<br /> 21. HazardoUs SubstanCes. As uscd in this Sect.io� 21: (a) '71m_ardous Sub.vtaracer" are those subs�anecs
<br /> delincd as toxic or E�azardo�u subslnnccs, pollut�iits.. or wastes by Environmcntal Law aod the folluwin�
<br /> substanees: gasoline, Iceroset�e, o�her llai��mal�le or toxic peU'olewn prod��ets, toxic pesticides and hcrbicides,
<br /> voLatilc soLve��ts, materials con[tiining as6estos or forinaldetryde, arid r�clioactivc materials; (b)
<br /> "Er�vironmental Laia"meuis fedcral laws nnd tuws of the jurisdictioc�where the Pruperry is located diat
<br /> relate to healtli, safcty or enviroomental proleciion; (c) "Fnrn�oixi��erzful Clemairy"includes any response
<br /> action, remedia] action, or removal action, as defined in Environmentaf Iaw; and (d) an "Envir�on»ee�atal
<br /> Conditinn"means a conditiun ��at can cause, cont��ibute to, or otherwise trigger an Envu�omnenttd Ctcauup.
<br /> Bori�ower shall noe cause or pennit ihe presenee, use, disposaL, s�orage, or rclexse of any Huzardous
<br /> Substanccs, m� threaten Co rclease any Hazardous SuUstances, on or iu ll�e Pro�crty. Borrower sliall not do,
<br /> nor allow u7yonc clse to do, auyC6ing affec[ing[hc Property(a) Uiat is in vio(ation oI'any Enviironmantll
<br /> Law, (b)which crenLes aii EnvironmenGal Condition, or(c) which, due to thc presei�ce, use, or rclease of a
<br /> Hazardous Subst2nce, creatcs a condition Yhat adverseLy nfrcas the value of die Properry. The prcocding two
<br /> sciltcnccs shall not applv to the prescilce, use, or sforage on [I�e Properly of smaLl quantities of IIaznrdons
<br /> Stibstances[hnt tu�c generally recognized lo be nppropriate Co norma( residential uses u�d to mainteuance of
<br /> Che Property(including, but not limited to, ]��¢nrdoiis substances in r,onsm�ier prodttcCs).
<br /> Borrower shall promptLy�ive Lender written notice of(a) nny investi+�,ation, claim, demand, lawsuit a�oQier
<br /> acGon by ai�y govenvnenCat or regulatory ngciicy or privaYe parry involving lhe Property and any Hazardoos
<br /> Substance or lnviroimicnta( Law oP which Bon�uwer has actual lrnowledge, (b) any linvirmvnenta]
<br /> Condition, including but not ]imited to, any spilling, le:.tkiug, discharge, release or threa[of rcicasc of u�ry
<br /> Hazardous SubsCance, and (c) any em�dition caused by[he}�resci�ec, use or release of a Hazardoua Subs�rncc
<br /> which ndverscly affecrs the valt�e uf�he Property. if Borrower lenn�s, ur is notificd by any govermnental or
<br /> regotatory nuthority, or any ptivate pazly, �hat a�iy removal or other ren�ediaCion oi�any Hazardous Substance
<br /> aPPecting the Property is necessary, Borrower sliall piamp8y tal<e all necessvy remedi.�l acLions in
<br /> acem�dance with linviroi�inental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obfigation on Lender lur an
<br /> Environmental Cle�nup.
<br /> Non-Uniform COvenants. 13orrowcr zu�d Lender covena�f and ngrcc as follows:
<br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. LenAer shnll give notice to Borrower prior tu nueleratiun followinQ
<br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or ngreemenY in Yl�is Security Instrument(but not prior ho
<br /> accelcralion under Section 18 uiiless Applicnble i.aw providcs ol6erwise). The notice shall specify: (a)
<br /> tlte dcfautt; (6)the action reqnired to cure the default; (c) a date, uol Iess Lhan 30 days from the date
<br /> fhe notice is given to Burrower, by which the del'ault must be eured; aitd (d) fltal failure to cure the
<br /> default on or befor¢the dat�specified in thc no[ice mny r�sult in acccleration of the sums secured 6y
<br /> this Security insErumcnt and snle of the Properry. 't'lie notice shxll fm�ther infarm Borrowcr of the
<br /> right to reinstate after acecleration nnd the righk to bring a wurf :�ctiun to assert the nmt-existenec of a
<br /> default or any other defense of Borrower tn accelerakion and sale. If the default is nnt cured on m�
<br /> before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option ma�° require immediate payment in full of
<br /> all sums secured by this Security [nstrtunent withuut fm�t6er demand and may invol<e the power of sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender ehall be enkiticd to coliect all expens�x
<br /> incurrecl in porsuing the remedies provided in khis SeeGon 22, including, but not limited to, rcasonable
<br /> attorneys' f'ees xnd costs of titic evidence.
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