatton � �. `
<br /> � ` '� � af amortization of the sums secursd by this De�d of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In interest ot Borrow�r shail not ; �� .
<br /> . ` , -.s. apera�e ta refease.in any manner.the liabilltyof the original Borrower and @ortowsPs sucaessors in[rnerssL Lendershall not • �
<br /> � �F bs required tu oommence prooeedtngs against such suxessor or refuse to extend tlme br paymant or atherwlse modt4y�� `
<br /> _ < amort�ianotthesumssecuredbythisQeadofTn�sibyreasonofarrydemandmadebytheoriginalBort�uverand6ornawer's� � :,
<br /> ' � successors in in te r e s t.My t o r Dearance by L ert der in exe r c is ing anyt r tg t t t or reme d y h sreun d er.or o t he r w ise a f t o t de d by� .
<br /> '' � . - applicabte law.shafl not be a waivar af or preciude the e�aerclse of arry s�ch rfght or remedy. .� ,. � <<
<br /> - . 11. Succes�orsandAsstgnsBound;Join4andSeverall.lability;Co-slgneraThecavenanbandagreementsherei� �
<br /> - . . ::, contairted sAa11 btnd,and the dghfs Qereunder shalf inure to.the respective suc�essors and asslgns of Lendsr and Borrower.o� ,
<br /> . «;,. subject to tha pr�mrisians of paragraph 16 hereof.Aft covanants artd agreements of Bomower shai)be joint and several.My� , F . `
<br /> • `- Barrower who co-signs thts Dee�of Trust,but daes noi execute the Note.(a)is oo-signing this Deed of Tirust only to grant and� . '-
<br /> __�'�"""�`�'' oomray that Bot[owePs interest in the Properiy to Tretslee under tRs tsrms of thls Qeed c?Trus4.(b?is not persaneliy Ilebie on ,.
<br /> �� . .
<br /> � �- _ � _ the Naie or underthis Qesd of Trusi.and(c)a�aes that tenderand any othsr BoRawer hereunder may agree to extend,modity, ,.
<br /> . �, brbear,ormatceanyotheraccommodaUonswithregardtothetarmsafthisOeadofTrusiortheNote,withautthat�orrower's , .
<br /> `� canser�t end without reteasing that Barrower or modifying this Qeed of Trust as to that Borrovrer's interest in the Propsrty. ' ,
<br /> _ . 12. Notic�Ext:ep4forarrynottcerequiredunderappllcabtelawtobegiveninanoUsermanner.(a)anynat[cetoBorrower ��
<br />' , , � provfdsdforinthisQeedoiTrustshaltbegivenbydefiverfngitorbymaiiingsuchnaticebycertifiedmaitaddressedtoBomorrat ` `
<br /> � at ths Property Addr@ss or at such atAes azi��s Borrawar may dsstgnate by notice to Lender as pravtded herein,artd @j
<br /> . anynoiicetoLeetdershailbegiven byceRi�a�9rrtaiF W Lender's addresastated here(nortosuchatheraddress as Lendermay -==
<br /> • ' designatabynoticetoBocrow�erasprovidedhere�.�c��aeprovidedMrinthisDeedofTrusssfialibadeerrtedtohavebeen '� °�`° �.�`'
<br /> . , ghrsn to Borrower or Lender when given in the rax���sigrtated herein. --
<br /> - . t� GouerNngtgw;S�rera3�ttlty.Thesi�a�rdtocall�usappfics�f8t�thisQeedolTrustshallbethefawsotthejurisdic4ion x.•�°.
<br /> ' tn whTch the Property is located.The toregai�g sentenca sfiall noi iim�the appltcability af Feder2i iaw W this Oee�ot Trust �. "
<br /> in the evern that any pravislon or clause of t9n�s Desd M Trust or the Note canfllds with appitcabte taw.such cor�llct shall not
<br /> ��-?��� � affect other provisEons of this Oeed of liust or 6�e Note which can be g�ven eftect wmwut the corrfitcting provfston,and to this .��..,t '
<br />' :�:F:ur..`r: �.} end the pravisions of this Deed�frTsust artd the Note are declared to be severable A4 used herein,��costs';"exP�nses"and �-� ��:_:�':�.,.(."
<br />-`:;��'���f:--,-:'�:°:�:%:ti�. "astomeys'tees"inctade all su:vris i�tha e�ni nai prahibtied bY aPAlfcabte taw a limit+ed herein. _ <.�L,�,-
<br /> � ���'Y- t4. Bo�rer'g Copy.Borrower sh��,a�umished a conformed copy of the Note an�of thfs Oeed of Trust ai the t�me of '. ;:�:;:�:-
<br /> . `�1. execution or afte��ecordatfon hereaf. _-
<br /> „ ;' t� Rehabilttatton Loan Aa�ement.BoROwer sh2d�fulfiil atl of Borrawar's obligadtons under arry home rehabiliYallon. ,3��r; f s_
<br />- - • .• -��•�•� tmpr�ament,repair.orothertca�agreementWhichBo��rentersintowithlender.Lender.atLender'soptimn.rrtayrequire ;��;�,��:,:::���
<br /> _ _ � " '� BoROwer to execute and detiver tv Lender.in a form asx��ble tn Lender,an ass(gnrrtent of arry rtgMs,ctairsss�r detenses ?:�'!�` �.��
<br /> � , . �z' whlch Borrower cnay have against partfes whu supply 12�az matertals or senrices in connectlon wtth imptoverr.��Rs mad0 t� -
<br /> + :
<br /> ., , '. theRroperty. ..�. ., .�;T _
<br /> t6 '�tansferolPraparty���eneticiatfn4eres4�ca�nower.ItalloranypartotthePropertyorarryinterast�nitissos� �is=`
<br /> � � ortransfetred(arifabeneftci26a�srastinBorrawerissotdartransterredandBorrowerisnota�aturalperson)LV�autLenQe�'s ''��''�`� �-
<br /> :':(��:`�' rtorwritten wnsent,Lender ptl 4 P Ym Y
<br /> ;.�.��``�;�' � Hawever,thisopttonshalinotbeexe�i eatiy%ae�exercisejisprohibitedbyfederai1awasofYlvadataofthis0eedofTn�i. �' `' ��, � -
<br /> ; ,: �,�_ ' IfLendere�oerctsesthlsoptiun,LertdershailgiveBorrowarnoi�Ceofacceleraiton.ThenoitcesP�aliprovtdeaperiodafr�ai '
<br /> ' {f � tessthan30daysiromthedatethenoticeisdeliveredormaitedwithinv�hich8orrowermustpayallsumssecuredbythisDesd
<br /> �"`:"�'"�. �'I�" of Trust If Borrower tails to a tt�ese sums rior to the e iraUon of thia ertod.Lender ma invoke an remedles ermitted '`���"�
<br /> :����,�;,. . P Y P xp p Y Y P �,:�;�'�__..�_
<br /> �•��,:� by this Deed of Trust without turther natice or demand on Borrower. ..;• ,,,_-
<br /> , . , ,;��' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and Lendet turther cavenaM and agree as folto�rs:
<br /> �`' '� 17. Qaceleratba�;Remedfes.Except a$provided ln paragrapb t6 he�eoP,upon Borrower's breach ot arry cavenant �,�� �;;.�;;; �
<br /> . oregneementofBarcowerinthlsOeedof�ust,inc(udingBomavrer'e4�furetopay.byttteeadoftOcalenaardaysaftQr .�•��-•'-:��..-
<br />-`� " - they ere d��arry sums secuc�e�by thts Deed of Ytust,Len6er prlor ta aceeteratton Shsll give notice to Borrower es -`:.�:,:=.
<br /> .�':;�^`� . ; ':�� '. .; provided tn paragraph 12 hereof sp�ciying:(1)the b�each;(2)the actton required to cure�ucA bneach;�3)a dat�not ` ��=�:,,-. .
<br /> �� 7 •�.•._��;�, .; (easthan20days9romthed�tethen�ticsismailedtoBonawer,byv��2chsucQ�b�achmust6ecur2d;�nd(4)tha4tatlnre `""�'���
<br />- ..�:`` ';_:. ' to cure such bre��e on or before tNe da4e�ecifteA M the notice m�r�ault in acceteratlon a8�e suma secur�d by t9�19 �� - �=-
<br />_.'':;�:5. �. . QeedofTrustendsaleoltheProperty.Theea�3cesi�JtsutherinfonefBor�aweroi4he�igAttoeeinst�teafter�leration � � ����r���_
<br /> ;'� � end the rtght to bNng a ec��+xtton to assert the�ac�eutstence of a default or arry other detense of Bo�row�er t� •:��r ��
<br /> . a�ceteretionan�eaie tftbel�dhlsnoleutedonor�theda4espe�HlBAtnthenotie�t�onder�atLende�soptton, -_ -
<br />= � may declare all of th�sums secured bythts Deed a�f Th�st to be immediatety dao are+d payab�e wlfhaut turQher demand � '
<br />_ .� � � artdmayimrokethepawerotsateandatryotherremedtesperrnttted�reppfieamletaw LertdershallbeeMitledtoeotfoct " � � �
<br />_ • ', eil rea�onamle costia�ndexpensee tncura�In pursuirtg 4he r�med'.�s pr�vlded in thDs paragra�9�17�Inc�uding,but not � �.� '
<br /> ,,: . Itmtted to.�asonable attorcc�s'ieea :..�i��k....: .
<br /> '�+� `:' Ifthepavrerotsalois(r�a0rad,7Fusteashatl�ecocdanoHeeo?Qefa�itlne�f,beountyinwi�teh4hePr+��eriyorsome ;.<�;a�: `
<br />__ : paKthereofiatoratedandehailmailcopiesofsuchnot(ceinthemannerp�scdbealbyeppii�iotswtoBorrowerand " "� �� � ��
<br /> - � t:�.'�.
<br /> __ � . ... to tha other per�ans prescrlbed by epp!lceble taw After the tapsra a�sach time es may ba nequineA foy appllcable law, ' ' � :�•�
<br />__ . • ltusteeahatlghrepublteno4lceafsaletotCnvpersonaendinthemaronerprescribedbyepp4in�fetaw Tiustee,wtthaut � .'`�'���
<br /> __ � demane on Borrower,sfiafl ssp the P�opeaty at p�,b���uctton to the highest��r at the ttmo and Q"�re and unde� �;�`"�.�. . . •
<br />=_ -_ the terma deslgnated In tF�e c�4�ce of gate M one or cr�a�parc�ls end In such or+�ras iteistee may de�sineL lfvstee � i�%'' � .,
<br />__ . , maypostponesaleofaitorarryparcefottl�ePropertybr,�publlcennouncementetthetire�s�atsDpisceota�ryprevtousty �
<br /> , �. . schedu(ed sate.l.�enQer or Lender's Qeslg�ee may purehase the�operty a!eiry sate. . �
<br /> . Upon recet�8 04 payment o14he prioe btd,'�histee shall deltver to the purchaser Tius�ee'g deed comreying the � � �
<br /> _ Pr�cpertys�td.The�ct8efstntheTiustee's6¢edst�allbepr�matacteevidenceo4t�otrutholthesmtemaMsmadethenetn.
<br /> -___ - _ T�issi_ess �� eg�S�!!S.°pr�°°�sQ!lt��ia:3���:ta�rr:r�zr�er.(a�taailr��t,r��;ac�dc+ar�6�np�ns�soffhesais, --_ -------
<br />_--.. � Inaluding,6utnollimitedto,Thrstee'eteessctuaftytncur�do4rtotmolet�tan %otthegeasesafeprIt� "� .
<br /> .�� �. . reasonabteattomey�'feesandcostaoft[neovldanoe;(b)toallsumasecur�dbythis0eedollFust;and(�)thosxces�, ' �
<br /> - tf e�ry,to the peQSOn or persons tegafty entitted theneto �
<br /> _ � �� 18. Boirawer's Right to Rotna4ete.Natwithstanding Lender's accsteration of the sums secure0 by this Deed of Trust,
<br /> ; � � duetoBorcower'sbreach,BorrowarshallhavetheNgMtohaveatryproceedingsbegunbyLsndertoenforcethisDeedolTrust � � � �
<br /> _ , discontinuedatanytlmeprlortotheearllertooccurot(ijthefifthdaybefaresalaofthePropertypursuanttothepowerolsaie � �
<br /> -- cantainedin this Oeed o!Trust or(i�ertiryof a judgment entorclrtgthis 0eed otTrust N:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sumawhlcb �
<br /> - would bethen due urtder this Deed of Trust andthe Note had no acceleration occuned:(b)Bomovrer cures a11 breacheso!arry �
<br /> . othetcovenantsaragreementsotBorrowercontainedinthisOeedofTtust;(c)Bomowerpaysallreasonabteexpensesincurrsd � .� �
<br /> i ' byLenderandTrusteelnenforcin thecovenantsanda ' '
<br /> .,. � g greementsolBonowetcontainedinthis0eedofTi�ust.artdinenforcUg . .,_ ___._.___ .
<br /> :-,; -- - � Lends�'s and Trttstee'$remed�es as provided in paragraph t7 hereof,inctud'mg,but not fimttea to,reasonab4s attomeys'tees: . : �
<br /> vn�9
<br />. =S.i. .� • ' .. �
<br /> " ---- --- -- .--•• ..._.__ . �_:---.�
<br />