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201209603 <br /> 6. OCcupanCy. Borrower shall occupy, eslablish, and ttse The Yro�erty ae Ron-ower's principn] residence � <br /> withit� 60 days nfu�r tl�c execuCion of this Security instrwuent and sliaLl wntinue Co occupy tl�e Pruperty as <br /> Borrowei°s piinci�eL residence for at least one ycar after C6e date of oecupancy, unless Lender otl�crwise <br /> ngrees in wriCir�g, whicli co��sen[ehall not be unreasona6ly withlieLd, or unless cxtenuaYing cireamstanocs <br /> exist whiuh are bcyond Borruwcr's conL-ol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. L3orrowcr shall nor.dcstroy, <br /> dai�iage or impair the Property, allow llie Properry to deteriornLe or commit waste on Lhc Property. Wlietlier <br /> or not I3a�rowcr is residina in tlie Proper[y, Borrower slial(mainleiu the Property in order lo}�rcvcn[the <br /> Properry fiam deteriornting or decreasing in vnluc due to its condition. Unless it is detcrmined pt�rsuant[o <br /> Scctiai 5 ttiat repair or res[ora[ion is not economicelty feasible, I3orrower shaL] promptly repair Uie Yroperty <br /> if dainaged to avoid further detcrioration or dacnttge. If insurance or condeuma[ioi�pi-oceede are �aid in <br /> connection witl� damage to, or the taking of, the Yroper[y, Borrower shall be responsible for rcpairing or <br /> restm'iiig the Property only i4'Leader l�es rcica,sed proa�:eds for auch pnrposes. Lender may disbursc proceeds <br /> for tl�e� repairs nnd restoration in a single pnymcnt or in a series of progress paymenYs as the work is <br /> cumpleted, if the insurance ur eondemnaCion prucceds are not snff"tcient Co tc�air or restore the Yroperty, <br /> 13orrowcr is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for tl�c coinpletioii of snch repeir or restoration. <br /> Lender or its agcnt may mal<e rea5onablc cuV�ies upon and insp�,rtions of die Property. 7f it lias rcasonal�le <br /> cause, Lender may uispcct tl�e interior of Lhe improvemenCs on the,Property. Lcnder shall give Borrowcr <br /> uoLice at thc Cime of or prior lo such an ineerior inapcction specifying such reasounblc cause. <br /> 8. BOrrower'S Loan Application. Borrowcr shall be in defeidl if�, during Che I,oan appLiwlion proccss, <br /> Borrower or any persons or entities acGng a[ the direction of J3orruwcr or with Rorrower's knowlcdge or <br /> consent gave� materially falsq misleading, or i�nccurntc information or slntements to I.ender(or failed lo <br /> provide Lendc�-widi matcria(i�iformation) in connecUun with thc Loan. Material r�presentations include, but <br /> are not lunited tq representations coiioerning Botrower's occupancy of the Yroperty ns Borrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. if(a) <br /> Borrowcr fails to perfurm thc rnveuants and agrecments containetl io lfiis Secw�iry Bistrument, (b) there is n <br /> legnL proceeding that might significantly affect Lcndci'e interest ia the Property and'or righYs under this <br /> Security Iustruinenc(sucl� as n�roceeding in bankrupley, p�abate, f'or condemnnliou or forfeiture, for <br /> enforcemcnt of a lien which inay ntinin priority over lhis Securiry InsCnm�ent or to e»fbrce Laws or <br /> regulatious), or (c)Rorrower has abzndoned die Properiy, tlicn Lender may do and pay for whatever is <br /> reasonable or npf�ropriate lo pmtecC Lender's interest in tlie Propcity and ri�rhts under tliis Securify <br /> Instrument, including protecting and%or asacssing the value of the Propc�-ry, and securing an�L'or repairing <br /> 41�c ProperCy. Lendcr's actions can include, 6ut are not Limited to: (n)paying any sums secured by a licn <br /> whicl�has priority over lhis Secttriry InsU�umenL; (b) appea��ing in com�l; nnd (c)puying reasonable at�orncys' <br /> fees Iv protect its interesl in the Properry and/or rigl�ts under this Securily Instrument, including its secured <br /> position in a ba��lcruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is nol limitad tq entering Pd�e <br /> Pmperry to matce rcpairs, change Iucks, replace or I�oard up doors and windows, drnin wnlci fi�om pipes, <br /> climinate building or olher code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilieics [urned on or o$�. <br /> Althougl�Lender inay take nction under this Seclioi�9, Lender does�ot h.avc lo do so and is i�ot under ai�y <br /> dury or obligntion to do so. lt is agreed thaC T.ende� incurs uo liabi(iry for nol Ltiking any or all actions <br /> authorized under this Scction 9, <br /> --- -- <br /> 8801G51R16 8801354616 <br /> MEORNSKA-Single Famlly-F&nrileMaelFre�tliaMae UWFORh1 INSTRUMEM WIiH MEI',:S �`_ �Y Form J028�l01 <br /> VMP(� VIdPEA(NF)(1106� <br /> Nlulters KluwerPnanGai Servlces Page e ot 1z <br />