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<br /> � ` ��� /b�3� �t .�� °
<br /> . . . � 4.1� 17.'�t�tsYer of the Property . or an interes4 in .. ,.
<br /> . �r` or a Beneffidal Intetest[n Borma�er.If all or any pact af the Prope�ty Y
<br /> �. `•, �. es sold or traasferre�(or if a benefic�al interest in Ba�rower is satu o�r��� p Y�t°.n�e�l of alt sums securefl Y�thi� �
<br /> ' � Lender s prior written consent. Lender may. at its option. req
<br /> .'� �'.•�• Securiry[nstrumen�However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is ptolubited by fedeial law as of thedate
<br /> �,} . . :`:�:'.�
<br /> .;�'.`.., � of this Security Inswment. -` -
<br /> � _-.-=—,. If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower norice of acceleration. The r►otice shall provide a periad of not •,� °:�
<br /> '���F""'�'� less than 30 days from the d'atc the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower musi pay ail sumS seceired by this �_,_;
<br /> ,-- -'_- S¢�My Iusut�ent.If BQrrov�rer fai ls w pay t h e s e s w n s p rior to the ex pitation of this period.Lender may invoke any r�emtdies --
<br /> petmitted by this Security Insdument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> . '" • 18. Borro�s R1ght to Reinstate. if Borrower me�s cert�A rnnditions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> � enforrcement of this Security Insuument discoirtinued ai any t':me pnor to the�i i f��y��eiS of sale�onta�en� n this
<br />:*;r.� ��: - aPPlicable law may sPecit'Y for �ainstatement) before sale of ttte PcoQertY P <
<br /> . �� _ . �'`' Secunty inswmear or(b1 entry of a judgment enforciag this Security Instramem.Those conditions are that Bosrower:!a)PaYs
<br />•;: :.°'>-.�, . � .,::.e I.e n d e r a l l sums which then would be due u n d e r t h i s S e c u r i ty I n s t�u ment and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred:(b) ;�;`', .
<br /> . ` c�nes any default of any other covenants or agresmenu: (c)Pays a ll expenses inc u r r e d i n e n f o r c i n g t h i�S e c u r i t y_Inswmen� ; •'.
<br /> ' k� includ'mg. 6ut not limited w. reasonabte attomeys fees:and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonab�lye�tsecv�ed by '�y.--
<br /> -' �.�F;: that the lien of this Securiry Instrument, 1.ender's rights in the Pr�operty and Bortower s obligarion to pay nt and the ^
<br />~` � •• this Securicy Insuument shall continus nnc6anged. Upon reinstatement by Boaower. this Security Instrume
<br />; '' � .� obligations secured hereby sha11 remain fu11y effective as if no ac�celeration had oocurred•Nowever. this s�t to reinstate sha11 : .a
<br /> � • ��.` nui appty m che case of acceleratioa under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Saie o!Not� Change ot Loan ServEcer. 'fhe l�iote or a partia! interest in the Note (togetFser witb d►is 3ecuritY
<br /> - �'`" '-;"=° I n s i r u m e n t)m a y 6 e s a t d o n e o r m o r e ri m e s withaut prior notice to Bomawer.A sale may result in a chauge in the entity(lmown
<br /> <•'.`„` ''�°~� as the"l.oan Servicer")that ootlects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insuu m e n�'�z�e a l s o m a y b e o n e
<br /> or more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Serv{oer,Bo�rnwer vrill be
<br /> � " "". . •. ':;�;�":-: given written notice of the change in aocordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.71ie noace wi11 statc the name and
<br /> . add�ess of the new Loan Sennoer and the address to wfuch payments shoald be made.'I7ie notice will also wntain a�ot3ier
<br /> ��: � >-`: information cequired by applicabte law. �. or re'.eas�of any •".':�
<br /> ' • Zp. �zasdons gu6stsauces, Borrower shail not cause ar permit the presence, use.dis�n*s3@. c�• ,
<br /> n
<br />"�� .� ' . .���`�" Hazaidous Substances on or in the Property Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone elss t� �a, a..-��un8 a�n8 � _ •
<br /> ...:.:� - -,.`,y property that is in violation of any Environtnental Law. The preceding two sentences sha11 not�Iy��e presea�_.�or - .-,.
<br /> � storage on the Property of small quantiries of Hazardous Substances that are generally rccagni�d aFP�P `••_�
<br />'-'�: . ` .,: :; reside�rtial nses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> trt -�'��� .
<br /> � � '' Borrower shall promptly give�der written nntice of any investigation,claim. dem�.lawsuit or other action by ar►y „ .
<br /> overtunental or r e g n latory agency az private party invoIving the Froperty and anY Hazardous Substa�ce�T�n�r°�ntal Law �''`':
<br /> • - r:��:' of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns.or is no�e d by any gove m�n e a t a l o r r�u�a to ry authod t y.that =_
<br /> . • � any removal or other r4mediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property�.s necessary,�orroa,�r shall pmmptly take =_-
<br /> _ ` '.`:3": '.' „: all necessarY remedial zrrions in acootdance with Envimnmental Law. .
<br /> ,„�s�:" � pS used in this gardgraph 2@, °Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or harardous sn�aces by �.�;:_
<br /> Envirovnaentat Law aad the folb,�vttt, substaz►ces: P,asoline• kerosene. other ftammable or to�c petroleum proc��'s.touc
<br /> � -
<br /> . ,� � . • pesucides and herbicic�s,valatile soiti•enu,materials containing asbescos or formatdehyde,assd cadioacu�e materials i-�,�t�th�a�� �:=�.,
<br /> -� this pacagraph 20. °Enwironmental Law" means�aderal laws and laws of the jnrisdiction where the Property � !��
<br />- � . relate to health.safety ar environmental protection. E�:'.
<br /> ' NO�1-UI�IIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further oavenant and agree as follows: �_
<br /> ' " �' 21. Aaeteratton;Remedies•1.ender sLall give nottce to Borrower prIor to acceieratton foUowing Borro�ser's Dreacb �_---
<br /> . .,L•Sf-:- :.• E�ti.:,.
<br />' � .;''r,� : uY apy covenan t or agr e e m e n t i n t h l s 3 e r u r i t y I n s i r u m e n t (b u i n o t p r�o r t o a c c e t e r allon ander p a r a g r aPh fl7 anZess �:.:_;_'
<br /> F , ;
<br /> �-: � '`� appllcabte law provtda ot�erwLge).The notice shall s►secify: (a)the defaalt;(b)the acttou��to cure t�e d e t a u lt; �, _
<br /> r, .
<br /> rwL
<br /> :� x.•,�° �• (c)a da4e,not less than 30 days Smm the date the notice is given to Sorrower,by which tiie dePaalt mnst be c�red;an `y
<br /> � ''�" (�that falluse to cure the default un or before the date spedtied in the notice may resWt in acceleratior�of 31ee suitts �;;
<br /> a
<br /> . '�;'x���;.�,�.:'.; secur�d by t61s Sccartty Instrument and sate af the Prope�y.The notice shali fnrther tnform Sorrower of the rig6t to
<br /> � �ein�taII�aftes acceleration and s.�e r i g h t to ti r i ng a o o w t a d l o n t o a�e r t t fi e n o n�e�d s t eace oY a BeYautt or atry ot6er ��.._
<br /> defease of Burrawer to acceteration and sate. If the default is not cm�ed on or before the date spedfietl in We no4tce, �_,._.
<br /> Lender, at its optton,may ulre immedlate payment in tiill oY all sams se�vred bY tb19 S�curit9 instru�°�t �s[t�ont � �
<br /> ��' � � � farther demand aad may Invo the gower of sale and any other reneedtes permttte�by applicabie taw.Leader sdal!bs
<br /> ='� -_�-�'`�,•��. emitled to oolled aU expenses incorred in pu�sutng the remedtes provtded in thLs paragraph Zl,tasindi�,b�npt Il�ted ��`°--.
<br /> =i;,;.�.�" � : to,reasonabie attorneys'tecs and costs of title evideQCe. o�the
<br /> - • � IIff�hhe potiver of sale is invoite�, Tnutee shall record a not�ce of defantt in each county 1m�ttieb anY fi� -
<br /> , � , prope�y is toceted and s�a0 mail copieg of such notice in the maaner prescribed Eng�$PO�icaDle iaw to Bur��`es siad to '•:.-
<br /> _-- � '' the other persoas pr�scrjbed by applicabte 1aw.ARer the time reqoired by applicabiQ�aw,Trnstee shall give pabltc aaNte
<br /> ` ' of sate to the persflr�and in the manaes pr�ribed by appiicable law.'�'n�stee, withont demsnd on Borrower, sball seU
<br /> �'�:�:
<br />-_ • the property at puB�ic aactioa to the higtiest 69dder at the time and ptace and uader the teftns destgnated In the nottce of �;�_
<br /> sale in oae or more parcets ana0 in anY order Tn�stee determines.Trn�C�may pas2pone sa�e oY a!1 or any parccl of the _.
<br /> a
<br /> � '. Properay by pnbitc annoaace��nt at the time and place of any previousTy ss�'aied sale. Lender or its de�gnee may
<br /> '• �. . ' . � Pw�chase the Property at any sale.
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