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201209603 <br /> (a) Any such agreemenfs will not alTect the Amnunts that Borrower has agreed fo pay for Mortgagc <br /> [nsuranee, ur any uther terms of Ihc Loan. Such agreemenls will not increase tls amount <br /> Borrowcr will uwe for Mortgagc insurancc, and they will nol cntitle Borrowcr to any reTuncl. <br /> (b) Any snch agrcanenls will nnt affect the rights Bon�ower hr�s -if any- with respect ko the <br /> Murfgage Insurance under thc Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or a�y uther law. Thesc ri�ht� <br /> may include the right to reeeive certain disdostu'es, to rcyuest and obkain eana�llntion of the <br /> Morlg�gu Insurance, to have the Mortgage [nsurance lerminnted automatically, :�nd/ur to receive <br /> a rcfimd of any Mortgagc Insurance premiums thuk wcrc uncarned xt thc timc of such <br /> canccllafio� or termination. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. AIL Miscellai�cous Yroceeds arc hereby assignul to <br /> and alixll 6e paid to I.ender. <br /> If d�e Yropeny is damaged, such Miscclla��eous Proeeeds sha(l bc applied to restoration or repnir of the <br /> Properry, if d�e restoiatia� or repair is econouiically feasfble and Lendcr's-sccuriry is not Lessened. During <br /> such repair and resturation period, I.ender shall f�nve thc right Co hold such Miacellaneous Proceeds tmti( <br /> Lender lias liad an opportunily lo inspecf such Yroperty [o aisure die woek(ias been wmpleted [o Lendec's <br /> saUsiacliun, provided that sucl�inspcc[ion shall be undutakei��romptly. Lender may pay lbr thc repairs and <br /> restoration in a si�iglc disbursement or in n scrics of progress payments ns thc wm�lc is completed. Unlcss an <br /> ag�eement is i�iade ui writing or Applicable Law ru�uires in[eresC Go be paid un such Miscellaneous Yroceeds, <br /> Lendcr sl�all noC be required Ic�pay Borrower any iuleresc or carnings on sach Miscellailcous Pinceeds. if the <br /> restoralion or repair is iiot economica�lly fe�sible or Lcnder'a su;urity would be lesseneal, the Misce(laneous <br /> Procezds s1iall bc npplied to the sums secm�cd by tliis Seciirity lnsU-wncnt, whether or not Wen due, with the <br /> excess, if a�y, paid Lo Borrower. Such Miscellnncaus Procuds shall be applicd in the order provided lor iu <br /> Seciion 2. <br /> In the evcnt of a total Caking dest��uctinn, or loss iu valuc of�tlic Properey, the Miscellancous Proceeds shalL <br /> be applied lo die sums secured by Lhis Security Instivment, whcthcr or not C�en dne, witli Lhc cxcess, if any, <br /> paid to L�orruwer. <br /> in the event of e partixl talcing, destruclioi�, or loss in value of the Pru�crty in which Che fair marlcel vnluc of <br /> thc Property invnetlititcly bcfore t6e pa�rial laking, dcstruction, or Loss in vhluc is cqual Yo or greater lhn�i Lhc <br /> amo�nt of Clie sums securcd by diis Secueity Inatrument immediately before ihc paitiat talci�tg, destruction, or <br /> Ioss in value, uniess Borrowcr�nd Lendet otherwisc z�,ree in writin�,, tlie stuns sccurcd by this Security <br /> lnstrmnent shall be teduced by t17c amount of the Miscellaua>us Proceeds muJtiplied by the foltowing <br /> fracGon: (aj the total amounf of 41ic smns secured uimiedinlcly before the parti�( tak[ng, dcstruction, or loss <br /> iu valtie dividcd by(l�) the falr�nuke�value of Che Yroperty iimnediately before flie p2rtinl [nkiug, <br /> destruction, ur loss in valtte. Airy balnnce shdll be paid to Borrowcr. <br /> In thc event of� partinl tal<ing, desL�ucnon, or loss in value of the Property in which Che fair maii<eC vatuc of <br /> Ihe ProperCy immedialely 6cfore the partial talcing, dceh-uction, or loss in vnluc is lese tlian Yhe amount of the <br /> sums securad immediately belbrc tl�e parYial taking, destruction, m�toss in value, unlcss Borrower and <br /> i.ender otherwisc a��ee in wi�iting, Lhc Miscellaneons Yroceeds shall 6c applied to the sums sccw-cd by this <br /> Security Inst�mneul wl�ether or not U�e sums a�-e dien due. <br /> lf Ll�e Property is abandoued by Borrower, or if; eltcr notice by Lender to Borrowcr that die Opposing Party <br /> (as defincd in the next sentence)offere to n��ilce an awud to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to <br /> respond Co Lcndcr within 30 days nftcr thc date the nolice is givcn, Cender is autfiorized I�wllc�:t and apply <br /> the Misezlianwus Proceeds either to restoration or re���ir of Ihc Properry nr to d�e sums secuted by diis <br /> tl801364616 �/Y �` 660135461fi <br /> NF52ASKA-SingleFam➢y-FannlnMaelFradJleMaclINIFORMINSiRUIdENTWITIIldERS ��' Fonr�30281101 <br /> "���L " VMPfiN(N-jry105) <br /> Wolters KlpweY Rnancial Servlces . ?age 10 oi`] <br />