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<br />. . , ihe Sec�red DPbt.whether or not then du�at 8eaefidary's optIoa. Aap applb�atian of pmoeeds to prindpai sball not
<br /> � '��� � r �� ext�d ar poslpone t3�due date of ti�schednled pa aor chan�ge the amount oF smy pay���lay exoess�vt11�e Qsid ` .
<br /> � w We Giantor.If the Prope�y is bx� 7�ua�or a r� w any insutanae olides aad p��eads�Idng `'' �
<br /> .
<br /> , ' ,. ( b�ot�{��e geseqn�isi�d�eny l�efu�acqa�sitian s3aU pass to B�ary w fhe e�a�nt o�the Secaued�ebt iu�diaseiy -�.,:
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<br /> ' � << � :� z�.rs�o�r Fo��ax�s uv��r�aeE. tJnIess athera+�se piovided iou o sepatate a�t,Ttustar wilt aot Oe
<br /> . .. � �� tequited to pay to Seneficiary funds for texes aa�insuranoe ia�ow. .
<br /> - `��j' Zl.�CIAL HEgOATS AND ADIDTIYONAL BOCUIV�PYd'S.7`nistor�vill��ruvide to BeneBciarYupon�4�•�Y
<br />- _ _ ._f`.`__ eta�ment or informatIon Beaeficlary rs�y,deeem r�sonabiq n�ry.'i�msWr agcees to dgn.deli�.an��iie asy -:.-.�
<br /> d
<br /> :�� r����: additioaal doasments or oe�tifrcatioms tbnt B amy max oonslder nec�y w garfer�t,ooat�mte,and presenre Giaat�r's .;�a;.
<br /> t
<br /> � . . abtigations nuder tLis Securiry Iasuamcut and��t�ezt�c�ary s 1��tus on the PrnFe�tS►-
<br /> .. �. . . . �' 22.IOII�iT I�ND�ID1iTIDUAL LIl�BIF.YI'!t!CO�SIGNERS;SQCCF��S AND AS�IGI�T3 BOi)ND.Ali d�Ies under _.
<br /> '. this Secarity Insuum�►t arc joint and mdivcdval.If Tn�swr signs this Serurity tus�t bm dars aot s� aa evid�oe of
<br /> s �icuned Debt aad
<br /> � � . ".�:�.� de6t,Tmswr does so<,nly w atart�age Tmswr's imtecest in the P��e�p��ea�inseaue paymeat of the � ,
<br /> Tnutor does aot agzee co be personally liab2e oa We Secured Deb�Ii tb ty Inst�ument�a guazanty beiweeu
<br /> ee
<br /> . • . • Beaef�ciary and Tnistor.TrustoraS�w waive anq ri tLat may greveat Beaeflc�►fcom bting�ing any action or claim
<br /> 15�stor or an �cy mdebied uad� tne ab�' Ihese rlgtus may ude. bat are not Iimi� w, a�y
<br /> ' . , �e6cie�y or ane a+cacccQic a7s►ws.Trastor agiees tbat�an�anY m tAis Serarity�asu�may e�.
<br /> 7s
<br /> • �or mal�e�y cha��e in tfle te�uss of tt�is��ns�t os aaq���af debi wt�tant Tr�tor's oansent�
<br /> wtll nat release 7Yvstor froffi t�e tams o this Se�Ity�. 8��a and�is of this S�
<br /> �. .�. Instmt� 6lnd and i�euefit ttse saaoes�o�s aad a�igas of Tnutor auA B�cia}.
<br /> . : xi AY'PLICABI.E LAW:SEVE�tABILTTY;�ETATI01�1.1bis Ser.ari�y Insora�i is govemed hy,the taws of� ,��
<br /> . ± t,�: jarIs�CC�on ia wbicf�8eneficiary is ia�ed.exoept to iPie eateas otbecwise�qni�ed�r 4he law�of the jmzs�'uxian cvhae �.�`;
<br /> � � . �,.�` the ptaperty is located.'ibis Seauity Iusffiumeat is Iete�d faliy ia4eg�ated.11d9 Seca�ity YnsO�um�t�y uot be , '
<br /> oomp� �a
<br /> � ' � �aed or medified b y arat a g e e�t.A�y se�xian ia t�is attas�.or aay,ag�emeat ietat�to ,'�+�.
<br /> n ,�'�_ �. the Sea�ued Debt that conflicts w'sth appllcable law wID not be e��e,�taw�xgr�saiy at�pliedIy ge�tl�e
<br /> � ��: var'rat�ans by written sgreement If aay sectIoa of this 8�Instn�ent caanot De eafor�ed aa�zding to its temas,tl�t.
<br /> • = sect�n wID�be seves+etl and tiviIf not affect the eafoneab�7i the�ema�d�of tLis S�itq�Wh�v�as�:
<br />- `.. �.•';':,' the s3ngWar st�all iacIude the pIural and the ptmai the singalar.'Ihe captIans aad headings of the sectians of this Seauitq -=.
<br /> ' : • �� ; Ias�t aze f�r coavenienc�only a�aze not to be a�ed w interp�or de5ae dte te�of tLis S�ity Ias�t.
<br /> ',r,-; �.c•°- � 'r`',�'• �IDL'j9 Of f�3C C552IIi�IA ljllS�Itl�}/TOStIiffi?at. . ___
<br /> 1A.SUOCESSOR TRUSI'EE.Beneficiary,at Benef: ' 's option.map fmm ti�w tim�remuve 7Yustee�d appaiat a ��:-_.:
<br /> � � sacre,ssor trastee without any other foa�ality thaa th�esi on in writi�g.'il�saece�or tcustee,�vItho�c�mrey�moe of e,�'
<br />= the Pcoperty. sLa11 succeed m all the titte,Paarer aad�es ronfetted upoa 7�ustee by this Security lnsam�at aud _ „
<br /> • • aPPlit�blslaw. ,s=;
<br /> �'��:::
<br />- - .,. .. ZS.NdTYCE.Un2e.ss othenvise req�ued by lawaay notice sball t�ep�ven Dy deliver3ng it or by�a�,�it by fust cdass mail. f,��:
<br /> �. � to ihe�PProP�P�Y's addr�s on page �ogthis Seauiry Ins�nt.or w anq athea addre�daigaated in wrlttag. , �.':
<br /> '. � Notice to one a�or m116e deemed to be�a�ce to aU uaswis. �._..:.
<br /> �: : '
<br /> '` Z6.6rlA1VERS. Faccept to the extent pr+ohibit�by law, 'IYustoz waives all appiaiseat�t aad�m�d e�tion rt�ts =
<br /> = i-� te2$ttng tct ttse PsogerEy. --
<br />- --_ � - 27.Q►�'�R TEItMS.�f checked,the follovriag are applicab2e to this Ser�iry Ins�x '-"�'-
<br />--� ' '" � �Llne off Credi�Ti�e Sec�ued Debt�a revolvin liae of caedit tovislan.A1 t�Secaned U�M may be `. '-'
<br /> , reduced w a zero balance.tbis Secur��insanmeut will remain in eff R aatil rel��� � _�.
<br /> . � � 0 Consaudton Loaa.Tbas Secauity Iastrument se�ur.s aa oDligat�oa i.ncueced f�.r the caaastruetton of an impmv�eai -_
<br /> s
<br /> . , `.` ` . . oa the Ptoperty. � . __
<br /> . . _ �F3xt��ilia�g.Tcu�cr�ants w$ear�id2ry a m�rlty intecest in ell goods that(iraaws owas now ar ia�fa�e -
<br /> " aad that�c or w�71 become fup��.ia.ted to ih$ Pmperty. �his Seauity InsWa�a1 suffiaes as a�a . � : �;_',.
<br /> - � �� ; statemeat and any.c�rt�aM,.phowgr�t��r ath�sr�ioduca�on may be tiled of record fat pm�oses of Arttcte 9 oidl� . .;� �._�_•-
<br /> ',�,.�:� Uaiform Commerciai�'a3;. . �, � , . � . � t _
<br /> �_ � . �Rtd�s.The covenants�3 agreements o€eacL�t3rh tIdew cherlced 6etow sie inoospora�eA into and supgts��ettt aad �
<br /> - . . � ;,: .'�::'- . . �t .
<br /> •,.:.. , ` : amead the terms of this S��curity .[CD�x all apglicab2e boxes]
<br /> _ ,. .. , . ; . . -
<br /> .;-
<br /> ❑Coadominium Rider O Plann�d L1nit Dev�opment Rider ❑Other.................. r `
<br /> a:• .�'". .'':�,...�-.: ' � • O Addlttonal Tcarms. ................................ . _ -
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<br /> :..:�. .' SIGNA7'tJRL.4:By slgning heloa�,Tiustor agr�ee to the terms and aovenante conta�ced in th3s SecurIty Insteame�u�in aay .
<br /> � ��. . � i �►ttacLments.Trustor also acknowledgea receipt ot a oopy of thts Securlry lnstrum�ut on t�e Qaie stated an page 1. � . �.
<br />- . :.-1 S1'�ROSTfO�i HCl�'•S. Il�1C. .
<br />__ . � . . .,� �'��• .�::��.........ta�i� c's��ei•.......................................................��. .
<br /> ,. .::_ :; (�m•{ Sia���•,�'�,
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<br />__ � ACSNOWLIDGMENT. ,] Q f/� 1 _ .
<br /> _,:. . .� .. ,; STATE OF.......N�I.�..............................COUM'Y OF.../�`4C�! ....................... j ss. .
<br /> ._..:. .. . .
<br />-_:. ° �' �"°O� This instnunent�va�aclmowled ed before me tt�is.....��t...---....day of....�..Kt 1��................................ �
<br />- - � , � uy..�?Rt�!Y�..�TA��:��.............................. .... ... ................................. . � �:.
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