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<br /> ' _ . ,�`` _ _ ' '_ _ —_ ._._o`.... , _- ___ _ '_�_--� '_' - .._' ' :'� . . '—__ _ _ _ .— . . -_T_
<br /> � , � . . . ._ . `• � < . � �^ .��— c_L,r ._C ' '�� .— "' . _ -' _.. _ _ _-'C ..- k
<br /> t . _: . `.F. . ., r `• ' .. , ` (�4 ` � � '� (• ' ` . . .. , ` t ` . :4, • S_ ` � `� _
<br />� �.� . ._ < ..._Y.�.• 'f. . `L •.�„�..�....__ .tn- ( --�- .-..�..�._...__..._.._..�r. _r� r.�.'. .._.J...._c._ i t ..
<br /> � • `, f:v�. . ..
<br /> Borrocver ehall he given one coAtormed copy oi the Note and oi this Se+cu1rit7t lnstrumea�°e�p .� ...
<br /> . ,, .. 16.BoYrosser's Cop� Ol U1C��Or o+y , , r �,`•
<br /> 17.Transtet of the ope or s Baneitc�l Ittterest in Borrocve�.Ii�11 or any pa+R ,. {,.
<br /> � interesc ia it is sold or transtenei�or it a b�teficial intereac in Borrojver is sold or Wtransi�a paB�eat in full of ,
<br /> , er
<br /> .. . � ;.,,�� natural P�sson�witAaut Ixndec's prior written coa�nt.Lxn�opY�,on shall aotbe�egercised Dy Lender if ese�ise is
<br /> � all sums secuted bY this Seruriti► lnstr�meat Hocvever. . :.:
<br /> � ��•-�.: psohibited by iedetal law as of the date af this Securi e g1���e�r n tioe oi acceleration.The aotice shall provide a period - , .:_,
<br /> . ' �=.- - - I[Lendet e�etcises thisoptioa.Lsader shaU gi __�:-�:�..::.
<br /> � ` oi notless that►30 days fmm the date the aonce is delivered or maited within�vhich Borp°�re�m�P�Y�der�maY u►� ..
<br /> h
<br /> by tQis Security Ir�strumen�If Borro�vec fails ta pay these sums prior to the e 'uap auod on Borro er� �_�r- '.'�
<br /> � �, , . anyretaediesperrteittedbythisSe�uritYlnstrusneatwithoutfurthernoticeordecaaa
<br /> - j�.aorcower's Right to Reins�ata If Bot'ra�at an�e�pr'io�t�he�er of(}5 da�(o such ot�her p�'a� -
<br /> � enfoncement of this��t Instrument disooa Y �u wet of sale coatau►e�ui� . ,
<br /> for reinstatement)befote sole of the Pro�Y yursuat►t to enq Tb
<br /> y as applicabte law map spec�fY ent enforciag this ec�mtY Insm�ment ose ooaditios�s are tt►at� -
<br /> , . ` this Security Insstrument;or lb) eau'9 of a�galoutd be due uader ttis S�uritY lnsauineat and the Note as if noQ
<br /> g
<br /> � ' � Bosrower: (e)Pa3B I.��a l i s u m s w h i c b a 1 1 e s p e n s e s i n c u n�e d i n o o _
<br /> . � � � - a«:eleration had accus�ced:(b)cw�es a i�sul�not�limited to.reasonable� YS'f��aad id)�Pro��aad�
<br /> t:, ," 4 enforcing tbis Sec�rit9 Instn�m b g ment,l.ende�s nghts in p�Y _ --.' �
<br /> nf �to assure that the lien of ihis Se�urity 1nst�
<br /> Leader may reasonably req y
<br /> . � - Borrower's obligatioa to paY�me�ntau�d the obligatios���erebytshall reiaaisi fullp��a'�ve asf�eratton� :`�J. :,
<br /> i u�B o r r o w e r.t t u s S e c u r itq I n s t r u b 19.
<br /> . � �occurred,Hocvever,t b i s sigbt to reinstate s h a l l aotapp ly in t h e c a s e�taterc�t in the N o�t e(�w�pther�rith thisSecuritp .
<br /> ' � '� 19.Sate o f No t e;C 0 a n 8 e of Losa Setvtcer.The Note m'a parti , �
<br /> y'.��' tastrument)ma be sold ane or more times witho�prior a��due�under the Note and ythis SecuritY Iusuumen�T� .:;;,�` ;
<br /> 1 t k ao�v n a s t h e �S e r v i c�e t')t h a t o o A e c t s m Y P a Y n► ��`,���
<br /> � .�.--—�::t'� aI o map be one or more changes of the Loaa Servicer tmre la t e d to a s a le o i t h e N o t e.b�4 abo e aad�1i�e t R- ',
<br /> ` � S e r v i c e r,B o r r oWer will be g�ven wntten aotice of the c&as�ge isi accordaace�vith garagap,
<br /> of the new T G a a�s S e r vi ce r s u d t h e a d d r�s s t o wluch p a pments shauld be made. ;;
<br /> � ' •�':, 'The aotioe wiU atate the name and eddr�ss �b y��cab2e law. �
<br /> � The notioe w il l a l s o con t a i a a a y o t h e r i n i o r m a t i o a r e q u i ���� a r r e l e a�o f a-� � � .°
<br /> wer sbaU not cause or 't the presea d i s p a s�..s m t a g e. r
<br /> _ . ?A.Haza�cdons Substaaces.Boreo ,Borrarwer uot do.aor allow anyone et�t�xdo,aaptbsnSaffect�ng `;, .- __
<br /> . � :, a�qy Ha7ardous Substaacea oa or in the Propert9 twa seatences st�atl uu�apply to tha preseac� �;::. -
<br /> � � '' the Pc+opert�►that is ia violatioa of any Env�runmeatal I�w.The pre�ing ��t aie generallY �8�� to ba •�
<br /> ' �� �� '�� on the P� oi ematl quantities af Haza�o�Substan ;°�.�,.
<br /> ;:;. � '::s u�or soorage �,.�:;:: ..
<br /> :;: ;;;. � , appmpriatetonorcnalresidenti usesandtomaiatenanceoftAeProperty.. ;,.; '.-
<br /> � ,�.,;:_. : �-��:°�:° -- H rruwer st�all promptly give Leadet written noticeof suy u►vestigation.claim,�d a au�:i���o��8ta�nce ba�r f�::,;: �
<br /> . aay govesnmental or �u1 atorq agency or private part9 iavolv�ng the Pmper�9. ovetnmental or� __
<br /> ` Enviroumentel I�sv of w h i ch Borrower has actuai knowledge.If Barrower learns,or ia notific-+��r anp g���9 is
<br /> � , s+�..�tatory authflrity, that aay reacoval or other �emediation of asiy Hazatdous Substaace�ctin� .:.
<br /> ,. �. a�sarq,Barrower shall promptl�take aU u�r9 c�ae.dial actions m accordance witb EnviroaaeeataP lLs�v. �,�,,.:. ''
<br /> � . As used in this paragraph 7A. Hazardous Subs�s'are thase substances defined as tosic or ha�su&staaces ....
<br /> bg EAVirasustetttet I.sw aad the fol�owiag subste��1�e.kevs�eae.otAer flammabte or waic petra:�s producta, �: , ,
<br /> - toaic pesticides end �tbicides. vol�til�e solvents. iaatenals cau`�eins:sg as�t�ssas or formaldehyde, sud radioactive � .-._
<br /> � '.; . m,atenals.As used iu this garaStaPb 2(1� Enviroameatal Isw"means federallaws aad laws a#the juns�dict�as att�ttt� � _ :
<br /> ;�. � � �rtp is loca t e d t h�t r e l a t e w h e a l t b,s a f e t Y o r e n v i r o a meatal p mtectian. �fo l l o w� . , ' ,
<br /> �=�{.;°;::`: "�'� �-NON-UNIFORMCOVENANfS.BorrowerandI.enderfurthecwvenantandag�eeor to aeeeleretion tollo�ving �y�;:.:
<br /> .,,
<br /> 21, qccetaratioa; Rezaedies. Leader shaU give notice ta Horrower prt � .-��,;.,
<br /> - � � � - Bonowes's 4m�acL oi eny covenant or agreement in this Securitp Insttoment{bnt not prior to accelerntioa -----
<br />_ ,. • . . �d�Q��Jm 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify:la)�e defaul�(b)the ��"�r_..
<br /> . ' astaon teq�aQd to oore the default; (c) a date.not tess than 30 dsys irom tho dato tPte not�ce is given to
<br /> ``-'�'��?�.' �•,''' IIrnrower�by whicb the de4sult mast be cured;rsmd(d)that failara to cun she defsnit on os batore tho date '=_
<br /> ,��,,F,,,..
<br /> , � '• ied in the uotice may resott in eocelerastou.a�the gums secnred by�bis Secudty Iastraaneat aad sale ot �
<br /> - •;r:�%- . � :,:;.;i, �opertY.The aotice aheU torther iaform t�nower ot tD�dgbt to reinstate aiter aaoeler�etcna and the � *�: .
<br /> . .:±;�,; ragbt to bring e court action to ossest the non-esistence o!a default or aa�r�othes defease of�aa=wet i� � —
<br /> ° ��.�`'�+ � accetetatioa and saie.U the defeult is aot cured oa or betore the date speeiiied�n the notice. �
<br /> � ���: � Iicsble law.
<br />- � �• ��'�::�,�� option. may teqnire immediate paymeat im full ot all suaas secured by this Security lastrument without �,. '_?.^.
<br /> �.:���t�S �n��� ��ad and may invoke the power ot�sule aad unY other:e�edies permitted by app ;:
<br /> �t£�'' �.eader shaU be entitted to coltect a11 espenses incurred sa pursning the semedies provided in ffiis paragraph -
<br /> . ;, ;,.
<br /> �i.ineluding,but not tamiaed to,reasoaable attorneys'fees ond costs of title evidence. �{,����� ;
<br />- _ . <:+�w�;, 'i�., ,".
<br />-� �' ;`:",,? Ii t he powet o i sa l e i s i a v o k e d,T s u stee s�a11 record a aotice oi detault ia each co-uaty in whicL any pari oi
<br /> , . � . the Propert�+' es located aad sha11 mail copiesdb Secn�icabl�awhAft�thet�me�uise bd bq ap�l t c l sb l e t��. ,�.
<br /> - � Harsower u s�t o t h e o t?�e r p e r s o n s p r e s c r i b e y P p p �� f• :
<br /> � . 'rt�stee sha11 glve publYe sotice oh�1 e11 the PrapertY at�p nbl c suc�tio�o th hi�s�b�d�bat the t irae�� ,� �
<br /> cfithout de�nand on Borrower.s t�{
<br /> +r'�,.., . .
<br /> ublic anaouncement at the 4'.,�
<br />_ , , place end ander the terma designated ia the notice of sal�,of=h����y�p�d iA any order Trustee ,�r: _.:
<br />-- determines.Trustee may postpone sste ot a11 os any p �hase the Propetty at a�g
<br /> � ' tirne and place of any previously scheduled aele.Lender ot its designee maY P
<br /> - � '.' sale. � -
<br /> .. �'�:� .
<br /> � Fctm 90Z8 9/90 �r;� � �
<br /> • � w�e or o Initiatx�� •
<br /> _ .. (�8HU�3Eksao�.0, �
<br /> �4"�.0 °—.
<br />- ' .—._.�-----�.�.
<br /> . � � .�._�,.. . • • . .. .. .:.—„ . • �. : • . • . ._.
<br /> �• . . . • . . . � ' .. . . .
<br /> �, . . . , . . . . .
<br /> �• � '. � . . . � . ' ' . _ ' , • • : . � , • .
<br /> . . .
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