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<br /> . , � ` i, DAT�A1VD PABTIE.S.11ie date of this Deed of Tnut t�ty Insuvment)is .......��.��...��7................. � :
<br /> ate as fol2ows: � �r`:
<br />, . ;m�t l t e p a rt�e s.their attdmsses aad tax td�am m�mb�s.,if reqnited. �`•s;.:-
<br /> ::,'_":. t . 'tYtUSPOR ��� IIdC. . �
<br /> , . OaRP[lRP�TTC�T .
<br /> � - 715 W. A11�1 S'1R��T. S'tJIZE ##202 � �
<br /> . t�TADIDISiAi�Il). I� 68801 ' .
<br /> "; ;.,��;. T�Cpay+Px I.D. #: 47-07fi0765
<br /> ., µ
<br /> - --�--`Y• 0 Yf checI�d, refer w tite attached Add� insA� he.�ein, for additional Tmswrs. their �ig�and -
<br /> - . � ac�nowtedg�eois. � �
<br /> . , '4� BAl►IIC OF �n� RIVE�t
<br />_ �_� 'PRUS'fEE: � ;
<br /> _ __., - . ��� Q�ORATI@ . _�- - .
<br /> . P.O. BCiX 487 . .
<br /> . '�`' , ATOL�pIV�34, NB 68883 �f„ .�� .
<br />- . . . :4 Taxpayes I.Ef. #: 4?-009$35p � ��`'��'
<br /> � � . ' t�'���=t�
<br /> . � I� . BENBFICWAY:Hi�NI{OF k� RIVS[t s�a Hb12I��BA11II�C��ID ISI�11�ID �,:�.
<br /> . , . . �� p2qanized ansi�ds�s�g� tbe laws o� the state of Neb�aslca � ��`e"�..�
<br /> � 4�
<br /> . P.O. EaX 5].38 ��' �`
<br /> ' ' -'���r r'- c: � Q�A11ID I.SLe�t, NE 68fl02 ' :
<br /> , Taxpayer LD. #: 47{flQ98350 ��_�-�=
<br /> .. . ':� s� ,
<br /> � -_ :�; ��__
<br /> . " �, 2. .CQ.,,.,�Vd•��ANCE. Por gaod and valnabtc conslderation.the r�etyt�d�►of wl�is actauoa+�edged, aad to � °' �
<br /> ;:
<br /> ..'�. �,t: �;ffie S�t?�hi(aeE�d�IaW)and Tmstor's performau�:�lgtis ffi�g Ias�t�k�'x t�t+evqt'�Iq ,�.
<br /> �� .. , ' ,
<br /> 3 �rl�.oa�veAs a�!�tn m T t d t[�.i n�sc f or t h e 6 e ae f i t o f B�l s t y.��t a�o Y a�.t L a f o l l a�g d e b�a 9
<br /> '�;:� t`. r,�.rc _ . ---- - Caunty,Nebrnska: pest og vliaz vas fosmerlq Binck _.— -
<br />-;. � " ' `��� � � S!x (6). of Soutt� Ceaad Islaad, of aast of the Nostiu.est Qetaries of the Nosthveet �= ,� =
<br /> Quarter (NN}i1{�}) ot Seetion 'Nenty I�ro (22).,in To�mship Eleven (11) North. Range ' _
<br /> � � � Nine (9) Nest of the 6th ?.M.. more �articularly described as follava: Eeginning at
<br /> �.��'�•• "� : • a rr�iat aixty six (6b) f¢et soutb of the NosiC�arst cosaer of said II�,ack SiR (6), ��
<br /> � `��:>:`�� ` Souxh Gsaad Islaad� mm�i::� theACe ¢ast and ��rallel with the nosCEt 31ne of said • � _
<br /> . �� � : Block for a distance of one l�uadre8 !ltirey tv� (132) £e¢c, then¢e tusning a righs `�- ,��
<br /> - ' . angle and running south for a dis�ac�e of sixtp siu (E�Z� Eeee, thence turniog •a rigAt ` L�. , ,::
<br />- , � - . � anglo and running vest for a dista�ce of one huudsed ttz.csy two (132) feet to the West '; •°
<br />- • • • {� line of said block, theace taraiag a si he aagle and ruiming aosth fos a distance of _ �.
<br />- ., ' � � �dese��i�t�'r��v�d��oII����°J s�e`i����igf��o�41�;a,�e�e7°wi n��'C3'au a rz�i 9�oY.s�o��s��� e �' ' -
<br /> � 9l�ci pso�Etty tB tacaied 11st�U;�t............._.,.,.. ........................:...at......................................,....... ' . -
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<br /> ';� � ; (Addnss) � (C8Y) . CL6s Code)
<br /> :,;s�,�.: � ':
<br /> :'...:.;it .� 1 'fO�teL VYltl!SIl?j�1f8��'dSC�CIItB.B��OC9. f�Oj�Et['i'e9.s?jIIBf81 i�P�9�OI� 8Ild j�*89 t��Eb�p/8tC!8L� !lp3T�II
<br />_ } Ij�lfBs��C11C9�ell1�WdtEf S[OC�8II�8u @��ffild fI1111IC�1QIOYCIII'�:«S.SIYUC�UL29►f1][h11�9s SIId 1'Epi3CCIIIEGtB�12�i�j►
<br /> � . . now,or at any dme in ffie fvnue.be part of tL•$real estate desaebed abace(till refeered w as"Pmperty"). ,
<br />� ,
<br /> -�`. ,:g:•��:,�; .. • 3. �OBLIGATtON bL'�T.The total principal�mount secured by this Secu¢i�y Inswment ai any ane fu�shall
<br /> -: <�`��.�`� not exc�l$9.��?�$���....................................'Ihis limitat�on of mnoimt does nat inctude interest and otha fees . . .
<br /> - • � ead c�atges validly made pwsuant w this Secauity Instrnment.Also,tb�is limitstion does not apply w adva�ces ma�e�mder .
<br /> - _— the terms of tLis 5ecurity Insnvment to pmtect Benefciffiy's se�urity and to perform aay of the a�ven�nts uuntained ln tbls "..-.°
<br /> - Seauity Insuument.
<br /> '�,, •. , . 4. SECUItL�D DEBT AND P�'HPPUItL ADVANCES.'the term"Secured Debt°�8 QBSIIEd 89 fO�IONB:
<br />�?_--:':... . . . A.Debt 9nautied taader the terms of all pmmissory note(s),contract(s),gua�anty(s)or other evideace of debi descai6ed __ _
<br /> • below ead all thelr extensioas.ren�earals. modiflcations or substituttons. (When relerendng the debts below ld la . :
<br /> auggest�e�Q��th�at yon include iremr ated�os bo�rmvera'names.note amo�mts.fnte�eat mt�t.matu�ty dates.ete.)
<br /> t
<br /> _�. • �� I�RTT�sE BAI�IIC IpAN #105324 IIJ ZIiE AND[A�Tf OF $43,'728.18.
<br /> � .. .�l � .
<br /> _--''- ---;�__��_,} HEBAASNA-OffD OR TRU9T If�iOT i0R FNMA.FNVAC.iNA OR VA USEI (pBQd 10141 �
<br /> - _ . _ �1994 BaRars Syttanf.Ine..5f.tlaW.MN It$00]97•234/1 iorm R2-DT�lP 1123199 . .
<br />...�,� � . , .
<br /> ' .
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