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12/3/2012 9:08:30 AM
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governmental action that does not result in a Condemnation Action, or (c) the total or partial taking of the <br />Property, the Improvements, the Fixtures, the Personalty, or any other part of the Property or the Collateral <br />Property under the power of eminent domain or otherwise and including any conveyance in lieu thereof (the <br />"Awards "); <br />8. Contracts. <br />All contracts, options, and other agreements for the sale of the Property, the Improvements, the <br />Fixtures, the Personalty, or any other part of the Property or the Collateral Property entered into by Debtor <br />now or in the future, including cash or securities deposited to secure performance by parties of their <br />obligations (the "Contracts "); <br />9. Rents. <br />All rents (whether from residential or non - residential space), revenues and other income of the <br />Property or the Improvements, including subsidy payments received from any sources, including payments <br />under any "Housing Assistance Payments Contract" or other rental subsidy agreement (if any), parking <br />fees, laundry and vending machine income, and fees and charges for food, health care and other services <br />provided at the Property or the Collateral Property, whether now due, past due, or to become due, and <br />tenant security deposits (the "Rents"); <br />10. Leases. <br />11. Other. <br />Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement Form 6421 <br />Fannie Mae 01 -11 <br />Prepared by RoboDocs® <br />%O121OO64 <br />All present and future leases, subleases, licenses, concessions or grants or other possessory <br />interests now or hereafter in force, whether oral or written, covering or affecting the Property or the <br />Collateral Property, or any portion of the Property or the Collateral Property (including proprietary leases or <br />occupancy agreements if Debtor is a cooperative housing corporation), and all modifications, extensions, or <br />renewals thereof (the "Leases ") and all Lease guaranties, letters of credit and any other supporting <br />obligation for any of the Leases given in connection with any of the Leases; <br />All earnings, royalties, accounts receivable, issues, and profits from the Property, the <br />Improvements, the Fixtures, the Personalty, or any other part of the Property or the Collateral Property, and <br />all undisbursed proceeds of the loan secured by the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt <br />upon the Property and Improvements (the "Security Instrument ") and, if Debtor is a cooperative housing <br />corporation, maintenance charges or assessments payable by shareholders or residents; <br />Page 3 <br />4 2011 Fannie Mae <br />
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