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<br /> ..���� ..C:._».�:.: `-=F
<br /> - � -�'; � ''. �.it � > L. z S I` �� ..c�..` � �.}�� ` T�, ,:N � ,_
<br /> _ .YL� .s c.�� ..�'ic' °-.f - _ _—' �.
<br />� C'' �.'![_
<br /> 4
<br /> • � � • TOQ�THS�WlTH a0 the imprmiemarts now or here3fte�ted on the property. and eD easements. aPPurtenances, and -
<br /> � . ` '`` ' fltdums now ot hereafter a part oi the property.AO replacements end add�[ons shaD also be covered by this Sewrfq/tnstrument
<br /> � `'� ' AD af tAs foregoing is ref�red to in thts SecurEly fnsGume�t as the'Property.'
<br /> ` :s ggpF{OyyEp Cp�Nq{VTg�at 8cnpyver is tawtully seaed oi the estate her�y comeyed and has the dght to grant and
<br />' � • � corney the Property and that the Prap�ty is unencumbered. except tor�aimhrenzes ot recotd. Borrower wartants and wi0 •
<br /> ,. . ��, datend genea(fY the tltle to the Propaty agalnst aD deUns and demands.subject to anY enauMrances of record. j�� .
<br /> TFfi3 SECURifY IN37AUMENT combines imuortn corensMS tor national use anA non-unitorm covenams wilh Iimited � .
<br /> � . . • variatlons Dy jurisdiWan to cons6i�te a undortn seea�rity 6�s9ument covering mal PrcPet!►• � '``, �'�
<br /> ' . , ` UNIfaRM COVENAI�TS. Bormw�and Lender cov�ant end agree as todows: '.
<br /> . . 1. Payenent o!Prdndpaf and[Msres�Presayrnent and Late Chargea eorrower shall P�mP�ll PaY�� .
<br /> due the pr(ndpal of end U�terest on the d�t evld�ced Iry the t�tate and anY Prepayme►t end Iate charges dae under Na lVOte. '� �� {�
<br /> � •'-~•s 2. IFunds fa�'Ymces and Ensurance.Slibjed to appficab[e law or to a writfen waiver by Lende� 6ortower ShaII pay Q
<br /> f:- - - to Lender on the day mor�thty►PaYmer►is are due under the Note,until ihe Note is paid in tull.a sum('Fun�')for. (a) Y�arlY �1 -
<br /> taxes and assessmerds which may ef�in prtot3ly over this See.urny instrum�t as a@en on the ProPerty: (b) yearty Ieasehold (� �`
<br /> ,...� paymmts or gro►uid renis on the Properry, if any: (c)yeady hazard or property insurance preniums: (�yearty ilood btsurance /1�� �
<br /> __ ���:• pr�i�s,if artyr(e)yearty mcrtqage insurance premiums,it any:end (�eny sums payabie by Botrower to Lender in aa:or�dance 1W
<br /> wifb the pmvIsions of parapaph 8, in Geu of the paymer�t of mortgage insurance premiums• These ttems are ral►ed'Escrow�
<br /> � Items.' Lmder may.at any time, coQect end hotd Funds in an amourt not to exceed the maximum amouM a lender tor a '•
<br /> ` ' `. .'�� tedera�71 re►ated moRgage toan may require tor Bortower's esaaw account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures �;�� '•
<br /> _ ... Ad ot 1S/4 as am�tded from tUne to time,12 U.S.C.�Z801 et seq. ('RESPA'). unless another law that appiies to Ne Funds . `,,. .
<br /> � - - sets a Iess�amount. If so.Lender may.at erry time. coQeei a�d hald Funds in an amourrt not to exceed the lesser amount. -
<br /> ..' r'��, �d��y�qhma�the amount of Funds dus on ffie bas'ss of wrrerd data and r�sanabis estimates of expenddures ot future -
<br /> . Esaow Items cr otherwtse in accordartee witt�appflcabte taEV. '
<br />..`�,.�,-,. The Wrcds sha0 be hdd�an htsh'h�tinn whose depos�.a ffie bis.s���+y a federal agencY.hzstrumenteTity.or erttr'[y(inc�uudut9 =__--
<br /> � � Lender. iI Lers�is sucb an inst�tton)ar in any Federas Home Lc�8ank Ler+d�shaD aPAty the Funds to pay tha EsaoHr
<br /> • ' Itens. lender may aot char�x Bortower for hN�ng and apPNu►9 the�unds,annuady analyring the escrow aceount.or verityfig �'
<br /> . .., the Escrow Itans. un[�s Zes�pays Borrow�brt�t an the Fun3s and appIICebte Ianr pemfts Lender to make such a �,...,.�.
<br /> ,.•• . . ch�ge. Hm,yev� Lend� Tnay re�lce Bortnwer to pay a ane�ime chage tor en tndepend�t real estate tax reportfig ssvice �
<br /> .�,�,..
<br /> � used by LenQer in coms�iliaa w�1h tfiis toan. untess appQcabte Iaw �a.-avfdes othetwise. UNess en ageernert is made or , zst
<br /> ' , . appUcabte�w requires trterest to be paid Lender sAa�not be requir�!ta pay Bortow�arry hrterest or eamings on the Funds. �;��>:�`
<br /> , . Bartower and lendet may agree in vrtUfig. hmveua. that interes►shaR be paid on the Funds. Lender stiaD glve to BoROwer. - .
<br />, •_ without ct�arge,an annuat ea:aunting ai the Funds.showing aedds and debfts to ffie Wnds and the purpase tor which each
<br /> debil to the Furtds was made. The Funds are ptedged as addrtlonal securily for efl sums secured by the Secur�ty Inshum�rt. �r.
<br /> _ .�,�r.
<br /> . . it tha Funds h�d by Lender exeeed the amauirts R�rin�ed to be Aefd 6y apPficeble law, Lender sfiati sccotaeR t�►Sotrower =;�;;�;_
<br /> tor the excess Funds tn accordainee with the requiremen•s of aPDGCable Iaw.It the amaunt o1 the Funds h�d by�n3ar at any .,f<i��%
<br /> - ffine is not suftfcdeM to pay the Escrow Items whm due. Lend�may so notity Borrawer in writfig.and.in s�cuti c�a Herrower ���`.
<br /> � � � sha�pay to Lender the smaurrt neoessary to m�1ce up!he defldencfs. 8arrower shaU make up the defldency in no more than
<br /> . `•"��� tweMe montMy paymeMs.at Lenders sole�swetton. ;;�
<br /> :� •:� ,�. � . Upon payment fi tuU ot afl sums secured by this So�anity L�a�nmt.l.eider shaII prompUyr refund to Borrower any Funds _ ,.
<br /> ` hdd by L.end� tf,und�psragrapn 21.Lender sha0 aasjute os sei Lie Propaty.Laide►,Prfor to the acqufsiUon or sale of the °��<���
<br /> ue
<br />_ _<,� Property.sfiaD apPty enY Funds held by Lender at the tiQne of acq�s's�on or sate es a aed'it agalnst the sums secured 6y this _
<br /> r,.;i ��l�f13�11RICtlt. _
<br /> er . �
<br /> ' ` '�F�' 9. Applleation Of P8y1i19t1t9. Unless app4cable faw p�sides otherwise, aU paymerts recxived by Lender under
<br /> - �'�'�s�� paragrBAhs 1 end 2 shad be app�ed: firsl.to arry Prepay+nertt chsrges due under the Not� secon3,to emounta payable under .- __�
<br /> - � ��� 1 `;•,(�_
<br /> paracyaph 2•third.to interest du�fourth,ta prtncipal du�and las1,to arry late eharges due under tAe Note. f=�:
<br /> _ . `• ; 4. ChBfge� 1.1ena Borrower shall pay a11 ts�cgs. assessmerrts. chargea. ftnes and impasftions athBss."bble to tAe _:��.:__'`
<br /> • ,'�� Froperty whicA may altatn pdortty over this Securiry Inskumen�and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bortower shall �•-�-
<br /> �..._-
<br />- ` � • pay these obitgatfons In the manner provided in paragrt�ph 2, ar B not peld in that manner, Borrow�she11 pay them an Ume ,a-_
<br /> � ��� dt[ecfiy to tJia person owed paymert. Bortower shaU pmrt�tly fumisA to Lender a0 notices af amourrts to ba pafd und�this �-�___
<br /> '%�%�; Para�aph. f3 Borrower mekes these payments dUecriya Borrower sAeD promptry iumfsh to Lender ceceipts auidenctng the --T—.
<br /> • paymertty, -..
<br /> `• � Borrower sha11 promptty dtscAarge eny Oen whtcb has pdarfry over this Securfty Insdumer►t unless Borrower. (a)agrees in ` _
<br /> - . . �. ' w�ttng to the payment o1 the obligaUon secured Oy tha Qen in a manner accepffibte to Lender, (b) coMests In gaod tattA the �
<br /> , ' ���� Qen by, or detertds agafist entorcemerrt ot the lien in, tegal procee�ngs which in the LendePs apinion operate to prevc�nt the
<br /> . � .� ;�;�s enforcemeni a�T the Uen: or(a) secures irom the hoider o1 ths Den en a�eement sattstactory to Lender subor�nattng the qen to
<br /> � �'� ,`tt%� this Seartfry Instrument.N Ler►der detertnines that any part of the Pro is sub ect w a�en whtch ma att�tn p�to over this �`"'
<br /> . . .. ,�. P�!/ 1 Y �►Y �;-
<br /> - , � � ��.'�'. ' Seourity Instrument,lender may give Botrower e oaUce identft�Mg the Uen.Borrawer sha0 satt�l the Fien or take one or more of
<br /> ^'.,t-.:,.:: • ' ' • the actiona set tortb abovewithin 10 days olthe givfig o1 noUce. �'�"•^�
<br /> �• ��.,�'. � � � 5. H8a8fd or Property tnsurence. BortsRer shall keep the improvements now exisling ar h�eaft�erected on the
<br /> •;r','::;c:: � . ,:: • Pr e Insured a nst foss b ft S � Y 9
<br />'s' •"'�tir" �� `.�} tlooda or Food(ng.fo whicfi Lender�equ�lns rance. This tnsurence sh�e maintatned in the amaurrts and�tor�th pertods �'
<br /> i � .. � that Lender requtres. The insurance cartter Drovldin9 the insurance shatl be cfioaen by Borrawer s.�;ect to LendePs approval t�
<br /> - � � which shaSl not be unreasonably wfthhetd. tl Borrower fa(ts to maintain coverage desafbed abcta Lender may.et LenQer's �_,_;
<br />__ � • � option,obfaln cove�age to protec�Lender's dghts tn the Property in accordance witt�para�apb 7. �5,:''a
<br /> -,:���;<<•': �, • AU fnsurance po�des end renewals shaD be acceptable to Lender end shaU incluQe a standand mortgage clause. lender �,���+..
<br /> �.'�in��1+�. ' shall have the d t to hold the oDetes and renewals. if Lender ires.Bor�wer sr:� rom e to LenEer aU rece o1 '.it`''
<br />_ �,,.�. . �' 9h P � P P�►8� � N��-,r.'..� _
<br />- . '��.,;.� paid premlums and renewal noUces. In the event af loss.Borrower sha7 gNe prompt n�,lce to H�o�surance cartler and Lender. �-_.
<br /> • 'f'� Lender may make proof of loss N not mads promptly by Bortower.
<br /> . .�..;,r.
<br /> - ,':;�„�:: Unt�.s Lender end Borrower otherwfse agree in wdting, tnsuranee F.roceeds shal!be appited tD restarratlon.or repair o1 the .
<br />- _ ' Properry damaged.H the restoraUon or repaU is economica�y teasibte and LendePs securfry is nat lessened M the restoraUon or
<br /> '::.'�:EC�� � repalr Is not econoMcalty teasibte or Lender's security csraild be lessened,the insu�anca proceeds shatl be app�ed to the sums �
<br /> an
<br />.� . , � '��` secured by this 3ecudry tnstrument, whether or not then due, wRh any exoess prlfl to 8orrower. It Bonower abandons the --
<br /> — Property, ar does not answer within 30 days a notice hom Lender th�t the insurance cartier has oNered to settte a daim,then
<br /> °. • Lender Ray coUect the tnsurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums .
<br />-- • seeure0 C�p t11s Security fnstrument,whether or not then due. The 30��yr pe►fod wfll begin when t�ha noUee is given.
<br /> Untess Lender and 8nrrower othenvise agree in w�ling, eiry apyQcaUon of praceeds to pdncipal sha0 not e�Qend or .'
<br />-- , postpone the due date ot the monthy payments reterred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or chango the emount ot the paymerrts. t1 ��.•
<br />= �. under paragraph 21 the ProaeRy ia acquired by LenQer. BorrowePs dght to any Ins_:�nce poUoles and proceeda�esuldng trom j�i�;,
<br />- � . � damage to 1he Propecty prior to the acquisi�on sha7 pass to lender to the extent of the sums by this Securriy(nstrument 'f1�x:���
<br />_- ' immemat6.y prlor to the acquisiUon.
<br /> 6. �acupancy, Preservatio�, Maintenance and Prot�ctio� o! tho Property; BoRawer's Loan •
<br /> , App!lsBYlolf; LeBSehOtd9.R�rroWpr shall occupy. esteblish.and use tBe Property as Bortower's pdncipal residence wtthin ,
<br /> sbRy days after the execuUon o} this Security Instrumerrt end ahatl continue to occupy the Froperry as Bortowera pdncipal
<br />==c ' � residenee for at teast one year after the date ot occupancy, unless Lender othenxise a�ees in wriUng,which consent shall not �
<br /> � be unreasonabty wfthheld,or unless extenuating eUarmstances exist which ara 6eyond Borrawer's controi. Botrower shall not
<br /> • ' destroy,damage or impaU the Properiy,altow the Property to deterlorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shafl be in
<br /> - deisuR H any toAeiture aeUon or proceeding, whether civil or criminal.Is begun that in Lender s good taith juQgment coutd resuri
<br /> in forteiture of the Roperly or othemise matedalty Impalr the tien aeated by thls Security Instrument or Lender's securily brterest. .
<br />--,`' . . �j�p/�/,���'� .�y�
<br />_ ft376.1M0(1/9n Vaqe 2 ot 5 /�f„�,NY_ 1, /�('
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