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<br /> � _.��. _:.. �;. ��►�„� �lm t08��
<br /> . <. 1. Paymcsns. Banower agtoes m mafc� al!RaYme rtta on tho eaeured Qebt when due. Unia3s Barawer attQ LenQe�a-gree otherwlse. any
<br /> � payma� lendor racelvea from Bo�Owar ar for Borrower's 6enem wUl be apptled flrat to any emauMe Borrower owea on the ea�ued de4t .
<br /> � •� - m�eluatva of 6�mtast ar DrineiPaf.saeond to Urterea�m�d tttan to pflneipaf.lf Dartia�P�e08Y+�ent of tha t;eewed doDt oeeurs tor any reason.it wig -'.
<br /> t
<br /> rtot rn4uce ar excuse any ech�dtdod paymem urstit the eacured doDt ts Datd fn full.
<br /> . . � . ._ . - . .`S
<br /> 2.G��S Ay^�..aat Titia.8orrowar wQl pay el!m�cea.assessme�e.and otAer ehargea smibutabte to the proparty wAen dus end wi0 detend title
<br /> to tAe pro��''a�atn�any ctaLna wNeD woutd impair tho lien of thia Qesd o1 tru.ni Lender may tepuUe Borrowar to ass►gn er►y righte,elalms or
<br /> . � detnnses�Bwrower tney AavO egain3t patdea who euppty tatar or materiats m improva ar mafmmfn tha property , .-
<br /> � 8.dutaeaa:o.Bortowor wUi Reep the proparty instueA w+der terms aaepteDto to lender et Bortower's exponse and tor Lender's beneftt.AU f`
<br /> "� 6+sure►iee DoQct�s st�all ineTade a standiud mortgage dause in tavor at Lender.Landet w�16e named as Ioss payea or as the iruured on any sucA « .
<br /> . . insivsnce po6cy.My iruvrm�ca Oroceade maY fme�Qed wlN�tn Landare dtscrattan.to either tha resoorallon ar�epatr of the dsmaged property
<br /> ' • ` or to th9 seatred dsbt.lf Lendet reQt�iree martgaga tnsuranee,Borcowat agrees to maiMatn euch insuranee tor tu�ong as Ler.der reQUUes. .< '�
<br /> , -�=--�rT��� 4.i�ay�rty.8ortower will keeA tha D��h►tn gaad eonditlon and irtake all reP�+g reasonaLty nacessary.
<br /> ,.
<br /> � ` - °:.c� 6.Eapan.3eta.Borrawet a es to pay a0lendefs e�Bruss tnctud'mg reasonabie attomeys'fees.If Burmwer bre8ks aay Wvenants in Ws Qeed -
<br /> , i of trust os tn any ob�seciued Dy thta Qeed of trust.�artower wi7!pay these amnurns to lender as provided in Cavenant 9 of this dead of _
<br /> . , �; �•
<br /> `'�- 6.R�[ar St�wt@y►trtteroaht.Unless 6arrowar first o0tairss tsndars wtitten consern.Borrower wiU not maice or pe+mlt eny changes to anY P�ior r�'
<br /> setim'ty irimrasta.BortotYer w�l per4arm aD of Horraws�s obGgaHons under erry prtor mortgag�.desd ot uus4 ar otAer seeurity agreeme�rt.
<br /> _ .- _ . . S. irtch�d'u�g 6arrawers eovenante to meics paymaruB when due. t ,
<br /> ` . '. a.'' 7.A�sat�mnt of Rerrta�d Pco'fta.Bortouve►assigns t�terider the rerts end proftts ot ths pmperty.IJNess Borrawer and Lender have a�eed
<br /> . • a r�se tn writtng.Hamowes may caQect aM retain tne rerAS as tcng as Barrower is not in defauh.It 8arrower Qefmihs.Lender.lenders _
<br /> eSem.ar a eaurt appoi�d reeeiver ma take pnssessian�and manage theµroperty and eneect tha�e�.Any�lenQe�c�4ecte shaU 6e •
<br /> , n�e �cessary�iel�e�e�nsea�fTh�e rem�sinU�i@ea�rn%�of i�wii{tl�en epD�Pelfinenta o�n�se�d detr�i a�.s Drov�tdad tn�Ceo�+rei ntlarry other
<br /> .� . - 8.Leaaeitoids;Condamhthuets:Ftanned UrtP[Oevdapm�.Bor►ower a�ees tn compty with the pravis[ons ot erry tease if th(s deed ot�ust is an
<br /> _ 8 leasehafd.H Ws deed of uust is on a uni!in e cnnQcmWtun or a pienned unii QaveWpmetu.Boirowet wiU perform aU ot Borrower'a Qaties
<br /> - � . , emder tha cover�m�s,bWaws,m re�utatians of the oondomintum or pfannad unit devetopmert.
<br /> � ':.,° ' � 8 Autfimi3yl at Ler�ar m Rmtorm tar Hana��It Borrower faita top erfartn amr ot Borrower'8 dutlas under tl�Ia deed of vust,Lender may '".
<br /> �..'?}� p�form tlte dutiea ar cause them to 6e perfarmed.Lertder may sign Bamwei's nama orpay arry arrto�mt if aseasamy for pertormenee.if atry `,%.';v,�-
<br /> �' oonstruetion on thepm perry ia d�seor�tinus0 or rtot eartisd on in e reasona6le marmer,lender may do vvAaLevet is ne�y to proteet tendera ,%:�jr�. �,.
<br /> ,, . � :.�.4< s ecim:}i rt t e r a s t i n t h a prop erty:T h i s maY i n c i u d e c ompfet�ng t h e e c n s b u c V o n.
<br /> __.�-;_._ L�ndm's fa�ure ta Ge►form wAi not Prectude Lertder fcom exercisinp arry of its other dghts�mder tha Iaw or thts deed of t�ust ' .-
<br /> ' � ` f►ny emaur�ts psid Lty Le�er m pratect ler�ers sequity interest wAI tie seaued by Ws deed ef uust.Such arto�wD16e due on Eemand
<br />-, • ;:;',;.�� area vn71 bear irt�si irom ths date of the payment�mtil paid in futl at tfie 6rterest rate in effect on the seared deLi.
<br /> : "�:.,y t0.Qefa�tdt and Aaaiera8on. If Bortower faifs to make atry payrneM when due ar 6reaice asry aavenants wider thla deed ot trust or any� `'
<br /> o6IIgation sewred by tnIs deed ot trust or ar►y prtor mort8age or deed of trust,Lender may aecelerata the maucrityl of tha seaued dabt and �
<br />_ • - QernarM bmnedPate P�errt and may irnoite the power at sate and Bay oU�er remedles parmitted bV eANleatit0 taw.
<br /> ,� . 11.Reacsatiar[doges af CsfwTt It is hereby re�uested ffiat copies oi the notices of default and eate be sern to eacA pereon who fs a party �� ':
<br /> . . hereto,at 49�e address of each sud�person,as setTorth herein.
<br /> . f�.t�cwsr ot Sde.H the Lendet invoices the pou�ar of sate.the Tcus4ee ehaD ftrst�eeord irt tRe oHiea ot tha regis0ei af deeds of each cou�/ � ,�f���-..
<br /> u�
<br /> � • wl�m�ain ttie wsi 8royerty or soms part or pazcel thereof ia sftuated a natloe of detautt cartt�n'�g the iMormatian required b1f iaw.The tmstee ��±'_
<br /> . . _- � ,` �d�lratso ma7 capies of the nottrs ot detautt to ths Bnrmw�r,to each person who is a�tg[rareto,and to otAer persa►�as pr�uibed by �.-:
<br />_ •• � .r, ;�ifrabTe taw.Not less than ane morrth atter ttis tn�stea�ds the noUve of Qetaui�ar 4�o morstha H the Vust ptc�e�ty is nnt fn any
<br /> . •,�.4 rc:�torated city or vpfage snd ts used in farming a�eraHons carrted on Ey ffie trustor,tAe Tr.�a shatl gwe pubRa nmlce of szte to the por-�rs
<br /> ,�,,;, arsd in the mamur�.reactibed by�apppRceDJe law tniste9, out demand an 4orrowe�,st�i sell the property at public suctiorf to tha
<br /> - _ �. r, 6i�Cer.H re�Cs�tfie Farm NomesOeed Protection Ae4�r�tee shaD offer�DroPeRSI in two seParata sates as reQtthed bY ePDlicab� �+---�=,
<br /> ' T�Zt�e may D�e sate of aD m erry pareet ot the pmperty by pubtic ennmmeemerrc et tha tfine and ptsee of any preWiaustY schodWad sa"ra. �;.;:-3;;.:
<br /> - ' G�or its destgnee may purehase the property at arry eate. . ��_^
<br /> . ; � t k�a z receipt ot pa�rment of the pdce btd,7�ustoe 8hali Qetiver ia tha purehaser Trustee'B dee�wmreying tfie property.The recttiaie eottietaed in "-�`�;�,-
<br /> .• 3i;�teo's dee0 shall be prima tacle evidience of tfie tn�af the atatemerns wnq�ned therein.Trusteo shatl aypty tf►e proceeEs of tAe sate in the �:�__
<br />. , ' '�'• toltowing ordar: (a)to all w�ensea ot the saTa, including, dut not Iimimd to, reasanabte Tnistee's teea, reasonabfe attomsYs tees an0 .�,-;,-..
<br /> ��l'� reinstaterrteM feas;(D)to ail sums secured by ttUs C�d of truat,and(c)tha batance,tf any,to tha perscns tegally e�Itled to receive it. �rr
<br /> , ;�fy . �:_
<br />_ •'.:,�j,, 18.Forae�os�so.At Lendere aptlon,Uea deed cF.�ssi may be torectosed in the marmer pmvide hy eppflcable law for toreciosure of mortgages �::=.;:;�^
<br /> . �� 4n teal DroDerty• � ,�,�-�
<br /> �• . 1Gi�sD�4tan.Lender may ectter the property r�inspact B if Lender ghres Bartower notim L�a`arehand.Ttie aoUce must atate tho reasonaDte ��:s-..�--:�
<br /> eausa qor tender'e inspoetlon. �,�;,yy
<br /> `•�`, ��'_,e,._.
<br /> �{�t � 16.ConQ�ugBan.8orrouvsr a ns to tsnQet ttaaproceeds ot arry eward or cti�isi�or Qamag es eonnecte0 wttA a eondemnaUon or other u�ur�• • � �
<br /> ,.,F ot eD or eny paR of the proparty�ucA proeeeda wiil be applta0 es provtded tn 4�awanart�1.Thia esslgroneM ts subject m the terms of en�►�i�r
<br /> . sec�ityr agreemem. � .
<br /> '. - .�:%�i - . . }fjr:J.:_1�`.
<br /> - . •, 18.Watvw.By euereising arry reme�y availablo to LerMer.Lon�ar aoea�ot give uD any rigt�to iatei usear�y othar remedH.ESy awt exoretsing ���`l,.::
<br /> ~�„�4,:,.� , � any remedy upon Borrower's defaut4 Lende�does not watve any�ight to fater consiQer tne everR a defauTt if it happens agatn. � �.�;.-�
<br /> �� � � 17.Jatnt en0 Sev�raf U , Co�gnera;Succosaora end Ass1�s BotmO.AII duUea under this deed of trust ara joTnt and severaf. Any ' '
<br /> � , ` Borrowet wiw cro�igns thta deed ot uust Eut does not co-slgn the unde ng debt insVUmeM(s) Qoea so oniy to greM end com►ay that' ��
<br /> � . f>,,,?f, Bonowera interest in the propeity w tho Trustee under the tarme ot ttils dee�oTtnist.tn addition,suet�a 8orrower agreea that the Lendar and .'. •�
<br /> ; ,<,,�r�a� $rry other•Borrowe►unQer thts Qead o1 tiust may oKtond,modltv or make any other chanaea(n the iem�s of this Qead of trust or the seaued 4 "'
<br /> f �;: >,,�{,s,,- Qebt withaut that BnaowePa consertt and without roteasing th2t BoROwer trom the tarms ot this deed of trust `"
<br /> �t,��
<br /> _ .�;`,� . : � , ,,,.
<br /> _ fi�m;ties and�eneflt�of Ws de�dof tiust shatl bind and bertstiSthe succassora and assigns ot Lender and Bortower. �s�'��;',� .
<br /> _ . . :d,•;
<br />- . .. .;_ ti„ .
<br />__ . �. l�C,{aUee.Urdese otherwise required by law er�e nntica to 8orrower ahaD be given by deflvering(t ar tiy maiHng it by certlfled mafl addressed ta
<br /> -- •� �orrower at the pr�rty adQresa or eny other�ress that Bonow6r has Alven to Lendet.Bonawer wI0 giva eny nottCe w Lender by ceatl"i�m!
<br />_ • .. . � meil to Leader's esa on paga 1 oi thia Aeed of bvst,or to arry othor addresa which Lender has Oealgnate0.My other noUrs to Land+�s[aE1
<br />.- , ba sont to tandefa IIddress as steted on pa ge 1 ot thia deed ot t r u s t
<br />_ • My rroUee ahaD be deemed to have meen giwn to Borrower or Lender whon givan in tha mam�er steted ebove. �'`�`�` '
<br />_ . m C;�:':'� +
<br /> - . y paR ot the propo or am►iiKerost in it is sold o�transfarred "
<br />- 19.Transfar ot ttu Royerty ot o B�n�ftde�6stareat fi the Bancwer.It ell a en rty t$.
<br />_.-_ wtthaut I.endere prlor wtitten consem,LonEer Moy damand immodiate paymeM ot the securad debn LenCer may atso demand Imme�te
<br />- ' QemanO p�y�meneon etie e6ova slttuaUo�it�ts p ohSbi4ted by feder�e�l l�awefes of U�e dam of th�Qo°d of or��aferted.Howover, Lendar maq not �.�
<br /> - � � • 20.Reeoenrayancs.YVhen tho o6ligatian secured by thia deed of trust hae Oean paid,and Lender has no t�uther obllgation to make advancea
<br /> . � . under the insWmerrte oragreomerrta seauad by ttils daod of trust,the Truateo shail,upo n written request by the Lendor.rocomrey the st
<br /> � propeny.TAo lander sha11 defivar to the Bortower,or to Bartower'a suceessar in tnmrest,tAo trust deed and ttio nate or other evtdance o��o
<br /> = . oLlieatlon so errtisflad.Bcnowor sAaU pay any raaordaUon coste. �
<br /> - �.� � Z1.Seeee.�sm Tmatee. LenQer, at lender's oetlan, maV�emove Truste9 arM�ap�oU�t a sueeessor trustee by flret, malling a copy o!tAe � "
<br /> suEsdh�lon of trustee as�equUod by applica6lo�aw,and then,Dy 61ing tho su6stldrtion o!trustee fot reeatA imtho offlco of the register of deed9 . '
<br /> � of each cuunty in wh1cA the trust propeny,or somo part thereof,I9 situated.The successor vustao,wNhout com►eyance ot tha propeny,ehalt •
<br /> _, succeed tn all the powor,dutlos,authority and titte of tho Truatea nomeA in the deed of trust and of any successor trustee. •
<br /> ��� ,
<br /> � Wego Z ol y
<br /> �� . . eawcoas avs�ees.wc..sr.aow.aw seao�naow9�•r3e��coans aewu�raxe ena9�
<br /> . ' � �
<br /> • 4 _ _
<br />