� c`YE :i �'�:i -- '�i'�?
<br /> -- _,�.� . ` . --� - -� -- � --' ---- - -- ,-.., ,'- t .c.
<br /> C ' � . . . .. . � _ - _ ' b _
<br /> "' ` '". . , _ �''-- .�.� �. . . ' '""" ' ' _" " ' " '_. ... . .c` f,�.., ` - 4 .
<br /> - .. . c.: ,.�. a..a�i:. .��._,r.�...�..=�,�..._.:_ .� ' . ..,. _ ..._.__. _. _ _.�. __"r� ...� .. _..'_:' . _ _ _ ,_.���wi.�`_`..w.,.,'-��q' '-� .f�.
<br /> -__—.__ - �--Tr.-_=';'-�'
<br /> � :_ - � __ 9�� `� �.� ��-- ; � . . :
<br /> � � �,: .
<br /> ��
<br /> ` �' �' • - 14.DEFAUL9'.Z'ntswrw�l�In defaWt if aa� uty obllgatod on the Secuted Debt fails m make paymeat wh�due.R'custor . .. , � . �
<br /> � ` wi116e in defa0lt i�.a bm�oocurs undes.t�ten�ms of this Security instn�ment or any other document exewted for the , . •
<br /> . �: . puapose of cr�.se�tin8�r�u�antY�StAe S�,�ut+ed Bebt.A gond faith belief hy BeneSciary that Benet�d�►at a�► , ,; , .
<br /> • . • time is tasecure v�nth respect w aay person or endty Qbligat�oa tlie Se�vred QeDt or ihat th�pcospe�x of any Paymena°r .-, .
<br /> . . ` the value of the Ifiapeity is Impaired sha11 atso oonsutute an event of default. , .,`.� , ` . :
<br /> .� : . 1S.�DIES ON I)EFAUL'�.In some instan�es.federal and arate laa+wIll tequire�enefcIary ta pmvide Trostor with , - � `�;'
<br /> . n�ce of the dght to c�re or other nodoes s�d may► establish time�ched�les for forectosure mctions. Sub�ecx to these . "��'�`�.
<br /> �-; limitatIons, if an�y. Beneficiary may acaete�ate the 8erured Debt and forectose this Sec�riry Insuament m a maaner - - •.
<br /> � c ate
<br /> . -- ,-; provIded by law if Ttnstor is ia default. .-
<br /> . . At t6e optioa of Benefi ,'ary.aU or any part of the a�fees and chargc9,a�c�uod interest and ncipai shall become .`�- '
<br /> ' �ediateIy due and payab2e,,aRer g►vtng notIce ' requi�ed by law, upoa Ehe�ce ofpa def�tt or anYtime . . -
<br /> . � thereafter.Ia sddition, Beneficeary s6all he eatitled w all the r�edies provided by law.the terms of the Seavred Debt,
<br /> , r :-4 this Securtry In�t and aay related dasauneats.mctuding wIthaut limigation,the power to selt the PcopenY• � r
<br /> ; � =-
<br /> - If tbe�e is a defanlb Tnutee shall,in addition to aay other germitted remedY. at tLe re�of tiae Beneficiary.advertise - .. �4 ...,_,...
<br /> - ` aad sell tfle Fcoperty as a whote or in separate Faioels at pnb7ic a�ian to the hi�s b for cash and coavey ahsotute _ ���:`y
<br /> , ? ride fxee aad c2ear of all righb tftle and mterest of Tnuwr at surh�time aad p�ace as 7tustee deeig�ates.Tnistee shall g'►ve ` �-- `-
<br /> '' notioe of sale induding the time,termg aad plare of sa�e and a descrIptinn of the pmperty w be sold as:equired by the � , �:;,�_��._ � -.
<br /> � . ; applicable law in effect ai the time of the pmposed sate. �,;�` . `�:::---
<br /> , . " �-. � �"T!a'v._'�"_-_
<br /> - [Jpon sale of tfle pmpeny aad w the ext�t not prolu'bited by taw,TrosteE sball make and deHver a deed w the Property
<br /> � sold ahic�h com+eys absolutr dtle w the pu�aser, and after first Pap�nS all fees, cdiarges and oosts, shall ay w _
<br />: . y= Beaefc�azy all �aoneys advanced for:epaus, taxes, insuiaacc. liens,a�and priar�ranB �� .. . .
<br /> �a= thesurpIns. if any.
<br /> -..� ��� ��P���ti�ty�ofSaa�rede�Dceebt, F be prima fade evidence of the facts s�forth thete�n. : -
<br /> .�,..
<br /> -,.--- . .: �:} All semsdies are distinct,c�mnlative and not exclusive,and the Bene&�y Ls endded w all te�dIes provlded at law or -- --
<br /> ' equiry.wh�her or noi expressly set fonh. 'Ihe aoceptaace by Eeaefic�'a�y of any sum m paym�t or patpai paymaent on the . ---
<br /> , . . ... ,'�. Se�aned Deht after the balance is due or is acceterated os after forecIosvre pmceed'mgs are filed s6all nat consdt�ete a . , '�, �
<br /> waiver of Beaefciary's rlghL to requiie complete eare Of any exisdn$defanl� By not e�recdsin$aay zemed9 on Tzusmr'e �.,,�r:y�.
<br /> _ . . _ def�il�Beneftdary does not waive Beuefic�y's dght to lazer considec the eveat a defaWt if it ooatuanes or happeos again. � �,.
<br /> ',:,:.._
<br /> . • , �..
<br /> • - 16.EXPENSFS: ADYANCFS ON COVENANTS; AITORNEYS' FEG4: COLLEC°�ION C031'S. Exc�t whe� , • ��-
<br /> - - prohibited by_law,7'mscor agmes topay all of Benefi 's expe�s if Trostor bmacbss a�+covenaat�n Wis Seqttit9 .r':! ,.
<br />.��•A� I. _ Instcflment.1�tor will a1sQ pay oa demand aay�ount by B�eficiary far insuring,insp�8,p�ese�ving or ;, '��� �-
<br /> ;:.,'.':;,` a€heaa�se pmte�xiag the FiuFinaty aad HeaeficIazy's security interest.'Chese expeoses will bear inteiest from the date of the L,'.. '::' - —
<br /> _:, .;,.,;.�. , I,r�.-yment unt11 Faid 3a fiili�i cte Wghest intemst tate in effect as pm�vtded in the tenus of tlte Sec�ed Deb�7'tustor agrexs . :��=
<br /> �� � tv p all casts aad expenses incuned b�r Beneficiary io colTe�ing, enfoscmg or pmtecda�enefctary's rights and ' �'.,.�.."' ''�
<br /> r ' •� � �es ander this Se�auity Instramen�17ds amonnt may include,bat is not timited W,aitom foes.cmut oosts,and
<br /> 8C.
<br /> �: • � ` % other 1� ex�ea..res. This Security Inscaument shaU zemain ia e�e� until �eleased. Tivswr agrees w pay for any . . ':' .'.,'��
<br /> ,'. ."` . ..'� recoidadoa ca�sof sach retease. M.,... �:�—
<br /> % .. '�:' '�s'"';;
<br /> ,";" - • 1T.El�IVIQtQN1�AL LAWS A1VD HAZARDOU$SUBSTANCES�As used in tbis SecHoa, f 1)F,.nvitanmeatal Iaw � t�_„�____�_
<br /> r .---� m�as.u�ithout I�mCssfon.the Comgnehenslve Environmental Re�ouse, Ca�un and Liab�lity Act(C�CLA.42 -
<br /> � ] 'v.�
<br /> �. U.S.G 960i ei seq. , and all other federal.atate and local laws,�ons, ord�aaACZS, court ocders,auomey geueral , • r���—
<br /> `, `.. : a�p iaion�s or�ve letters conceming ffia pnbllc health,safety,a�,'�re,envimAment o:a hazandons sabstaace;amd(� ,, .'=.-
<br /> � � Harrrdons S�.ance means any toxic, a�ioaarve or hazardaus rc�erial. waste, pollutaat or,contaminant wLicat bas • . .�;y�
<br /> .� . ci�araatedstics wtuch �+ender the sabstanc�daagerous ar potentially�aageraus to tlt�pnblic heaIth, safety, welfa:e or •.T�°.::-..._
<br /> ` :i`, �V110DIIICIIt.�B tBRII]IIC�r3G'Sc'8�WI�I011L ZIIIn'�OIt� SIIbS[SIICfS dCFID2d 8S"118Z'd�ODB I08t2f�8��° °[O7IlC S0j15�8I1L�Si ;�f;-_��.`-:�� ::—
<br /> `� 't,"'" e SI1bSISDC£°U�CT I 8 `
<br /> ;'(�.'. 4'S�OIIS W8S[C OI��S S:S��'IIOIIIDeIIIB��.SW. !�`_' , -
<br /> �•,
<br /> „ .. ..
<br /> . . TtUSIOI fCpiES�Ss Wett8IIt8 8�8gt2C8 tZL.-'� _�.
<br /> ��.' � � A.Bxcept as previonsly diss�osed an�.�atowledged in writing t�Li�aefcciary,no Ha�doas Substance is or wi11 be = -
<br /> locazed,stared or released on or ia the Property.'Ii�is resq'laion does notspply w small qusntitiea of Ha7ardons �
<br /> -,:�: . �� Substances tbat sre geneially reao�w be ap ropriate for the normal use and maint�ance of the Fmperty. _-_:.=F-
<br /> . . , . : '��'Y B.Except as reviousJ disclosed an3 sclmowledg�in writing to BeneBclasy.TtusWr and every tenant have boen,are. . � y'_ '�—'"'r.
<br /> `• . • ' , and sball rpemala ta�11 compliance wltb aayapplicab2e Favironmental laur. . . _ ;�.'''��_
<br /> . .. C.Tmstor sLall�iately notity Bene9c'�ry iP a retease or threateued release of a Haratdans Substaace oocu:s an.
<br /> ' ' . � ; �mder or abwt the Property or ther:is a vlolazlon of any F�vimnmental laa ooncemlag the Pmgeity.1n s�tch an �� �-.
<br /> Pmg t ' �
<br /> ,.. �. . . event.7Yuswr sbaU tske aU necessa�.�cemedia]action in accor�asce witb any F�vironmeutal law. ;�- �:__. �_,,_
<br /> = as
<br /> ,; ,. � D.Ttustor shall immediatel3 notify Bc�Sciary in writiag as soon as Trustor h�s�reason to believe there is any pend�og � � �.
<br /> � � or threatened iavestigaUon. claim, or proceadirg retating to the release or threatened release of�y Ha7ardons �'r�"'�'"'° `= .
<br /> ::i�t � f � � •
<br />` .` . Substance or the violation of any Envlronmental Lsar. . �4�'�'�;.":':` .
<br /> - • � �'}}'�;��� ..
<br /> =��� 18. CONDIII�A'iTON.Trustor arill give B�efleiary psoa�t noitce of any ending or tbreateaod acalion,by privEie or lic • .. .
<br />-•�;� . endtia wp��uatra-se or take aay or all of t�Property through can�n.em3neat Qomain.a��y other means.'�r • . • ,.
<br /> ?. a u t h o r i z e s�fr c l a ry t o incervene 1n TrLStor's aame 9n an y of the above descn'bed acttons or c'a�ms. Ttnstor assi�s to . .. . �.::�,:?'
<br /> __ � Heneficiary[�e proceeds of any awacd or claim for da�ages co�eted aith a oondemnatlon or other takmn of all ar aay . . . •�,��.
<br />= part of the Property. Such procneds sha111re consi�d payments and will be applied as pmvided in @s Security . '.''.ti�F•,...�. ,
<br /> -;,.;,�.�. • � Insttumeat.T6is assignment of prnceeAs is subject w�e tetms of any prtor mmtgage.deet�of unst,se�auity agteement or .. . •
<br />--- , other llen d�mnena
<br /> . , ., . � �
<br />_- � . 19. II�ISURAN��.Trustor sLa11 keep Property lnsured against loss by fue,flaod,tLeft and other har�ds aad rlsks reasonably .
<br /> _. � assoclateA with the Property due to its ,type and loca3ion. 'Ihis insurance shall be maintaiaed ia the ammmts anA for the , �
<br /> . � periads tbat Beaeflciary�.�res. 'I9ie iasurance ca�er providing tHe insurance shaU be chosen by Tcustor subject to � . �
<br /> � � Beneficiary's approval, wtuch shall not be unreasonably withheid. If Tn�stor fails to maintaim the coverage desctibod -
<br />- r-- . - above.Beneflciary may,at Beneficiary's vption,obtain coverage to pmtea Beneficiuy's righta in the Pcoperty aoo�rding . . _:
<br />- � ' to the terms of th�s SecurIty Instcument. • ,
<br />= All lnsuraacs policies and renewala svall bea tabte to Beneflciary and sha111nclude a standard'mortgage clause"and, � '�
<br /> al ccep
<br />-_ where applicable, 'loss payee ctause.'Trustar sha11 immediately notify Beneficlar5+of cancellation or term9nation of the . � . � -
<br /> - - - . insirrance. Beneflciary shall have the rigUt to hold the policies and renewals. Yf Beneficiary requires. Tn�stor shaU -.-. :-...-�-;- -:.
<br /> immediatety give to Beaeficiary a11 receipts of pa3d preminms and renev►►al notices. Qpoa loss, Tnutor shall give . _
<br /> -- ' . immedlate nodce to the insnrance c�rrier and Beneficiary.Bc�neficlary tnay make proof of loss lf aot made lmmedlateIy by � . „ �
<br /> °;,.:• ,� 77ustor. . .
<br />., .; . . i
<br /> . . . ' /p8ge3af4l . •
<br /> :: �
<br /> " ... �• m1890 Bmitan System9.Ine..St.CIOUO.MN It$ppJ97•236t1 iwm RE-OT�NE 14/TJHB . . . ...
<br />-.a�'r-- ----.. � - -.-,- :- i--. .:__..,.
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