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<br /> �;,'.. .Q n n � g ca o� = n� `{ •F ,�,
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<br /> ' ` n&ED F'i'RUSY � �-•.� `�, .
<br /> �r ���. � N �1 '�'
<br />� �._.. `..i''_'.—�_� N ,� _._.�._._ ..
<br /> �.� �: PAHT�.s:fiis Oeed of Tntst is maAs otl S�z�RMABR ?�- +997 _.among the(irantor, mavu�z p �eAao��
<br /> ,� ' 1'Borravrar•1.
<br /> _. ' . Whose�esidestea addtars is ne nex �q� exznna Ta�n�a aa» CouMY.Nebraske('Trusta a 1���A���d�� � -
<br /> �� - . _.. � ...,.ne� •nrarc�M QTDIIQT� `� <•>.
<br />.i4 and exfsHn9 under tlee iawa of uR�nssra whas��s�ess — '
<br /> 1•lender'). ,
<br /> �`���.
<br /> �.' COtNEYAHt:�Fa:vatua�ceived.Bortower trtewca4M�e��t�to Tnstee,in vust.wi�Power of saie.the�eal D�P�1/,of KAdd� ;
<br /> Bortower b[awfulY a����umed 6etow and a11 bui�n88.fixR.�s,and e�dstin9�d tuwre tmP�en►ems thsreon tut4 e0 dgfn�of-in►aY. . : .r. ��.
<br /> _ �- easametlte.�e�. �-'�profiffi,ineotne.4anemer�, heredtamerrts. PriviteBes and anll 89D�nances ther�unto betonflin8 tail caIIed tha
<br /> ^..
<br /> . . . �,,i�?` P�OPE�EiiY)AC�AESS � ••*��••n mrn4f�7TY AT . ADS�7i1 T�LY AfJi) •NBgi85�H�$B,Q3._--- '
<br /> " . ::.':r �EGALO�CNiP'ItOilh _• •• �� Tg8 WSST i6.33 FEHT � --.`' =
<br /> . . :".:•� LOT gI+81T�T (11) IN B7AQC SLSfTBN (11). BRCSPT ._
<br /> ' � �'- TF�RffAB AND T� WBST&LtLY PABT OF TAT TffiJ t10� IN BIACK BLSV�1 (11) ---'`'
<br /> _ ..�_c�;=. DSSCRIHBD AS B83IfIIRNti AT THB �1BST CORNSR OF &AID LOT TSN (la) �-'�
<br /> .. -` „';-:. (l0I TO T�B SOBTHf�TBST CORNBR OF SAID LO'P TSN (10). R'�ICS BASTSRLY •.:L: f
<br /> ' p�,pKG pp� � T� SODT�RLY LINS 08 �D LOT TH�T (10) A DISTAL�TCS Os^ ; :
<br /> . r,:: AND �, . ,.
<br /> �. G� ;. ��.... FORTY-BIVS �$5) FBBT. T�DTCS RUt�T�'3 �Y A DISTANCE OF ONS :,.`.
<br /> .. �IIL�IDRSD T�� A N D T ffi t 8 B T S I 3 T H S (I03_32� �T 'PO T$8 I�TORTE�RLY F,IIJB OF
<br /> _` ' :-;��;'�� SAID IAT '1�3 (10� 1'O A POINT 6tSLC8.;S.'�RTY-SSVSLd AI3D SIXTSt-SSV'BN ��°•
<br /> - HUND�DTHS (37.67) FSBT 47SST �Ilf' ' -�r"A'Q�tfiBWBST CORNBR OF SAID IAT TSITT . �-_•::
<br /> ' �' (lOI• T�IICE WSST�tLY ALONa AL� �+d�� bIORTASRLY LINS OF SASD'LOT � . ,.
<br /> ,'. :���'. T S N �1 0) A D I S T A N C B O F T S I ATY-S3L'ffi3' A5�I3 $IIiTY-SSVSN HONDRBDTFIB (37.6?I ' �s�;�,;.:
<br /> �,'r �g$7' TO TAB 1QORTHWSST CORNSA OF SAID.IA�� '1'SN (30}, '1�iS POI�3'I.' OB B H C i I N-
<br /> ;`�' ' NI1T0. N+L II�7 BLOCK ffid:VBN (il� IN PARI�c +L THIRD SIIBDMSE�, AD? ADD- o n �
<br /> ' ;�f,'i±�'�r .. � �, I�I�J �j�Q �C MTY OP C�A� ISLAT�ID, AALYi COIINTY. NSBRASRA. B�iID ATTACHED E3�IBU' A �•,,s
<br />° loceted in aaT� Ccunty.l�teCraska. �,;
<br /> .•.�,.. •.. :: �.
<br /> �:� '-
<br />- . T�TI.E:eoao�ver eovenams end waRerrta tWg u tt��ert1►.ezeept tor ?::•;
<br />- . . . .•' .':i • � �-
<br /> :,r,' SEOl,r^�O�T:This deed ot vust seemes to Lender repaymessc�the sewred Qebt end ths DaKormance of the covena�ac�egreemaMS ��
<br /> `-�.r- eora�sed in tNs deed af tust end in e�ry odter dot�meirt incarpa�d herein.See�ed debt,as used fi thls deed of VuaL in�acry ema�mts . �y`
<br /> `�!•it��' � goRpy�r a�nres to Lertder under thta deed of wst or under aml tnstrume►�t seared by thts deed.af t�ust,and ell modtftaatlasss,e�etartstons.end -.
<br /> . �� • . •�4` renewatsthereot. �'F�
<br /> �'.������ YAa seau�ed debt is evidenend by(Ust all inswmer�and a�eamenta secured by thia Qeed of uust and the Qates thereof.): --�.:�
<br /> "" 61..;}!:ro
<br /> r !rf � ':
<br /> �,,�y � �Fun,ce q6u+nees:Tf►e above amount ts secured even though all or part of it�t not yet bB aQvanceQ. Futiva savances ara �°r,�s��
<br /> � : '.f i�_ contamplated end will be sewred to the samo exter►t es if made on t�e date thLs dt�of trust is executad.
<br /> :,�,,-, .� -�,`'�� .wltt►iniUaf annual irrterest tete Qf 9b.. °_--
<br /> - •.;r•�• , ❑Rewlvtng Une ot aad'�t agreement datr� __y
<br /> '•�._���{� M amau�ouued under thiaeg�ea�r.�si are seaued even thouSh etl amau�rts may rmt yet De edvanaed.Funre advanees ur��s _ _
<br /> _ • •�::�i, the agreeme�A are ooMOmaiated and wt(ff�e securod w ths eame extent as if�r�ade on the date th�deed af trust is execute0. �_____
<br /> �- ?he e6ove obABatlon ia due and payabf�on ��►RY �1. ig99 if not pald eatllet. • _
<br /> � ' - � The totet unpafd batm�ce eewred by thia deea ot Wst at enY one thns shafl not exceed a cr.�vnum Drincipel amour►t o! _-
<br /> �� �l � ........... ..�..,�,.�.,..nun wei+nn D01(8te l8�,.�,,,�nnn nr4 T.PIu3 itlie►t�L� __--
<br /> . � If�-'
<br /> - � • piva erry amaurtts diabureod under the terms of this Qeed of�ust to prata:C tfia securtty af thi�Qeed af uust at to pertorm enY o4 fl�tit=
<br /> � , eavena►�wrrtafied in thta deed of trust,with trtterost on sueA disbursemes�. �3� _
<br />_:_; �:r�.;,;.. ' �_.t'• . �_-
<br /> :,�_; ,.,- . �]VaMbfo Rete:7he irtterest rete on the obllgation secureQ fxN t!�[� dee0 ai uust may w,u�according to tha terms of that obilgottOn. � _
<br /> � s%��:`.: ' ' ❑A caay of 1ho loan egreemarit cc�eining tha terms�cuter wh:ch�.ir'serest ra:�may vary Is attschad to tNo doed ot trust and �'�
<br /> . . =:.+4r made a part hereof. , �� '
<br /> �,Y
<br />_= �'-� R�Si3:0 Commeroial � AAS2t3NMRAlT F�P RT�NR'� ❑ �'`T-
<br /> � . DESIONA4f,�.V OF HOME5TEA0 �:_,.-,
<br /> __ �' .� yu►suant to tha Farm Homestead Protection Act,desigisa�c!homestead ❑ ia ette�eA to tfits Qoed o!Wst and at�o a part hereof -- -
<br /> _ �" ❑ �:as bean disctalmeA;ths Eisciatmer is atteched to this doed af�t and made a part harecff• :�i;��;`•.
<br /> � . ',5tb` SILi1VATURE8:By ai np tretow.Barrow a to ffie tertns end eavanarrts eo�ined(n fhb dend of LniaL fne(u�ng thoaa an page�.�L^� . . '
<br /> __ . 1 erry nEars d abovs ai� ► • ' .
<br /> - - G'����-U�� d, C a�,.� 1� ,•� ��:�� .
<br /> ;;.�
<br /> _ _-- _ _ _ . . ___'.
<br />_ � QCKHGWI.E�QMEAIT:STAfE OF NEBAASKA. st�► t County se:
<br />- � •� - . � The foregoing instrument was acknowiedged beToro me on thls_ ��'�'a Q81►cf�8P�S8..-1 q°1�-- „
<br /> � --�- . , bY Rnmtm!) •-r:'
<br /> .. .� ,. .. . -. ,- C��yy 0} Itt�nsatGorparaWnarVmtr+crW01 _ -
<br /> .. � u��nem o (to�r,2�1459 on 6ehatf of the tp retton or pamimsfiip. '`
<br /> - _- � : AAy comm on oxp os: ,�#s� , �
<br /> ,. � 6e� � � •
<br /> _ _ ' This inatrttmot�t wa9 Oteperod by ' _
<br />_ - _ - o�eoo��+�essvsr�a+s.wc.ST.ClOUD./AN6830111-806.19�-Y3411i0RMOCiJAT6t88A9191 ppPL# 00038236 �aee�o�21 ��$�is� .
<br />- ,...• • CCD# 0100970409
<br /> ; ' . •
<br /> � ..
<br /> � � ---------� —. -- - -•-- _
<br /> . . _. ---- _ - _
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