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<br /> .���� Hffi�IEFiCIARY:HAIaC q1'' V� R� c�aa � BADIIt t�tP�ID�IStA�iD �,
<br /> . ` .t :�? pzgani�d and exieti�g w�dsr tbe laras of the state of Nebraska � Y
<br /> , -.: ''' . � P•GItArID ISIADIDg I� � 68802 ,�.� � 'j
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<br /> _ ��: Ta�ayer I.D. ##: 47-0098350 _..
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<br /> 2. CONdEYAN�E. For gaad and valnabte oonstdeiaticn. the receipt and sof�ciency of which is acknow2edge0, and to .
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<br /> . .`..! grants,comreqs and selIs t�Ttustee. in ttnst for the benefit of eaefc�ary. Paw . . -
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<br /> -- '::•n ; novi,ar a�.�ay time in the fatu�oe.be part of the reai estate 8�cribe3 above.(all refesred to av°Pmperty"). .
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<br /> aad charges valtdty made gwsuant to Wa S�curlty Instrument.Also.this limitatiton 8oa aat apply to advaaces made nnder
<br />-_ _ -�-—, � � the teims oi Wls Sor.urlty I�osttument to protect Benefrclary's seauity►�d to perform an}r ot the wvenants aontaine4 in t�s -
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<br />_ . � � 4. SFCU1tED DEBT AND F7PTUItE ADVANCFoS.'[he te:m'5etaued Qebt"ls de8ned as foltoars:
<br />-�-;���-.�-.. - • A.Debt iuc�med undet tDe ternas of ell pmmissory note(s).canitact(s).guaraaty(s)or other evtdenoe of debt descxibeA ='
<br /> ' . 6etoa ancl all thelr exteasions, renewals. modlfications or substit�ons. (When refe�ndng the debfs below it ia '
<br /> � auggeste���t�h��t ymt inciudettems auch at 8oviowera'�tumes.note wnotaus.tnterest rates,maJrulty dvtes.ete.J
<br /> at
<br /> _� �:. ' ._ HE�ZITAGE BAI�IIC ZDAN #105329 IlJ 1I� AN�IIJP OF $160,000. ' .
<br /> -,: . . .
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<br /> _..._ __ NEBSiAS1lA�OEED OF iRUST tN01 fQ8 P[�A.F14MC.FHA OR VA USEI /p�9@ 1 0J4I
<br />- . ... � , � �1990 BuQCt!uh5tmna.Ne-.51.CIOUC.MN It$00$97d3411 iartn FEDTJVB/2l21A9 . - .
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