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<br /> L '" <1^; _Yti . ' _ ' ` � :<. - • � . , t �h�._
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<br /> .,f�. � � •4 � r .. � � ;- .�„` �6 4..-. `i_ ���' - �S":'< �R i. ,
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<br /> ` ._u. .
<br /> �._ .�:.. � �5- ��` ��m �o� ��. a
<br /> • •;� of the ProgercY or an�nterest m it �.;,� ;.>4`
<br /> � ' ��� 17.Tra��of tQe PropertY or a�eaei�da!Interest in Bon�ower.If all or any par� ,,
<br /> e
<br /> � ,t`�'�� y.�' is sold or ir.st�sferced(or if a hen�cial interest in Borcov+er is sold or�ediate paymec►t inefui� o tall s�ums secvnd by t3tis '�.Y
<br /> � • � i,ender s prior wriuen consenl. Lender may. at its option. require � ::�:.r f�.
<br /> ^;�, :; g�urity Inct:ument.However.thls optioa shall aot be exercised bY Lender if exercise is proAibit�by fedeiallaw as of the date
<br /> -'`;�., • of this Serurity[nstmm�ent. �
<br /> _�.�� " if Lettder exentises this option.�ricer ig de(►'�vere�or�mailed within which Borrower must pay all�sums s�red by Wis _ - ,
<br /> ��. tess than 30 days from tl�e date We nor to the eapiration of this period,Ixnder may imoke any remedies -_--
<br /> .. ` : ��- ` gecuri�y Insptunent.If Bomower fails w pay these sums p� :,
<br /> ` I
<br /> "_�. . _ pe���yy�s�ty,Instrument without further aotice or demand on Borrawer. to have ,: .
<br /> `: � ' 18. Borrowc�s RigM bu Refastate. If Borrower m um pn.�to the ear6er of: (a)S days(orvsur.6 ather pedad as `.°<<°.
<br /> (.-"� en foroeme n t o f t h i s S e ar r i ty Iasttument disconUnued asdte of the ProP�Y Puzsvan t to an y p o w e r a f s a le contaimed in this - -__-
<br /> �`� ,'. `�� applicable taw may sperify for reinstatesnent?bef
<br /> Sewnty Iostnunenr.or(b)euaY of a judgment eafon�ing this Sewrity Instcament.Those wnditions are t[tat Barrower:(a)Fay s =-:,�;�..'
<br /> � i.eader atl sams wluc6 then would 6e due ander this SeaultY Inm�u°ent and the Note as if no accetenuioa had occ�uned:tb} -- -
<br /> . (` � � t of an ot6er oovensnts oi agreements;(c)PaYs all.e�cpenses incurned in enfor�mg this 3ecunry Inswment, �,_i_y,
<br /> ' � . �: cures any defaul Y n
<br /> •. -`; . : including.bat not limited to.ceasonable attomeys' fees;aad(d)takes such action as Lender may reasoaabthe s�ums sewred by .
<br /> ts m the PropertN and Eomuwer's obligirion to pay � `,,��'-
<br /> s that the tien of this Sewrity It�suument.lx�er s rig6 I�ument and the s .
<br /> ;_•� this Security Instnunent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemem by Borrower. this Secvriry, �.-
<br /> • , . �_,j� obGgations secured heceby sdaU remain fuliy effective as if no aoceterstion ltad accurred. Nowever.tttis nght W ceinstate shall �- �-'-"
<br /> • uot apply ia the case of acceleration under parag�apB 17. s«�'
<br /> , . , '� . 19. Sate of Not�Cdauge ap Loan Servioer.1Yte Note or a partial in� in the Note(tQ�►et with this SecuritY �-���,,,,r�:
<br /> . � tnstrument)maY be sold one or more times withont prior notioe to Horrower.A sale may re.sult in a c�age in the eutity(ttnom► ��,,,�._
<br /> t i �,,.� as the°Loaa Servicer")that wllects monthly payments due nnder the Note and this Security Instnunent.'fhere also may be one _
<br /> E;,,.��:
<br /> . , r,- or more c6anges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of thefNol abov and app�ge taw.�'I7t �a"i�ll state the ename and =:,_{t.._
<br /> ' ` '+'':'��•:��,;: giveri wriuea not�ce of the change in accordaa�Witb Parag�p _ _
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer aad the adri�s to wtuch payments should 6e rrade.'[7ie notice�uil also contain any other � :.
<br /> r 4 ;
<br /> � ; informarion reqaired by applirable law. f ��ge, or retease of aay ��-
<br /> • e
<br /> Z0. Ha�sdous Substanccg. Borrower shall rrot cause or permit the presence. use.dispo�.�• ,,.,
<br /> '��� -� Borcower shall aot do. nor ailaw anyoQe rdse to do, anytivnS affecting the , -:
<br /> F: . . . .:.;r..�' Hazardous Su6stanoes on or in the PmpertY.
<br /> � ,1 .. -_ : F �:s-_.�...
<br /> propertp tbat is in violation of any Enviromnental Law. The preceding tH'o sentences�11�ot ply to the presence,use,oT --
<br /> ,. . �• «: ••° `' storage on the PraPe�tY of smaU quantities of Hazardous Substauces that aze generaUy c�.-a�to be appropriate w aomial �.�
<br /> . ••" ...::�. residenriai uses and to maintenance of the P�+ope�ty e"
<br /> , `,` ' ve Lender written notiee of aay invespgadon,claim,d�mattd.lawsvit or other adian by any . -_ —
<br /> Borrower shall promptly g1 aad any H�aNnus Substanae or Environmeata,l Law ----_--.
<br /> , . • : governmental or regulatory agency►or private party involving 11ze Property y k�ental or regnlatory authortty.that ____
<br /> of wlrich Borcower has accual imowledge. If Bomower tearas.or�s notifced b any+gv _ __
<br /> � Bormwer sha11�smptlY take �,�.-
<br /> , �.;'� ',:,,�.;; any remova!ar other remediatian o f any H a z a r dous S ubstance aff�in g the Property is�Y• �..__ ,�
<br /> n
<br /> all QecessarY remedial actions in acoordance R-ich Environmental Law.
<br /> .- 4 i`�j�. As used in th�s paragraPfo 1 vrin su�,esubstan� kerosene�other�Ra�bie or�toxcc getrol�m products.�toMC W. -
<br /> �. " Environmema} Law and the S —
<br /> . ` . p�sacides aad herbicides,vo�ental�Law"�meanes fede�s and aws of thenj�urisdiyction whe e the�Prop�ettY isslocated that rj_—
<br /> � �'� ? this ParagraPh 20, °�� . - -
<br /> ' � ,'k relate to heaith.safety or emimnmental protection.
<br /> ����":�� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Burrowej and Lender further cove�nt and agne as foltows: �.. _._
<br /> e
<br /> �'�;'<';, Z1.Acceteration;Remedics.1.ender stia11 Sive nbttce to Borrower pdor W aoceieration foltowing Burro h 17 t�nl��, ���-*--�
<br /> ' ` ot any covenant op ag�e°t � tb� �°��3` 1°�ent (but not prtor to acceteratlon andet paragrep _ _
<br />� � aPT,��ab2e►aw pmvides otherwise).The notice shall spedfy: (a)the defanlu tbb�which ttie�de,Yan�it mnst bete�;�e. o-:-�.._._
<br /> ",,,,`" ,'' (cD m�ate,not tex�tLan 30 deys from the date the notice is given to Borrower,
<br /> �s4 in
<br /> >,�.,;_. : ...��:��� �dy_that failp�to cure the defaWt oa or 6efore the date specifted in the notice may result 1�I aaceie�a�loa of the smms -
<br /> �:�°.� se�red 6y this Sewrity Instrur►►ent and c�'e of the Properiy.The notice sha11 tue4her iaform Bormwer of the�rlght to _
<br /> - � ��,::;��, relastate after acceleratlon and the dght D�Drtag a coust adion to assert the ao�e�teuse ct,a defeuIt or aay ather
<br /> • , . ... �:,��`; . �i�
<br />:.�.,,,y�,,`:,:::... ;.•.! defense of Borrower to aa�e!leration and sa1e. If the default is not cure�l on or befom the d�sp���t ��o�
<br /> ';�,�;,.. . i,ender, at its optton,maY*e9uire immediate payment ln fuli of all sums seau'e�1 by thts 5ecarity
<br /> .5°`�'•>=���'. � ' furWer demand and may iavotce the power of sate and anY othee reamedtes permitteal by �1,�inslntdin8,Aut nat I�anited
<br /> :�."^S . the semedles pa�uvided ta this pare�raP =__--
<br /> "�"�,.,� � � entitled to couect av�g�ns�incurred in pu�suta8 ._....
<br /> ;.�,',.•. � - ---
<br /> �.:`a::�
<br /> to,reasflnab2e attoraeys fees acid costs o�titte evidettce. ty
<br /> ; :f+,y.: It the pau�,r o!sa[e is invoked,Trustee shall r+ecord a aottce of default in each�i�cahie law�to Ba�rruwer a d to. �--
<br /> -� :'�{'G�',.�.: � . ,. Pe9operty is lodr�d and sha�l mai!wpies of sucb notice tn tRe manner prescri6eQ,by app =
<br /> .;�t.,.. .�.•� `.�'• the other Petisons Prestribed by appllcabie law.Aiter the time reqniced by app1E�''3e law,Teustee shail give i�61ic noifine -
<br /> _ ,. a9sale to the persoas and(e the manner pt�scribed Cy�,pP�cabte taw.Trustee,�s�ttcout demand on Borem�r,sbalt s�d }�_^.T_
<br /> - • . t��soperty a�publlc aactton to the hlghest bidder at ih$ttrue and piace end uade�t one sate ot all�or an3�Pane1 o We � �
<br />_ � � �`` sale in one or esore parcels and in any��Tn�stee determi��•T��maY W P -
<br /> • ' . ':��;1;;�� Froperty bY Dubitc a�monncement at tHe Hme and place o!any pisevionsly schedWed sate.LenBer or its designee m�g � ,.
<br /> , ' purci�ase the Pt»perty at any sale. �-`=:�-
<br /> . �::
<br /> , �'::`
<br /> _ . ;�`
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<br /> .. . �, vapo8o�9
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