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Record and return to: <br />Grand Island Abstract, Escrow & Title Co. <br />704 West 3rd Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />c, ; ) <br />Z� 1 <br />CND <br />KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that, Jeffrey S. Westerby and Jolyne M. Westerby , <br />husband and wife, herein called the grantor whether one or more, in consideration of One <br />Dollar and other valuable consideration received from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, <br />convey and confirm unto Bryan Walter Whiting, Trustee of the W. Lyle Whiting Revocable <br />Living Trust UTA dated 11/13/1992, herein called the grantee whether one or more, the <br />following described real property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Parcel 1: A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (E1 /2 NE1 /4) of Section Twelve (12), Township Ten (10) North, <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., and a part of the West Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4) of Section Seven (7), Township Ten (10) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of <br />said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4) of Section Seven (7); <br />thence S89 °50'51 "W, along and upon the north line of said West Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4) of Section Seven (7), a distance of Five <br />Hundred Fourteen and Twenty Seven Hundredths (514.27) feet to a point, <br />said point being on the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad, said railroad right of way being One Hundred (100.00) feet south <br />of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of the eastbound main railroad <br />track; thence S58 °58' 11 "W, along and upon said southerly railroad right of <br />way line, a distance of Eight Hundred Forty Nine and Nine Tenths (849.90) <br />feet to a point on the east line of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(E1 /2 NE1 /4) of Section Twelve (12); thence S00 °14'17 "E, along and upon the <br />east line of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1 /2 NE1 /4) of Section <br />Twelve (12), a distance of One Hundred Sixteen and Forty One Hundredths <br />(116.41) feet to a point, said point being on the southerly right of way line of <br />the Union Pacific Railroad, said railroad right of way being Two Hundred <br />(200.00) feet south of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of the <br />eastbound main railroad track; thence S58 °58' 11 "W, along and upon said <br />southerly railroad right of way, a distance of Five Hundred Eleven and Nine <br />Hundredths (511.09) feet to a northeast corner of Lot One (1), O'Neill Acres <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; thence S41 °46'40 "E, along and upon a <br />northeasterly line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Seventy Five and Thirty <br />Four Hundredths (75.34) feet to a corner of said Lot One (1); thence <br />S81 °35'22 "E, along and upon a northerly line of said Lot One (1), a distance <br />of One Hundred Seventy Six and Ninety Eight Hundredths (176.98) feet to <br />the northwest corner of Lot Two (2), O'Neill Acres Subdivision, Hall County, <br />Nebraska; thence N89 °49'32 "E, along and upon a northerly line of said Lot <br />Two (2), a distance of Two Hundred Fourteen and Four Hundredths (214.04) <br />feet to a northerly corner of said Lot Two (2), said point also being on the <br />west line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4) of <br />Section Seven (7); thence N89 °30'22 "E, along and upon a northerly line of <br />said Lot Two (2), a distance of Twenty Three and Fifty Five Hundredths <br />Form software by. Automated Real Estate Services, Inc. - 800.330.1295 File: 12 - 5124 <br />0 <br />rso <br />l' <br />co <br />C!1 <br />Its <br />