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201210011 <br /> dcsignated a substitute noflcc address hy noUce to Lender. Borrower shall prompUy notify Lender of <br /> Borrower's change of address. If Leiuler spccifies a pmcedure for reporting Borro�;er's change of address, <br /> then Borrower sl�all only report a change of address ttirough that specified procedure. <br /> There ma�-bc only one designated noticc address under[his Sccunri Instrumem at any one time. Any notice <br /> to Lendcr shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lenders address stated herein <br /> unless Lender has dcsignated anothcr address by notice to Borrower. Any noticc in connection with this <br /> Security Instrumcnt st�all not bc deemed ro lia��e been given to Lendcr unpl achially received by Lcnder. If <br /> any no6cc required b} this Security lnstrumem is also required mtder Applicablc Law, the Applicable La�c <br /> requiremem will satisfy the corzespondiug rcquirement under lkus Sccunri•Ins[rument. <br /> 16. GoverningLaw; Severability;Rulesof Construction.Tlus Security Instcument shall be governedby <br /> federal law and tbe law of the jurisdiclion in wluch the Properiy is located. All rights and obligations <br /> contained in this Securih- Instrumem are subject to any requircmcnts and limitations of Applicablc Law. <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the parhies to agree by contrect or it nught be silem,but <br /> such silencc ahall not be construed as a protnbition againsl agreement by contract. ln the e��cnt tYtat any <br /> pmvision or clause of this Securily Instmmem or the Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not affect other provisions of this Security instrumem or the Note which can be given effec[without thc <br /> conClicting provision. <br /> As uscd in this Security instrument (a)words of the mascnline gender shall mean and includc corresponding <br /> ncnter words or words of the fcminine gender; (b)�;�ords in the singular shall mean and include the plural <br /> and cice veisa; and(c) the word"may" gives sole discretion�vithout any obligation to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy,Borrower stiall be given one copy of the Nolc and of this Security Hutrument. <br /> 18. Transferof the Property or a Beneficiallnterest in Borrower.As uscd in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Property" means any legal or bencGcial interest in the Proper[y, including, but not limited to, those <br /> bcneficial imeicsts transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales conlract or escrow <br /> agreement,the intent of which is the transfcr of tiUe by Bormwer al a future date to a purcliaser. <br /> If all or any part of the Property or any Imerest in the Property is sold or trausferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natur�]person and a beneficial interest in Boiro�r er is sold or t�ansfcrred)withou[Lender's prior written <br /> consent,Lender may require immediate paymcnt in full of all sums secured by this Sccurily instmment. <br /> However,tlris option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prottibited by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender excrcises ihis option, Lender shall givc Borrower notice of accelerauon. The notice shall providc a <br /> period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordancc with Section 15�s�ithin which <br /> Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instnunent. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to <br /> the expiration of tlils period,Lender may invoke any remedies pemutted by t1�is Sccunty Instrument without <br /> further norice or demand on Bonower. <br /> 19. BorrowersRighttoReinstateAfterAcceleration.IfBormwermeetsccrtainconditions, Borrower <br /> st�all ltave thc right to have enforcement of this Securitv Instmment discmuinued at any time prior to the <br /> earliest of: (a)fice days before sale of the Property pursuan[to any po��er of salc contained in this SecunTy <br /> instmment; (b) such other period as Applicable Law might specify for[he temunation of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstate; or(c)enuy of a judgment enforcing this Secunty Instcument. Those condifions are tltat Borrowec <br /> (a)pays Lender all sums which then��ould be due under Uris Securitt- Insvtunenl and the Note as iT no <br /> accelerauon had occurred; (b)cures airy default of any othcr covenanis or agreements; (c)pays all expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Sccurity Insuument, including,but not limited tq reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> pmperty inspection and valuarion fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose of pmtccting Lcndcr s intcrest <br /> NE8Rq5KA-Singla Family-Fannle MeeiFreddia Mac UWFORM INSTRUMENT Porm 30281/01 <br /> VMP"S VMPG(NE�f1105).00 <br /> Nbtlers Kluwer Finanoiel Services Pege 12 of 1] <br />
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