<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we. Kevin J. Houlwed and Kohn Heulwed, husband and wife, being the owner
<br />of the land deserlbd hereon, have caused name to be surveyed subdivided, plated and designated as "SHEAFFER SECOND
<br />SUBDIVISION ", In the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof. and do hereby
<br />dedicate the easements. If any, for the location, consffuetion and maintenance of publto service dilates forever, together with
<br />the right of Ingress and "gross thereto, and hereby prohibiting five planting of trees, bushes and shrubs, or plaolng other
<br />obetrvotton* upon. over, along or underneath the surface of such easements, and that the foregoing subdivision as more
<br />particularly described In the description hereon as appear* on Ih1s plat, Is made with the free consent and in accordance
<br />with the deems of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />0
<br />V yWTN S/ 20 S EREOi, 12 ham we ha affixed our signatures hereto at l a T ciIQNG' . Nebraska this 1 Z dot' of
<br />. ths(
<br />v n J, oulwed
<br />01 a
<br />a <<r IsY
<br />ayor
<br />rare Houlw"d
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that PRO - TATCH. INC., a Nebraska Corporation. being the owner of the land
<br />described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plaited and designated as "SHEAFFER SECOND SUBDIVISION",
<br />In the City of grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the
<br />easements, 11 any, for the location, construction and maintenance of publto service utilities forever, together with the right of
<br />Ingress and egress Thereto and hereby prohibiting the planting of frees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions
<br />upon, aver, along or underneath the surface of such easements. and that Ms foregoing subdMslloon as more particularly
<br />dsserlbd In the description hereon as appears on this plat, Is made with the free consent and In accordance with the
<br />desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />o!'toapPE 2
<br />��II FtyITNE 012.
<br />SS WHEREOF, we have of fixed our signatures hereto al e ZS Q tOY'. Nebraska lhls day of
<br />PRO- TATCH
<br />a ebroaho Corp oralfon
<br />Key, . H u w ssfdenl
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA, a Munlalpal Corporation in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, being the owner of the land described hereon. hove caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and
<br />designated as "SNUFFER SECOND SUBDIVISION ", In the City of Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska, as shown an the
<br />aocompanydg plat thereof, and do hereby dedkale the easements, If any. for the location, construction and maintenance of
<br />publto service utilities f together with Nee right of ingress and egress thereto. and hereby prohibiting the planting of
<br />frees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstruoliona upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements, and
<br />that the foregoing subdlv/alan as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears on fins pal, Is made with
<br />the free consent and In accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />TNESS WHEREOF, we have Gilded our signatures hereto of (n' Can,l, T:Jund , Nebraska Ih1s e , day of
<br />201
<br />d�Ad
<br />.I4
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that PREFERRED PUMP d EQUIPMENT, L.P., being Me owner of the land described
<br />hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided. plated and designated as SHEAFFER SECOND SUBDIVISION ", In the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska. as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements,
<br />11 any. for the location. construction and molnfenance of public service utilities forever, together with Mee right of Ingress and
<br />egress / herdo, and hereby prohibiting ties planting of trees, bushes and shrubs, or clueing other obstructions upon, over,
<br />along or underneath the surface of such easements, and that the foregoing eubdlviakm as more particularly described In the
<br />description hereon os appears on this plat. Is made wllh the free consent and In accordance with the desires of Me
<br />undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREO we have affixed our signatures hereto at MA IAIOS'W. Texas this 11e day of
<br />Randy Lyno, Prost rot of RPE oenppar, Mo.,
<br />General Partner of Pre erred P mp ;Equipment, L.P.
<br />Stale 01 Nebraska
<br />Count' of Hall ss
<br />On Me_ 12 day of OC4eIOC A 2012, before me- w0r1eL e a Notary
<br />Public within and for said County, personally appeared Kevin J. Houfwed and wen HOUlw nd and wife, lo me
<br />personally known to be M. identical persons whose signatures aro affixed hereto. and they did acknowledge the execution
<br />thereof 10 be his and her voluntary col and deed. I
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my new and affixed my official seat at era's -r l/ S l4N0(
<br />Nebraska, on the dale last above wrlHen.,
<br />My commission expires i n SP i rh � �.r
<br />Notary Pub',
<br />Stale of Nebraska
<br />ss
<br />County of Hall �c•
<br />On the 17 day of 0 r40bftz . 2012. before me, Q •,teal(1 1")
<br />e P N R , a Notary
<br />Public within and for said County. personally appeared Kevin J. Houlwed, President of RO- TATCH, Nebraska Corporation, to
<br />me personally known to be the Identical person whose signature is affixed hereto and he did acknowledge the execution
<br />thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary aol and deed of said Nebraska Cerporallon, and
<br />that he was empowered to make the above ddlealton for and In behalf of sold Nebraska Corporation.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my alflotal seal al lr Awe
<br />Nebraska, on Me date last rra++bove written..
<br />My commission � p! 1 t r+fe r1.1p rf Z 4, 2 0 /,f'
<br />Notary ubllo (SEAL)
<br />awsxlarxl/.Eavdwaau
<br />Ihcmiarnaaaln.ia
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />as
<br />County of Hall
<br />2 G t 7..“
<br />axu IVAUN.gwdw9Stjill.)
<br />ROWLOO.OEP e
<br />al .f. tnt2,a111
<br />On the o1 red day o/ �6V , 2012, before me fit' c(dedyr r IG o- � ry�.f�'1 , a Notary
<br />Public within n for said Couunf personally appeared the Moor �le of Ihe CI TY Of CRAI10 IS NO. NEBRASKA, a
<br />ll d un Ry pP Y y
<br />Municipal Corporation In Hall County, NsMoako, to me personally known to be the Mayor and City Clerk of said Munfelpol
<br />Corporation, and the Identical persons whose signatures are affixed hereto, and that they did acknowledge thee execution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary aol and deed. and the voluntary act and deed of sold Municipal Corporation, and that they were
<br />empowered to make Me above dedtcanon for and In behalf of said Munfelpol Corporoffon.
<br />114 WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my nom. and affixed my official sect al (LYtlnd ISII. J
<br />Nebrosko, on the dote Iasi 06000 written. .
<br />My commission expires F b C 1. , 2A"
<br />Pahl
<br />Notary Public eta (SEAL)
<br />411
<br />Statedanana
<br />Rona uw.vxxx)e
<br />Stale of errrr% - rattan
<br />as
<br />County of Torro&r
<br />On the Rs day of UUIy , 2012, before me. e V, Ch I , a Notary dent Public
<br />PREFERRED & EQUIPMENT. within . too ere personally p known Randy Lyn*. Pres cal person Pea amour. ose l go,. nalu s alfhed hereto, of and he
<br />did acknowledge the execution thereof to be his voluntary cal and died as President of PPE Groper, Inc., General Partner of
<br />PREFERRED PUMP & EQUIPMENT. L.P. and the voluntary act and deed of sold Limited Partnership. and that he woe empowered
<br />to make the above dedication for and In behalf of sold Umtld Partnership.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal al x011 Worth
<br />en the dote last above wdllm.
<br />My commission expires Oe %nMor 03 ZnIS
<br />aii1'm� L
<br />Notar Public
<br />E • k. ,i L �_ • 1 ::�_ _
<br />(SEAL)
<br />80E272 00 2
<br />