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<br /> . .
<br /> " 1:'�.�i � � ' � �� •• �� ��i .�
<br /> ,_ . ... �. . _ _ t_'- _
<br /> '_.- � .�� __ . ' .�..ti.""_. .. . "_. _ - _
<br /> - � ' • t „.. .. - .. ,.y _
<br /> ? . . �1- _U'r ��� � .i• (
<br /> _ ' � 4.. ,t,t E� S .r - '- . ` .*-� ,-`C�t�v, `� � ,�•."�""'�
<br /> —.;.. � � �!,y '� _ �_.. :�i-. ."_...! � ._._.__._
<br /> � . � L•� � A �� 101Q69 10/0�/1997 ` �'r�•:�
<br /> . �,? t0-�� � t�;:
<br /> . . � vP�oR�a coveNaeITS. Bosower aad r�nanr ca�►enant and agree�s fo�ow� � � � �.
<br /> � ... 1. �� pp p� 8� Ia32ee�t. �orcawe� sha11 pmmptlY P�Y �� � .
<br /> - i�bte�evIdcuced6�►the Note aud latec�ges as prnvided in the Pinte. � - :
<br /> ' c= 1.&1�faz 9'ea�an�am�naau�. Sbbjat to agpl[c�b1c law or a writtc�waiver by I.e�er,Bano�r s�all�Y to t � ;.:_
<br /> ,' `' �. I.eustet on the d�►��Y P�of�P�and inte�est aze gayable�d�th�Note.�the Nane is gaitl in SiD,a .
<br /> - ' . � sum(��sdn'Fu�s�eqaal�one�awelRh of the yearly t�es aad a�(�caaSom�nm su�p1a�d unit .
<br /> ` � devela��.If aaq)wL�ch maY a�n P��9 avet this Dced of'l�ust.a�grouQd�ss on d�e�cope�t9+� . �
<br /> � �.P���Ogy���fflrl�td ins�oe.Dlas au�tvQeiShof Y�Y P��� .
<br /> ' ' far mo�tgags �ace. if auy.all as teasonably�initiallY aa�ftom ttm�to dme by I.e�der on tk�e basis of ...
<br /> -- -- ��- �.�---; a�nud bills en.Q tea�a�bie��hedeo£ Boaower shall nat be obBgated�o ma�sasL paym�ats of Fuads _,
<br /> : � -�� to l.e¢�er a�t�e eaoeut that Boauvrer�sach pagm�ms to t1e�hWd�of a p�ru�t�„e or d�od of txost if s�sh l�Idec ° =
<br /> l is an�a�sl leade�
<br /> _.. .. �,� If Hoaaw�Pa3ts FunEs to Ieader,the FmWs sbaII 6e heid'm an i�tim�dan the d�posips or acaomms of�vLich aze
<br /> i�ar gu�anteed bY a Fede�1 or state a8�m9 f��8�if Iender is such an�don).Iender sbau�pp1Y
<br />- . ._ . ,. -'�� the Faeuia to pay saitllaxes.a�mee�.i���8�'��=+enis.I.eader map a�ot ct�atge for�I�n i d i n 8 a u d
<br /> . . :.i agplyfag tbe FuIIds,a�lyrir�8 sai�accoaac o:vedf�mg aad oamp�in8 sa�d a��and b�is.ualess Lemder pays _ , .
<br /> � , . � �-- �~;.`.,
<br />- � Boaowet iute�t an 8�Faabs aad applic�e Iaa�peeffits Yeadet�o mad�e sac6 a charge.Baaawer aad Lwder may a$aee
<br /> . . � � in vrdn�4g ffi the tFms of�on of dns De�d of T�st thai in�rest on tbe F�s�h a l t b e p a i d to B a a a w e r,a n d u a�i e s s '::..�..�
<br /> , . . .,}, s�eg�eem��S made or applkable Iaw�sacb iat�est to be paid.Lender s�all nnt tse reqai�ed to paq�� � ���,
<br /> . . - aay f�t or eamings on the Finads.Lender sT�all�ive to Eoaawer.without c�a�ge+an aa�mal asca�a8 of d��inds �, ,s;�� �:
<br /> . . R ... f..,<t�
<br /> , `.� sl�ving a�its and deb�to �he Famds and tbe p�e far which�debit to d�e Fmods was made.�Far�sne ..
<br /> . . ��. Pledged as e8didanal se�a�t9 forthe wm,s seca�ed isy this De�of 1Yast. f �.�,:
<br /> � If�e w�onat of Ste Ft��td hy I�der.mgedier witL the�e mouthip installments of Fands papable�m ' �'f�::
<br /> . . .. tme due d�es of t��.�.�����d�s�all eacxed tbe amou��uired�o�s�d '����'�
<br /> ± sach�shaII 6e. at Bauavr�z's u�-�iaa, ,`::y,`,'��`��<
<br /> __�..- - '� taxes. ass�.iu�e P�and�muud�ts as the9 fall due. �
<br /> : •. ` ' �`` ��q�epaid to Bo�mwes or ccedited w�aaower am m�mhty instellmears of F�mds. �f the amnunt of tt�F`^.�
<br /> . , . ,'�:, hedd b,y Ie�c�aII nflt be sn�to pay taaes.a�,�P����as they fatl due. -
<br /> , � ,. ' �- g��mwer s�aD pay co Lender any amo�t n�y to mat�e�tbe deficiency in one or m�e pagmeats as Leoder m�y ':
<br /> • ;t: ;:
<br /> _..,� • :-;�;, �te. pm�mPtlY te�nnd toBoaawes FmWs `"�" _
<br /> ; . :-'� LTp�Payment ia fiaU of a11 suu�s�by ttiis Daad of 7�ast.Iender�all �!► ' ':,.:..
<br /> ` , ,;,r:? hetd by�ndEr.If ander pa�17 heroof the Fmpe:ty is sold os the Piope�ty Is at�vlse ac�t�l bY Ieu�der•Leoder �:�;:'.
<br /> ,;-.d;;� s�a11 agply, ffi hier ihan 1m�aLelY P�or to tbe sale of the Pmpecty or i4s ac�dt�on by I.eader.anY�uads he2d bp s;",�;:_
<br /> ;,i:��. Lender atthe dme of epplis�aanasac�e�itagainst 8Ee su�ms secmredbp sL►"�sDeedoflYust. . ;!_s�`
<br /> , 'yh# ` :s;.: . 3.AgpH�tten of P$yes�a. IIntess a�plicab2e 1aw psavldes othecwlse,ail gabc�ents rweived hy Ieoder ander ahe ��;:�
<br /> , ,.�..,•�< , ��;.�, l�and pata�s 1 and 2�areof shall be applied by Leadec fust in paymen�of ar.�paBable to Iender bY B�aower �.'-_
<br /> ` . , :�: a�P�2 h�eog,d�w�uta�.st pairable oathe Note,and thenta th,e Prl�Pal ofthe Nate. _ --
<br /> 4. P�Sr M�aa��08 Tra..nt Ch�r�� avYth a Hen wbieb l��s p�si�9 av��•D�e3 af Tiust, � --
<br /> .'�`. �:��'y�'-
<br /> � � m�3a snY�st�d�ed af uowt or mher se�tuity agne�nt -
<br /> . •��L'� iacladi�olg H�aPer's cov�auts to mAYe payments�dhen dae.Boaower sLal!�a}►or cause to be p�id eil ta�s,�ta =—_
<br /> �
<br /> � . � a n d other c b a a g e s+�nes and�pOStttams atm'butsble to 8�e Properg►���Y�a p�Ity avec t�is Deed og 1�ast, -
<br /> . . ' .',� easl l�u�paYmenis ar gi�numd tents.if�Y• --
<br /> � � 5.HflaarQ�ae. Boaowrr s�aU keep the impsovements eow e�sdng or here�er emsted on the FmPe�► _:�__
<br /> ' `�� i �agai�st t�by�e.ha�ds iaclnded wltbin the te�'e�dZd coverage'.and sach ather ba�ds as Legdet may ' ��.__
<br /> aequite sud in snch amoants�far sach gerloGs as 1�aQet maq�e. ' --
<br /> �,t� I. � �,�� � 1bo ir�uance cau€ei��.a8 th�i�snQaitoe sball be c�osen by Bomawer sab��t to a�oval bY Isnd�c+L��+ `
<br />-- � t�at sacb appmv8l sbav nat tie a�sanably witbheld. A� ins�vtar�e�a�d�ea+als t�ea+dDf s1�ll be in a fo=m ___
<br /> at
<br /> • � acc�table tn I,e�der aad sbaU inclade a staadatd a�ort�ge e�se h f�arof aad in a fomm�W�8der. I�der -
<br /> _ . " . S�BU T18V8�t�$�t0�O�EE�CICB 8Y1�rCDCW8I8�0�,69b��'iZ 091$C tCffi4 Of SD9 m03t$a$e.dCB�OY 1lQS�QL CibCi
<br /> _ . • . �►g�GIIt Wlt�l S�D W�Ch�39�tq OYCt f1�.S�2C�Of TNh1. --
<br /> W
<br /> �. . In eae evenc of las9.Eflsmwer sball gi�►e promp:�Ea tbe�e cauies and Lender.Iender a�v�e praof .. --
<br /> ��. � . _... . . of Ias4 ifast mad+a P�P�Y�YYBoaawer.
<br />'- , r If the�.tq ts abasdoned by Boa¢�er.or�f Boaa�ret fa�s tfl�to Len�der wttbin 30 daya fmm t�e darP � .
<br /> - - ' : ;,�i'`. �otice is ma�fsy 1 ender to Bomavret t�tbe dusara�e t�es G�do�eute a claim for insuisaca beneSta.Leod�is � ��
<br /> -- ; ,�y,��,� ;T,,�. a�g the ins�...�Q s=��er's aprian dthet w�esDo�tdaa or repair of tbe Bc�uQetty or � � ,-_
<br /> �l3)L - �. � �14�7���fiA{� y�v�n^^w ri h�".
<br /> z��•. . ; to�e sams st�ed bY 8Na�d of Tiast. ;� , `
<br /> .-,,;��:i• • . , 6. II�ffilon end 11�datuteaaace o4 Fr+opart�.� �otdst Cand�mtntaa� Plarme0 IIutt De�. . .
<br />___ �� � �� ` B�:�vrCr 6h�FG Bt�ttie Ptupecly in g0od tr�sSiT Snd SI�i�L o0�t ceeste oi DetmIt�oqpai�eni.0=det�OD OY the
<br />-_ . . ` P�mpe�tq affi�samply with 8Le pmvisa�s ot a�►y lease if flds Der�!of Trnst is on o teasehol�.If�is D�@ ot Tmst�S ,
<br /> •
<br /> - : � .' f ane amit ia acaa�umi�iam aasD3aane0�t deveiop�a,.Somawer stiall geafatmaD otBaanwe�s obligaaa�mider tbs
<br /> __ �. �ctsautioa ar cavenani9 c�ur,8�8��8����os planaed�mit dev�apmemt.ti�by lsws aad:ie�l�ttons .
<br /> o�fa�co��+++�^"�^or 8�turit development.aa�ca�taent dusaaueats• .
<br />- � � 7.A+�e�E�04 L4ad�'s Sec�[tY.�f Bamavrer faits w perform the eovenaute and a�n�aa�tained ia this .. .
<br /> _,'„ '� ' Dee4 of Tmst.os if any zsdam or pcoceedi�$ls commerr�d afiich m�areda]ly affec�l.eeder's ia�est in�e Pmpc�ty.dien .
<br />-`' �,C�t, 8L ICOQET�9 Qpt� I{�On IID9�C t0 BOItOW�l� ri33y IDBkC SQC� S��IICeS. �SbQIS�B SaCb SIifl1.9. lIIC1IIQ�$ ..
<br />-��`._�--._—':`. � t�soaable auom�eys' �sRad mke sad�eitian aw is�m�s;ary w yratca I.�'s i�t. 1f I.ersi�m��� - --
<br /> _ II
<br /> _i;:. - ... �83 8 COII�t�Ofl Of IDS�$t11C t08fl S��f�9 DP.£d OF TNSt•BOINWCi S�Q3j!�1C QR�I�Q11�L0�W
<br /> " '' ' �fl�6QC�1�SU�CC�II CffCCt IIilt� SIICII t�B 8S t11C ICQI1�tiCIDPIIt fOf Saf��CC��SOi7d l�L O C W T t Z I •
<br />-' � ` Baaocver's aad I�endes's wauen�t or aDDlicabYe tav�. .
<br /> �r
<br />' '' e�uy am�nts dlsbuis�d by Lender pnisaa�t m t6is pa�aph 7.witU i�t thereon.m the Nate zate.shall beoon�e �
<br /> � �� additpoml iadebtednzss of Bamawer se�ed by�s Deed of'Pinst.Unle�s Boaovrer an�IBa�er e�oe to atber te�ms of - �
<br /> -- . ,� g,�y�nt� seuL amomnts si�ari be payable upan�flce fcom Lemder to Soaower naqnesdn8 payment 0e�£ Nathing '
<br /> '-, conm�aeG ia�is D�h 7 aball�e Lender to lusnr s�t ea�ebse os tatse auy acdon heteua�er. �
<br /> � . 8.hrap�an. Leader maS► make or canse to be made reas o n a b 2 e eat�es a�pan a a A i n 5 p e c d a n s o f�e P c+a g e r t y. . -
<br />^r� � i LILO{I�£d t�Ltt�IIQCi 52181�g1VE HOIIOWEi IIOt�C@�07 t0 8D�1 Sl1Ch��8Q�I1Q$1�8b1E 1�115��Of tel8f$4 tA �
<br /> •� � • :. � f IBG�Q7�8�+EII�St�D�p[O�C�►•
<br /> • . . rroecs�a 26s�a3 ��r originai(�acorflfl9) copy IEraaoLD copy�cuotmos) Pa�2 ot s .
<br />