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<br /> � 1. `�� • 2. Taxes. Tnistar shatl pay eaef�instatlmert at aU taxes and speeia! assessmenis of everY k+nd,now ar hereafter
<br /> . , �;:� � ' tevied 3geinst the TtllSt EstdCB ar SttY Dan tl�ereaf. �etore delinquency.without natice or deneand.
<br /> :�;, t .. .
<br />` � "`<"� '? 3. tnsvraaeo end Repai�s Trautor se�ti maintain.tire end extended coverage��surance insuring the Emprovements <��
<br /> •" �'�� .�� eanstitatirig Qart of tP►e Trust Estate 4ar suct�amounts and 4n s�ccn terms reasonabiY satisfactory to Henefiaard. So tong as the a '��
<br /> �... ` °` :.�.::�.
<br /> ` f,� e:: Prope�tY i$seeured by a iirst deed of wsc or mortgage,eompiiance with the insuraaes redui�ements af ch$first deeel af uust or�
<br /> , �. `��x mortgage �hau be sufficient to satisfY tRe repuireme�ts of this paragraoh 3�etating to��surance. �
<br /> � Trustor shaD p�ompily repair and�eplace tRe Trust Egtaie or arry part thereot so that,ex�ept ter ardinary wear and tear,� -
<br /> y.S ta
<br /> � •� �. .�. the Trust Estate shalt not deterlorate. In no eveni sttall the Trustav commii waste an ar to tRe Trust Es�ate.or commi�sutter a►� •;
<br /> ` �"'�' � perrRit afil act to he Qone in or upan the Trust Estate in viotatio�o!ar►y taw.antinanee ar regulation. Trustor shatl pay and prompUy� �:
<br /> � :� ,�, discha:ge at Trustors cost and expense au Itens.encumOranees end eharges tevied,imposed ar assessed aga�nst cl�e?rust Estat� .'^ .Ya
<br /> or any part thereot.
<br />_• `,�� 4. Aetlans ANectJng 7�ust Es�ata Tnrs�or sha0 aROear in and eontes2 any aaion or praceeding purporOng to affeet
<br />- ��%�`�'�� : the security hereof or the aqhts or powers ot 8enefieiary or T�ustee_and shau pay a�l costs and expe►ues,irtctvdng eost of evidence�
<br /> . �
<br />- •. � of titte and aROmeys'tees.in arN such actian or proceeding in wtuch Benefiaary ar 7nistee may appear. if T�ustar fa7s to make
<br />- =-m� any Dayment or to do ar�y aet as and in the manrter provide0 in any of the Loan ir�suumems. 8ene�ciary aMtor Tiusiee.each in _
<br /> ' . �Q: tbeir awa disueIIOn.withgut obtigation so to Qo ar�d arithout natice to or demand t�on T�stor and wit�out releasing Tnistar from
<br />- . , �" '�� � : arry obfigadon,may make or do the same in sueh manner and to sueh extent as eirher may Qeem necessary to proteci the securiry -
<br /> ',�..x:� ��; ' hereof. Trµsmr shatf, immediatety uDOn demand t�erefor by Benefidary, vay ail r.osts and expenses�neurred�y 6eneficiary in __
<br />- • .'�=� .:.; cpnneCtian witA'tlte exerp5e by$enefitiary et tRe tarega+ng rights.inctuding without limitation costs ot evidertce o�title.Court
<br /> ' � � ,. ` `A costs.apAraisa�s.su�veys and attameys'fses. _
<br /> r 5. E m f n e a t D o m a Tn. I!the Trust Estate,or any part thereof or irrterest therein, he taken or Camaged by reasort of -
<br /> ^�'
<br /> Y'..�:�:�;�'.�` '='�� � ar►y publiG improvemem or condemnatian proceedtrs9.ar ia aay o�er manner tnctuaing deed En I tev t hereo f t'Co rt d e m n a t f o n 9. o r �
<br /> � if Trustor receives arry notice or other ir+formation�egarding such Oroeeedi^9. Trustor sha0 give prompt wdrten nottice thereot to
<br /> ' � ,' '' Benefieiary. Ttusmt shali 6e er�titted to ati corRDensatian,awarQs and aiher va5►mettts or relisf thereof art0 shatl be entitied ax its �;=;_
<br />-�`�:"`":."'':'' ax, optien to cotamence.a00ear in and 0��in its ou�m�ame any acaon or praeeedings. Tn�ster stiall atso be er+ti�ted to ma►c� :-••
<br /> ., F,. ...; - ���-..
<br />= .. , �#` anY campromise or settlement in connecdan with sueh taking or damage. �
<br /> . �
<br /> _ -.'•_' i . ' . �I�,'-
<br />- . ..�•': :',, � 6. Appatriaar�-at o!Sneeessa�Tir�ce� 'BeneflciaN maY.from tirae Yo time.bY a written insuument exeRuted and �sv: -
<br /> _. •"��.RR£--
<br /> . ��;a�s.%�' : �ack�nawledged Oy Beneti�ry.mailed m T�wior an0�ecarde0 in the Countll in wRich trie Trust�state is Iaeate0 artd by atRecwise ...
<br /> ��':�wi��� ,� eomptying wt�the provisions of the oy^�eabte taw of ths State of�tabraska subst+Me a suecesser or successors�to the Truscee, �..
<br /> �s°}•'. . � ..
<br /> � ,f��-;;.�} named herein or gcting hereunder. , . i -
<br /> �;�'W 7, gucce�sors�ndqsslgrr� This SecoM Oeed of Trust appGes to,imues w the Cenefit af ana binds a11 Qa�es hereto. � - `
<br />_ . �•;,
<br /> ` � � • �•' � their hetrs.Iegatees.devis�es.O�sonai representatives.suceessars and assi9�s- S�+z term"Se�efieiary'sh2ti mesn the owner anA �;_-
<br /> �.. .:- �k, � _t `
<br /> _- -._��•... hotQerr of anV�OmissoN note given to aenefFCiary. [whether cr not named as 62neftGiaryr hereinl. ` '.
<br /> _�.x(<,_r_�. -
<br /> - ;is��i���"� 8. Nlorgo►.Corrsolldatlor�Solea o�lease� Tcustor cavenants that Tnistor w�l not sen.tease or ocherwisa disvu&e � —
<br /> �. ;.: •� ��� ef arry ot the Trus�Escata. M the evers:th�t Tn�sw►setts,teases ot otherwtse Qi.spnses of ae►y peR of tNe Trust Eatete.Berroiteiary "'
<br /> , ; � ._.
<br /> '" `�' � ` �� may at its opaon deGare the tndebtedness secur e d hereby immediatety Que�0 Oat/ab�e. wheiRer or not anit defaulf exists.
<br /> - �• � .�,•� � ..-
<br /> � : ' BeneHeiaN shaN ecnsent to a uanster af the Trust Estate to a�rd pany to tt�extem sueh third party mcets che requirements -,
<br /> �,;'.:�:::�.•
<br />_. .� :.{:��, :� com3ined in,and assumes the ob�tgat�ons set tertb in the Frat peed of Trust. The cavenants eoataine0 herein shan nm wifi the -
<br /> � ��`• '�•��"._�- i Propeny and shall remain in tull•torce an0 effeet un�l tha Indetstednsss is paid�n tNi. . � °_
<br /> °• ' .; 9. EirarrtssafDefarrlt. My of the foifow�ng everrts shatl be Qe�.�3 an event af aetavtt hereimQer. , -
<br /> �:_..
<br /> ._..1,I: ,�•_ . .....7..A . . . . `__.�'-.
<br />_ �, ,• .�.�� :# . ' (a) � Qefauft shal!�a made in the paYmerrt of the(rtdebtedness or anyr other sum se�aed hereby when dtse: F_._�.
<br /> _ : . � . or' ' : • �;:;
<br /> . 4 � -' _ , ' ' �-
<br />-- �� � lb1 Trustar shall perform anv.acc i»baNuuvteY:or
<br /> _ : � � � .��.
<br /> .' ` . %. . �.or,f+;,meM or deae9 ap0�?�apetition fited against �_.'.
<br /> �. .��;.�•;.• (c) g a eourt o!c;�r:0etem lur�scion shaU enter an order, E:_._
<br /> ��ui • '�°' TiUGCOr SeeSctn eny re0rga��fcn, dissotudon 0�s3mitaccC-�ef unQer aay Oresertt os it�t.ne tederal.State or otfter STawte.
<br /> . •�`�,j:t'};`���: an�sucA order.iudgmertt or deCreQ sAaR
<br />_- ,.;����- � I�rar,or regWation�elating to la�s�IwvtcY, insotvency ar o�.er retiet tor deDwrs,
<br />-- . . rematn uinraca�a�unsrayed toran aggregate of sixN 160)days Iwhether or not eonsecuuve)irom the firs�date ot ertW �_;_,,•
<br /> � � ' : thereof;or 2r,�c�lscee,receiver or Cquidatm or Tcustar or ot atl er� parc af ttte Tn,st Estate,ar M arry or a11 a:°f�a� •
<br /> . . �. , royat[ies,rever.a2s,rents,issues or pro�its t�ereot,s�all.de appainted 4��:�cu�tha eonsent or acq�iescenee ot Tncstor an0 � �"�.:_
<br /> � �.�'•,.: : such apDoirttrnem shaD�emain�mvacated and unstaYed for an aggregate o1 sixty I80)days(whettter or not ear�secutivel:
<br />— � �,."-,,; . , ar , .
<br /> _ � a
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