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Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, November 13, 2012. <br />Attest: <br />anal- ES1C-49cum.00, <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clerk <br />RESOLUTION 2012 -324 <br />201209679 <br />WHEREAS, a permanent easement is required by the Grand Island Public Schools in <br />connection with the Walk to Walnut Safe Routes to School Project, for the construction, operation <br />and maintenance of a driveway to access Walnut Middle School; and <br />A portion of Lot 20, Block 2, Section 8, TI IN, R9W, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 20, Block 2, Imperial Village Subdivision and <br />extending West along the north line of said Lot 20, a distance of 140.83' to the point of beginning, <br />thence continuing West along said north lot line, a distance of 46.00 feet; thence deflecting <br />90 17'31 "left; a distance of 92.40 feet; thence deflecting left 45 00'00 ", a distance of 88.61 feet; <br />thence deflecting 45 00'00" left, a distance of 124.17 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 20; thence <br />North along the east property line of said Lot 20 a distance of 46.00 feet; thence deflecting 90 00'00" <br />left a distance of 88.40 feet; thence deflecting 45 00'00" right, a distance of 74.15 feet; thence <br />deflecting 45 00'00" right, a distance of 56.40 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 13,017.05 <br />square feet, more or less. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that the City of Grand Island be, and hereby is, <br />authorized to grant such permanent easement to Grand Island Public Schools, on the above - described <br />tract of land. <br />Approved as to Form n <br />November 13, 2012 Q City A ey <br />