<br /> __�,..`�:�ic� . . .:S.a,.c.. - ,.x:...s, .�x�.s t
<br /> . . _ . .. . - - "-"
<br /> --"-_._,.,_ -. . - -�--. .. - - -
<br /> .� .��c�,� ; . _ a . . . ' _. .F
<br /> t�\ . LY .
<br />, _ - ) `Y `_. '�-Y`: :b•,�� �� � . - T -. . �` rC�.. . -. . ,7 � . L �.a-L+
<br /> � . � t , t � ~�r. 1 ' ' t( .- ... . .. 1. . Z.ct �1 t . � . . ! ... " � 4: . .
<br /> .�s.,r - L� . ., r,y.," . .. - . . ' , ' ` � ' : _ �� �d . "`-.
<br /> . � ' _ �a�. � ' . . �0.,' . . _ _ . ' .0 ... . ` _ .. . f` ; - .(C.
<br /> 5... :�- . � ' � .� � . , r " • •t.`, l, `.4 , . _ � c.
<br /> �- .:`.' ` . . �F ' .
<br /> .i.��� . . � ._ � .. • . .. ' � .. . . a . . . ,�t. .
<br />. . ... . ,. .2'- •,`'���' ' _._ ...�._.._...� �\�..` ..
<br /> + 4 µ .��_ ..--a_._. '-� l � ..
<br /> .F� ��� � : - • ?� /Od3a� .��,� _
<br /> ., .``..� 16.Bormwer's Capy. Bmroaer s�all begI�en one w�aime@ copy of�e No�and af this Seauity tnstcum�u�
<br /> . nt a B�i'ictal�inter��Borm�eer. If all or aay part of the Propeaty or any ino�t'.m�'u� �
<br /> .. 17.7Yeasf�of the��e+op���t�t iu�rower is sold ar t�ansfeued end Baaowe.r is nut a naturalpe�a ,�'�•.,
<br /> � sold or nansf�ret!(ar if a ued
<br /> • pa�writta�oansea�I�a►der maY,at its o�uon,�cl�re��P����of ali s�uns secumd hy tLis S�tS►
<br /> � • � _.� Lemder s �� � by fedaai law as of Uie date of this .•
<br /> � � �°-"' ��uom�t,Hn�vever,tl�s opdan sball not be e�ceic�ed by I�if exercise Pm ,
<br /> `-`'"`�`` g�mty Instsument �a of not less ''
<br /> �° _ , a.7�e notis�ee sha11 pto � P�d T�
<br /> � � �.::� If I:eada exec�ises tLis�p�on,Lradcr sham g►ve Baaawer ns�tecc of x�cei�ia t�
<br /> �' ' ` ` thaa 30 d a y s fcom the dane tthee uodce is c�liveed or ma�ed withm n o����Iffide�m.y invoYe�re�edies P�
<br /> . � ;f insuunnemt,If Barrawer fas�s to pay tbcse sams prior W the ` � 1
<br /> � . � by this Secaaity Ta�eat arttw�fucther nouce esr dem�d on Hanower Bormwer s6aII have the dghi w bave
<br /> r .
<br /> ` - `' 18.Bosrow�'s R�ght. If B�ower me�ts ce�tain canditions, ; : - "
<br />_ ' '� cnforcemeat of this m Ia�s�ame�,nt discontmned at�ay dme Prior to the e�har o� (a) 5 days(�sach atker penad as
<br /> y u�soant to any power of�Ie tantained�n this S �• .` `::
<br /> , '.;..`-" applipble taw may��� ar:emstatementl b��e sate of the PcaPertl►P
<br /> aay
<br /> t�fampag tIus S�rity Inst�mca�t.'Ihase conditlons�re thai Baaower:(a) ���
<br /> ���s{p)eauy o�a j�d� Iastn��t and the Ptate aa if no aoce2esatian tad
<br /> • smas v�h th�a would be dne�md�this Serurity ����g�S��s�at.�°8,b� �� .
<br /> ... ;•,;� ; dQfanit uf any othec coveaants ar�gceeinmt�(c)paYs a11 to sss�ue tbat the lieu of�t�s � : �
<br /> � 'fee��d(c�t�such a�tion ag I.ender ma�►zrasaaablY�equ�e � b tlris S�uitY .�: ,`
<br /> . . ;�`_ trot lamted w,�anab amomel+s � Boaowea's ob1igauon �o PaY the sams Y .
<br /> _ � g Ins�t, ieuder s rights in the�t b y B m r o w e r,t h i s S Insu�t an�the a b�[oas secated .
<br /> . �:�`
<br /> • • In��nmant shali wn�e as�o�aflce1�au�had�Howevw.thic�n�t to iemstate sbaII not a g p l q in t h e caseo f
<br /> � y ��
<br /> �. . ' ��ondes�h i of Laan ServIo� liie No�e or a partial int�est a► the Nate (togethea witD dris S�i '
<br /> � �,.�,'2 19 Ssie oYNote.C6a$ge nntice to Bon�uwer.A sale may�ia a change ia tha�ti�Y(��
<br /> he sol�ane or moie time.s wahout p�r 't�c�e aLso aoaY be ane a�
<br /> � Inst�wneflt?maY , dne andes the riote aud tbis Sec�itY Insb�umeat
<br /> t
<br /> � -�:�� as the°Luan Sesvu�?dralt calteqs monthlY Y� .
<br /> . mOre ch�ges af the I.a�Senricer na�elat�ta a saIe of tY�Note.If ttt�e is a d�ng�of the lnan Se�vicar,Baaower wID tse .-.
<br /> ea wnirea notice of t�change in asr�daace with paiag�aPb 14 a6ove and�p&�ab1c law.'ihe natite wiIl state the aame and .
<br /> . � a�ddre�ss of th$new Lflan Seavicer aad the add�ess to ahich paYme�ts shau�d be ma�'ltte nodce wID also oont�n any othes ' .
<br /> ;:'�, b lIc�ble 1aw. � nse. disposal. soo�a8e. .
<br /> -. �....� _ ��S y� Boimwer shaII not cans� ar permit P��• ��g�2teAroperiY _-�_
<br /> .. , Hazardons Snbstaaces�n ar ta the Pbpeat�►.Ba�wer s6at!nut do.nar aIIow anyone else m do,�8
<br /> Enviionmental Law.'tlte�8�o se�noes shaU notsppty m the preseac�u�.or���a�
<br /> _ � . .., that is ia vinlar�n of an�► of Ha�doas reao m be�m auamal
<br /> �s �P�S►of suiaD qaant�es Snbsmnoes that ate��Y �� �
<br /> - , ..L, and to maimtwanae of��• n0tice of aa �estiSa�nn,����'Substaace or Envtm�mea dl Law - ��y:.-
<br /> - ' `;:: Boauwer shall Slve Lender wiitte� S►'
<br /> " ag or garty iavob►mg the FtoPenY a�enY a�y =�-'.:
<br />;: �;�,:...� ','� ;�, ove�nmental or�gnlat�ryry ��owIed�If Bm�mw�s lesins.or is notifced bY anp govemm�tal or rEgatatos�a��Y• ��ke atl :r-�
<br /> g in ....4;,
<br /> :2°� � of whicb Boaowe�6�acmal �oas SaD�nce affecung the Pcapeety is necessacY,Batmwer�Ul pr�puY -:�,
<br />- . . • „ , removal ar athcr�of any
<br /> � n�lt i�ste�al�t's�n ac,cordance with Env�.ental Iaw. +��.
<br /> � Ag azs�m this p�ag�aph 20,"Ha�dnus Sabsannce.s"are those sabsta�s�s defined as wx�C or t�dnus sabstaucc9�Y 'j±
<br /> - Enviro� Law and the foIIawiag sabstances: gasolme, ke�e�°�. other flammable or toaic p�t�p��m ���
<br /> con asi�esws as fuimaldeAYde.sud redioactive '`-'_
<br /> - . . . , pasoicides�d herbicides,volau'Ie sotveat9,materials �u°g � p�p�ty is located that ielate m�,;,..
<br /> � t�is patag�apL 20,"Envaaarn�ttal Iaw" means fede�al laws and laws of the' dicdan where dte g
<br /> . w health.safetY or e�►va�nmental protecti�n. e � . E_._ _-
<br /> .. � ..• - NON-UNIFORM COVFd�IANTS.Ba:mwea and Lemdea furthea cove�ant aad�ree as foIIows: �._::.::�
<br /> f '� '' h 17 anSe� � '`':;',
<br /> . . �,j��, , .; Zl.Accel�atton;Rcm�.l.ende�s6aU gtve notioe to Borrower Dr1oY to acaeterns�on foIIos�tmg Bon�ow�e's Qre�dt af
<br /> a n y o a v e n a n t u r a�s�e ment in thts Secm�tt9 Ia�tru�ent (but uot prtor to acoeteration under pstra�aP
<br /> applisable!aw proQid�o�serwise).The notice shaU epecif9s(a)t�e dePauy3�{b)t h e a e t i aa r e q a i r e d t o c m e t h e d e i a n i t;(c) � .'_,
<br /> � a dat�nat lesg tHa��days from the date 3�neStce is given m Borrowar,�t9 wfficb the defaatt m�+t be cured3 and(� e __
<br /> g -
<br />_ . . ' fhat fea"�ue to care We detsWt on or betore��sPe�fteaf in the notice�ay resWt in saoelera8on a�t�e s�mms s�
<br />- � . by t6[s S�srit9 Instr�ent anA sate of We Ft�e�'t9.The uat�shaD flairther inform Barnawer af t�e right ta re�nsta4e =
<br /> ` � � aSter asceleratton and the rigbt to bring a oo�rD$dioa W�t�e n°n�stence of a ddanit or any othe�r dc�'c-�o!
<br /> ' BarrotiveT to acceleratFon aad sai�If We defxa�fi�not wrd oa ar betore the date sp�citted in the ao!!ce,E•�rs�et its
<br /> -- . ; � optioa,msp rc.�nire immediate payment tn i�FI a4�a1!s�s secare�6y thL9 S�ri����etr entitied to�
<br />-_ . anaf may�nvo�e the power ot sale�rem�P����P�Db 21,inctadimg,bnt uo4.ltmitea to,rea�aable .. ,.
<br />__ � all eapenses incurre� in pmsafn�
<br />:_�;,'. � ,`;"�,,':. .' auomeys'fees aad custs ot titte ecfdt�
<br />--,. . ,. . ;
<br /> U the pawer o!saie� imoheQ,'�'rm4ee sLall reeord a notioe of dQtantt in each�unty in w9�L aaY paR ot ttie
<br />---,,��; �...�x Prapert9 is[asaterl�c.fl sha�ma�copi�of s�d��tiee in the manner pre�ff�e�b8 appttcable law to f3iarrower���t�af ��
<br /> -- ,,' .�. : o t h e r Dersat�P r e s r r►"�e d D y a D p l i e a bRe law.�the tlme required bY sDG"�aDie law,Tra�tee shai��ve P -
<br /> - �:�;:.�.��,:�4 fic��iaw.Trostee,wiit�uut deman�an Bosrawer.s�i 0 s e i!t De
<br />_ � saie to tDe�raons aad!n the m�um�prescin..'1�b7 SDP
<br /> _ . " �A�9 at public�n�n to the hlp,Q¢est b�IIder a!the ttme snd ptace au��er the 4erms des�nated in We natfae o!sale
<br />__ � . . .:.�,� .:; .
<br /> � Form8�?8 9 0
<br /> _ � mtu0t�".� �t
<br /> __ • - �-8R(NE)lg2�z).o� vaae6ofe �/
<br /> .
<br /> -_ .'_._._-... - �1.. ,.
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<br />_. . , . . . _ . .
<br /> :: . . . ' .
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