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.� -. � _ ti0120J550 <br />.:��: <br />A part of the Sautheast Qaarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE 1/4 N�V 1/4) of Section Tweniy One (21}, in <br />'T'orvnship Eleven (1�} North, Rrange Nine {9) West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Ne6raska, more garticularly <br />described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the East praperty line of the County Road wbich is located on <br />tl�e approximate North South center line of the South Half of the Northwest Qaarter {S 1/2 NW 1!4) of said <br />Section TFVenty One (21), said point being 167.8 feet Soath of the intersection of the East property line of said <br />County Road with the South line of Anna Stree#, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence proceeding in a <br />northeasterly direction, parallel witi� the South line of .Anna Street a distamce of 189.3 feet; thence 90° righ�, <br />proceeding in a soufiheasterly direction a distance of 127 fee�; thence 90° rigflt, proc.eeding in a southwesterly <br />direction , garallei with the South Iine of Anna Street, a distance af 257.Z feet to a point on the East property line <br />of said County Road; thence in a NortuerIy direction, along the East property line of said County Road, a distAnce <br />of 1�4�3 feet to the point of beginning. <br />