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<br /> . `� 4„��,, of Bo�vrec's ca�veaants aad a�e�anQsr tLis Sewdty Insuumeut and the Note. For tbis gmpose. Boaaau� ,
<br /> =,,, �biy�aud caaveys to the Tmst�.in uust.wIth Pmeer�f�te.����8�P1O��I� < :
<br /> r-.,.. •>� . Cou�g
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<br /> .. TJi� �`PST�B SSOUY�D 8E 8ffi�T '1'Ot NO&BQ88T 3�50&�@!!4� I&C.. P.O. Sa8 5337. n88
<br /> .. '. t'�`` ��� ESOZ�B. =A 50306513?
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<br /> . �. .. Neb� 6888� [uvc�ol ('Pto�tty Addtess'}: ' -�. :
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<br />-.;.I'� �'`':r,. .��'.;` eppurtenamoes end Po�nues naw or hete�ter e paYt of the pmp�. Ail ceplaor�neWe and addidoas shnil e11so be .
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<br /> ...� .,..,:�.;.,::� coveted bp 8ils Ssauity Itts�ameat.Ail of�fo:e�ain8la tefeutd to Ia tOls Secndty 1sso�nm�at es the'Pcmperty.'
<br /> $ORROWffit COVBNAPlT'S Q�at Bamaw�r�S IawPoliq selZed aYQ�s�taie hereby c�nveyed aaA Gas Qte alght ta - -
<br /> . _s ���mr�,y t�e ptoperty attd Qiat the PmP�tt9�a vn�mbe�ed.eac�t� and�demaads.�f�sabjecx�� � --
<br /> - � waaaats end wjII defend �ra11y die title to the Ptopert9 a�aiast
<br /> �:
<br /> , �of record. , _._
<br /> " ' THIS SBC[JItTfY INSTRiJMBDY�aambines naifomm cavenanta£��ttoQal as�and ans��nlfo�cave�aants
<br />- , , , wIth liudted vasiadons by�IsdicHon to onasdtaLe a�ifomn�ec�ity inst�ent covesing�ea1 PmP�9•
<br /> ,. �
<br /> Bmmwer a�d Lender coveaaat anda�e as fo1lows: _ -
<br />-_ . �
<br /> . UN1POItB/.[C�VSNANTS. _-
<br />- � � � i. P�aym�tt of II�a1. I�ta+e�and Late�arge. Baao�r si�aall pay whsn dae the prindpal of. sa� __._-
<br /> � � a�est on,the debl evid�bY fhe Note and lase c�ea dae uader�e Note. �all irrdude Iu each m�tbty � ;�,.-
<br /> , 2. ldtmtWly papaiemt of Tese4, Insm�e�3�r C6at�es. Boisov�� v .:._
<br /> � payment,tog�her with�e prlu�gal aad i�flerest as set foa�th ia�e Note and aay tate cbargea.a sam for(a)�and
<br /> �h
<br /> - .:�:`` '., �: S�pOCIaI as�e�Ievl�Or to lli:feb�e$eiOSK tbE PmP�ItY• 4�� Zeasehol$paym�nts or�auad re�oa the �.-..`
<br /> e �:::.�-,
<br /> ander 4 Ia any Yar ia a+hic�th.lxnder must paY a �.__-
<br />-- - -, ., . Ptoperty.aud�ic)D�etui�s for ias���d P�P� e-
<br /> - � . maitgage lnsa�aas,e P�to fhe Seccemi9 of Hm�sing aad U�baa Develop�meni(•s�►'),or�n a�year��n -
<br /> - � � wLiC1i s¢cL p�w�nI�have been r�i4 I.eoder s�l Le2d�e Sa�Ity ts�um�nt,eash mOntbtY D� _
<br /> - � • �aU aiso iIIS�s etthei:I�e sam for fhe a�mtal sportgage insuraaoe premi�to be paid by Le�ler W the Sx�y. w..
<br /> — .• .. or(i�a ma���az8e inqtead af a mortgage iasuia�e premium if f�is Secmity I�ent is beld by the Secaetary, ,�s��.
<br /> _ • ,. in a masoII23:e amannt to bc detenm3red bY�e S�Y• ��t fIDS the moaH�Iy cd�arSe by the Seqetaty. t�e ___
<br /> � ite�s are caUea'Bs¢tow�+.�s'aud Sie�snms paid to Ixuder ate caI1W'Bsc�w Faad9.' ammmt aot to eacceA the � �:
<br /> � . � , I,Ender may.at az►Y ti¢�e.ca�llect emd hold amoaoois for Bs�xow Items in an ag�8ate .}
<br /> - ..:.;-� .�.-�.: ' ma�m am�o�mt tbat may 6e.re�r�froz Bosrnwer's�row aocawas ander the Real E�te Sett�ent Pm�
<br /> -- • a '
<br /> - , � � � Act of 197�. E2 U.S.C. Secdan 26�4 et aeq. anr]In►D2emeatiug x¢�1adOns+ 24 CPR Part 35U0�es.they maY he �"�:�£`.:
<br /> a
<br /> . �ended fc�6me t��ce t"ItHSPA'},eacept tbat tbe ca�on ai�etve gemmiurd by ItBSPA for naaadsipaied � ;��fl.
<br /> � � aisbuisements o=dlsb�aents before tIIe Boaower's payments are availab2e in dse accuimt may nnt be based on ..,,:;-,-
<br />— . �,,:. . ';'�'
<br /> . amanata dae for the mortgage iasusance pnemi�. t``�,;;:
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