<br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Notc
<br /> shall not estcnd or postpone the due date, or changc thc amount, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escmw Items. Bonower shall pay to Lender on the day Pcriodic Payments are due under tl�e
<br /> Note,until the Note is paid in full, a sum(the "Funds") lo provide for payment of amounts due for: (a)taxes
<br /> and assessments and other i[ems which can attain pnonty over this Security lnstrument as a licn or
<br /> cncumbrance on the Property; (b)]caschold payments or ground renls on the Properiy; if am; (c)premiums
<br /> for any and all insurance required by Lender undcr Section 5; and(d)Mortgage Ivsmance premiums, if any;
<br /> or am sums payable by Borrower lo Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance prenuums in
<br /> accordance with the provisions of Section 10, These items are called"Escrow Items." At originalion or al
<br /> any time during the terni of the Loan,Lender may require that Communih• Association Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any,be escrowcd by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments st�ll be an Escrow
<br /> [tem. Borrower shall prompfly furnish to Lender all nouces of amounts to be paid under ttus Section.
<br /> Bormwer shall pay Lender thc Funds for Escmw Itcros unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay
<br /> the Funds for any or all Escro�v Items. Lender may waive Bormwer's obligadon to pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> airy or all Escmw Ite�ns at any limc. Any such waiver ma}� oniy be in writing. In We event of such waiver,
<br /> Borzower sLall pay direclly,when and wlierc pa7able,the amounts due for any Escrow Items for wtuch
<br /> payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall fumish to Lender receip[s
<br /> evidencing such paymem wil}iin such time period as Lender ma} require. Borrow•er's obligation to make
<br /> such payments and�o provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covcnant and agrccmcnl
<br /> contained in lhis Secudty Instrument, as the phrase "covenanl and agrcemenY' is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrowcr is obligated to pay Escrow Items direcUy,pursuant to a�oaiver, and Boxro�ver fails to pau ihe
<br /> amount due for an Escrow Item, Lendcr may exercise iu rights under Section 9 and pac such amount and
<br /> Borrower shall then be obligatcd under Section 9 to rcpay [o Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> the wafver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in accorclance with Section 15 and,
<br /> upon such rovocation,Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in such aniounts, tl�at are then required
<br /> undcr this Sectian 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount(a) sufficiem to permit Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at thc time specified under RESPA, and(b)not lo cxceed thc maximum amount a lender can require
<br /> under RESPA Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonablc
<br /> estimates of expenditures of fulure Escrow Items or othcnvise in accordance with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds sliall be held in an insututron whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instmmenlalig-, or
<br /> entiTy (including Lender, if Lcnder is an institution whosc dcposits are so insnred)or in am Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds lo pay the Escrow Items no later tltan the lime specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and appl}�ing thc Funds, �nnuall7 anal}�zing the
<br /> escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a cttarge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law requires interes[to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borzower azrv
<br /> inlcrest or earnings on ihc Funds. Borrower and Lender can agee in writing; ho��-ever, that inte�st sliall be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall givc to Borrower; without cliarge, an annual accounting of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA,Lendcr sttal] account to Borrowcr for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shoriage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrorver shall pay to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary to make up the shortagc in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly pavments. If
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds hcld in escrow; as defined under RESPA,Lender shall notify Sorrower as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e Family-Fannie MaelFretldie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEM Porm 30281/01
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