�- '_ 4..,:•_-��Ca - - _ �..:t�: ;�_ - �
<br /> -`: r_o� - - `.s � ��`a f .r 't { P' -.r, r._ T - � t :s F.:�
<br /> ,-.A � � .s�_ "
<br /> . . :<:. � `c. . • . � J0�3.� -�.
<br /> ` �` . ' � TO(�fiY�ffit VVTiH all the iuipiavameats now or hec�er e�d on tha progeRy,and all easements,appurteaaace.v,aad
<br /> • fixhues aow as hereafDer a yart of the grcperty. All teQlaoeat�nts and additioas shfill slso be covered by t6is Serurity ;''2
<br /> � • • � Instcumeat.All of the foregoing is refetted w ia this Sec�uiry�nst�ume�t as the'Acoperty.•
<br /> �, BORROW£[t COVBNANTS tLat Ber�ower is lawfi�ily setsed of the esiate I�eby oonvoye�and has the right to grant aad .
<br /> ` ,` < <, ° convey the Pcaperty and ffiat the Praperty is tmencumbered.ea[oept
<br /> fas encumb:aaces of record. Boreoa�er warrxnte and will
<br /> � . � defend geaetaUy the�e m the Property against all cisims and demands,sub�ect tn aay eacambrances of t+ecosd. '` k
<br /> . ' �` '< 7H(S SECURITY�IS7RUMENT oombin�aniform cov�ts for aatinnal usa and nan-imiform oovenaats with limiLed �
<br /> . . vnriations by jurisdiction to vonstitute a uciform securIry instiumeat cavertag t+eal property. .
<br /> • ' UMFORM COVENANIS.�rmwer aad Lender coveuant aad ageee as folio�v�
<br /> �' `�� ` � 1. Feym�nt of Friacipa!end�►tes�,� @�epaym�t aud E.ate Cl�arges. Borrocver sball pmmptly gny whea due the .
<br /> ' ' ��..';, priacigal of and iatezest on tha debi avtdem;ed by t$e Note and any prepaymant and late chatges dua tmder tite Nota. •
<br />. -' ''-�^^�"" 2. Fuads far�ages an�Imsuiaaoe. Subject w applicable law or to a writtea waiver by Lender.Sorrower shaU pay w
<br /> - , �- �-. -.- Leader an the day�rnnt�ly gayar�nts aes dice u�er!he Note,�the Nota is paid in ttd1.a sum('Funds�for.(a)yeasly mxav _ -
<br /> ` and e�meats which may att�ia prIority over Uus S�curit�+Inst�ume�t as a lien on tha Praperty;(b)YearlY leas�kold paym�ts
<br /> , . -� : or graund re,nts an the I'roperry.if aay;(e)Year1Y ham�+d or propeRy insucaace piemiums:(�Year1Y ftaod insurance premi��,
<br /> �`:=';� � � if eay; (e)Ye�IY mcrtg�ge�su�aca Pnmiums. if aay;and(�anY s�FAYab2e hy Boriawer w Lender. ia acco:da�oe with .
<br /> . . � -� Y tlia p�ovLslons of paragtapb 8.ia lieu of the paym�t of moitg,age ins�n�ma preminmv.�items aze c�lted'Fsclow Items.'
<br /> ., 4� Leader may.at aay dme. colIect and hotd�unds in aa aamunt not to exs�d th�ma�n�m amnunt a Iender for a fedeislty
<br />` � ; . . . _ ielatad martgage!wm may tequue fos Borma�r's�scmw acco�i�det the foderal Real Fstate Settlement Pmcedures Act of
<br /> � . :��; I974 as am�ded from bme to tims. t2 U.S.G Secdoa 2601 et seq.('RESPA7.ual�aaother law that applies w the Funds _ .
<br /> • �. sets s le�er amonnt.If so.Ieader may.at aay Ume,collxt anb hold F�ds in an amount not tn exceefl the tesser amouat.
<br /> ;` ; Lrendes may�ata tba amo�t of F�ds due aa the basis of curre�t duta aad�easanab2e�of m�penditares of tatue�e '
<br /> � _� . �.�' Bsctow Iuans ot oWeta+i.se in asxosd�ce arith applicabls laar.
<br /> � � � �a Fuads shall be held in au institntIoa whosa depo�ts am instu+ed by a federat ageacs+, msdncm�litY, or eattity
<br /> . ,� , ,�r��. C�acluding L�der,if I�eadet is sur�aa institaBcn)or in a�,y Pede,�al Home I�oan Baak.I�ender sbaII apply ihe Fands w pay tbe t�.
<br /> . • . Fsccaw Items.Leuder maY ant chazge Berrower fm holding aad aPPly'mg the F�da,�allY anaIYm►g t�e�ow acco�m�or ���,�;�.;-
<br /> --. ' �'`". verifying the Escmw Ite�,unle�v Irndes pays Bormwet interPSi ua d�e Ftmds aad app}�cabla law peraaits Irmder to make stu�
<br /> _ �'I' " ,:-'
<br /> ------ - A CbBt�.�owElVels�et IDSy te�j111i�BoYDOW6!W p8y S oII0-flI�S C�8lg0 f+DlBII iIIQL��dffit I��fBLa fa7[IEQOIf�IIg SetVICB
<br /> 1IB �'..f•._.
<br /> .. nsed hy l�der m �on with tbis Ioaa. unl� applIcab2e Iaw grovides othecwise. Uates�ag�emeat is msde or . _
<br /> � . ' - applic�a law neqni�s intec�st to be paid.Iendes ahbll aoi be tequi�ed w pay Bore+awer�y iaUe�st or�oa the FuBds.
<br /> . . . Bo�rower aa6 Ieader may a�ea in writiag,however.d�st intesest ahall be paid�e st�e Fi�ds.Iea�der sLaU g'cva to Barmwer.
<br /> ,..__. ,.. - withmrt cha�e,aa anmml aecotmtmg of the F�ds.showing ciedits�d de�its os c6�Funds aad the purpose fos whirh earh . ',.'�.
<br /> � debit to tbe Fimds waq mada.'I1te Fands a�pledged as�dditional seauicy fos all st�s secu�ed hg t�ss Suariry In.stn�me,�� ---.�''
<br /> _ • � If tLe Fuada hc2d by L�der exceed the amo�mts pemdtted to be�..t�d by epplica6le 1aw.I�sE�shall acco�mt to Bormwes
<br /> . . fas the eaxs9 Funds In ac;c�daaoe with the�qt�of applic�ble law. If 9ie�mmt of�a�mads fleld by Ien�cs at aay Q�i
<br />- , . � •tima is aot safficiea!to pay tha F.scraw Ite�ns w1se�dua.Irr�des may so uctifq Ba:rower in writing,and.in sac9case Bonower =�
<br /> , , • ' �titl Pay to Leader�a amouat neoessazy w make up tha defccieacq.Botmwer shall make up tho defccteaey�in an muro thaa
<br /> . � - � tweive montnlY Paymedb.at Iender's sole disctetion. �"�"Y°`':
<br />:` � Upoa�yment in fnll of all enms s�tt�d By this Securicy pas�um�t,Leada eball pmmptly reBmd m Bon+awer�y
<br /> - • ,. Fnads hetd by Leader.If.aader paragmpb 21.Leader sball acgaice orseU the Pmperty,Le�der.Ptior to t�e a.cquisition or a�La �.�':�`.
<br />- ' : . . . ;.,� of the Pmperty,sLaU appIy aay Funds he28 by�ade:at the time of acquisition os sale as a cred'it a�inst t�smas secuaed by �;M-1
<br /> -. �� � . this Sec�riry Instrumea� ;-^,_._.
<br /> . � � 3.Applicabtoa of Faymeais.Unles9 appt�cable Iaw provIdes othe�alse.aU paym�ts received by I�det tmdei panagt�apHs
<br /> � '� .. 1 and 2 shall be apptied: fust.to aay p:epayment charge�dne uadar tha Not�second.to amo�payab2e tmdet paragreph 2;
<br /> �� _
<br /> �� � . �. third,to inreiest du�fuurtb,to prrinciptil due:aad 1ast.w eay tata cLatges dae undes tha Nose. ��=-
<br /> - � , .� 4.Chaiges;Ideas. Borrower eLaU all ta�ea.a��ts.ebiarges,fines�ad' ositions attn'butabte to tho Ro �---
<br /> � , D$Y �P . P�Y r�:��-
<br /> _ - � � �cb may attain prlority over 8us Secarity Ias�t,and teasehold payments or grouad te�is.if aay. Boirawer s�all pay �::
<br />- . � <•��. c�u:se oblig�tions in tha mannes piovided in pa�ag�aph Z,vr if aot�id ia�ai�snner.Bormwer ehall pay them on timo dtrectiy �T:.
<br /> . �.� : .
<br /> w tha peisaa awed paymen�Bor�ower sball yrnmptly fittnisL to L�nder all notices of amoimts w ba paid under tbie paragapb. ��.
<br /> _ .' •' If Barrower makes these paymenta di:octly.Bomawer sball pmmptiy�aish to Lender a�eceipts evideacbtg t&a paymeats. �,�.�,
<br /> � : Bonflwar eball pramptiy dischatge any liea aLieb Las pniority over tLia Sowrity Instra�YvWess Bormwer:(a)agcr�s ia ':°`
<br />- ',`•:;,••:. -
<br /> -_.�,f� �. . writing w tha payment of 8tas�obligadon secn�d by tha llea in a ma�er acceptable to L�dor;(6)contests ia gaod faith tha li� '_
<br />.�;,.,>::. : �.
<br /> - . .. liy,or defends agaiast�ment of the lie� in, Iepl ps�oceedings whicl�in tha Iender's opinion opexate tn preve�t the
<br /> _ ' � � . � enforcement oY the lie�:ot(c)secares from the holder of tha l�ea aa agreem�t eatisfacwry w Lender subordinating tlza lien to �
<br /> � tlua Sec�rity Instnrmen� If lender d$termines that aay part of the Ptoperty is subject to a IIm w�£ch may attaia prtosity over ,
<br />_ � ' . �t3�is Seeurity InsMtme,nt, I�der may give Bormwer a notics ideatiFying tha lie�.Borrower sLall satisFy the lien or t�1ce aae or � •
<br />=:;e�;%�� . rrn.�ra of the actians set fortIt abava within 10 days of�a�iving of no@ca. • -
<br /> -::.:;• . �o soao �o
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